Week 9 Term 3 2023
Thank you to all our special visitors who attended our VIP Day. It was a wonderful morning beginning with the assembly run by 1/2HW. We loved the students proudly showing off their work, classrooms, and school grounds. Thank you to all those who attended. A HUGE thank you to Rowland who so generously supplied the coffee. We raised $175 towards new readers at IHM, thanks to all those who donated.
As this is the last newsletter for the term, I wish you all a wonderful holiday break from lunches, uniforms, school runs and routines. I hope you enjoy time with your children and keep safe. There are several important pieces of information in this newsletter so please continue to read below.
Future Planning For 2024
Last week information was communicated to families via School Stream requesting that they complete the online form ‘2024 Future Planning Information’. We are beginning to plan for the 2024 school year in terms of staffing, class placements and resourcing. To support us in this planning we ask that all families please complete the online form by TUESDAY 26th SEPTEMBER 2023.
Student Centred Conferences
This week our Student Centred Conferences are being held and we hope you are taking up the opportunity to participate. This is an important occasion for your child where they take further responsibility for their learning and their growth as learners is shared, validated, and celebrated.
Many of the children have shared how excited they are about sharing with you. We have had some very positive feedback about the conferences so far and we welcome your views about the experience. Please feel free to either chat to staff or write a brief comment in an email to us and thank you for supporting your child’s growth and development by being part of the Student-Centred conferences.
Referendum - Saturday 14th October 2023
IHM will be a polling station for the Referendum on Saturday the 14th of October. The P & F will be organising a Baked Goods Stall along with a Sausage Sizzle which will include Bacon and Egg Sandwiches. If you can assist on the day or prepare food for the day, please return the paper note sent home or see Julie in the front office.
Announcement – Auslan
I am pleased to announce that in 2024, students will be learning Auslan (Australian Sign Language) and we will be moving away from the language Chinese with lessons that have been run online with Meg Languages for the past few years. In consultation with our School Board, Parent Feedback from the AGM and student and staff feedback, there was strong agreeance that some changes were needed especially in ensuring we could offer a face-to-face language.
Auslan is currently the language for the Deaf. For our IHM students, the benefits of learning sign language could go beyond supporting communication with those who are hearing impaired or speak other languages: there are personal and developmental gains to be had, too. Research has shown that Auslan develops students’ literacy capabilities, increases memory retention, and improves gross motor skills as they are using their hands, which stimulates brain development and mental flexibility. An experienced Auslan teacher has been appointed for 2024 and we will make their announcement to our families when staffing information is communicated to families in Term 4.
Holistic Learning at IHM
Balancing academic, physical, creative, and spiritual learning opportunities are a strong feature of the curriculum at IHM. Some highlights from this term include:
It has been wonderful to see that so many of our children were involved in winter sports - we had 50 soccer players this year. Congratulations to all players on your participation and achievements. Much appreciation and thanks to the coaches:
Under 6 Blue Clare Kelly
Under 7 Yellow Sanjit Dhillon
Under 7 Green Scott Doherty
Under 8 Blue Andrei Gostin
Under 9 Yellow Daniel Trimboli
Under 11 Green Bec Patini
Big thanks also to the team managers, parent helpers and all who have supported the teams and to Astrid-Marie Powell for coordinating.
Catholic Schools Music Festival
This year there are 18 students in the senior choir, performing at the Festival Theatre with other Catholic Schools on Friday 29th September. This is a fantastic number of participants for a school our size. This is a positive reflection on the work of Mrs Rebeiro and the wonderful Music curriculum we offer at IHM. We look forward to watching them on the big stage next week! Many thanks to Kristine Rebeiro our music teacher and choir trainer for preparing our children for this great experience.
Mayoral Make a Book Competition
Congratulations to Augie, Hugo and Ursula who were all winners at the City of Charles Sturt Mayoral Make a Book Competition for 2023. Her Worship the Mayor Ms Angela Evans congratulated each student, and it was a privilege to attend and watch each of them receive their award. We are extremely proud of them all showcasing their creativity and passion for writing.
LLL Survey Winners
Congratulations to Ksenja L, Nadia R and Sunshine M for winning our $50 vouchers as part of completing the LLL Survey. Thank you to all families who participated in the survey. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us continue to strive to be the best school we can.
School Uniform Reminder
It has come to my attention that a number of students are not wearing the correct IHM school uniform (this includes hats). As stated in our Parent Information Booklet:
“The wearing of school uniform can contribute a great deal to the good atmosphere of the school and the sense of wellbeing among students. It can foster a stronger feeling of belonging and can help reduce anxiety caused through materialism. It can also promote a positive image of our school”.
- Full uniform must always be worn unless instructed otherwise by the Principal.
- A written explanation is required from parents and caregivers if a student is not in correct uniform for any reason.
- All the uniform items are available from the Office at any time and can be paid for at time of purchase. Uniform can also be purchased via the Qkr! app. Purchases will be sent home with children the following day.
- Jewellery. If children have pierced ears, only one stud or sleeper earring in each ear is permitted. A wrist watch may be worn. NO OTHER JEWELLERY IS TO BE WORN.
- Long hair must be tied back with scrunchies/ribbons/headbands in school colours ONLY.
- Extreme hairstyles and/or colours are not permitted.
- Nail polish and make-up are not to be worn. Students will be asked to remove nail polish and make-up if worn to school.
A reminder also that as part of our Sun Protection Policy, the wearing of the IHM school hat is now compulsory during ALL OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES. Children will be asked to sit under the verandah if not wearing a hat.
Recent News
Sports Day is coming soon! Week 2 Term 4
- When - Friday 27th October
- Where - Fitzroy Community Club, Swan Court, Renown Park.
- Time - 3:45 - 6:30pm.
- Early Dismissal - Students finish school at 1:00pm on Friday.
- Uniform - Students wear a top in their house colour, school shorts & hat. If you are unsure what house your child is in, please check with the Office.
- Food & Drinks - The Fitzroy Community Club will be having a Sausage Sizzle and their canteen will also be open for families to purchase drinks, coffee, hot chips, ice-cream etc.
- OSHC - Camp Australia will be available from 1:00pm until Sports Day commences. Bookings can be made at http://www.campaustralia.com.au
The children have all been busy practising in readiness for Sports Day and we would love to see as many families as possible come along to see the children taking part in their events and having fun.
Important Reminders for Sports Day
Upon arrival at the Sports Day venue, we ask that the following procedures be followed to keep ALL children safe:
- All parents are asked to drop off their child to their class teacher so that they can be checked in as present.
- All parents are asked to collect their child from their class teacher when we break for tea.
- We ask that all children stay with their class and teacher during activity times; this includes the time after they have finished their sprints and during the closing ceremony.
- If you collect your child before the end of formalities, you will be asked by the class teacher to sign them out.
- At the end of Sports Day the children will be asked to regroup in their classes. Parents are then asked to collect their child from their teacher so that they can be checked out.
The staff thanks you for your support in meeting these requests and look forward to sharing this special event with you and your children.

Student Leaders Vinnies Food Appeal
Thank you to all our families for your fantastic support of the Vinnies Winter Food appeal organised by our School Leaders. Sandra from our local Vinnies Chapter was so appreciative when she picked up the goods from our school last week. Sandra explained to our Student Leaders just how these donations help those most in need in our community. Pictured below are our Student Leaders with just some of the baskets of food presented to Sandra.
Puddle Jumpers Western Food Hub PJ Day Fundraiser
In Term 2 our SRC students and school leadership group ran a Pyjama Day to raise funds for those experiencing hardships due to cost of living in our local area. The money raised was donated to the Puddle Jumpers Food Hub at Hindmarsh. Pictured below are our Student Leaders presenting a cheque for $122 which was raised at our PJ Day at the end of Term 2.
Sacramental Program 2023/2024 Hindmarsh-Findon Catholic Parish
The Hindmarsh-Findon Catholic Parish are once again inviting families wishing to continue the faith journey of their children, to enrol in the Sacramental Program for 2023/2024.
The sacramental journey begins with children celebrating the sacrament of Baptism.
As our Catholic school is significant in the life of the parish, our school and parish staff work together to support families in preparing their children for the Sacraments.
The program will begin this year with the Sacrament of Reconciliation (preparation at school early Term 4, 2023 and the celebration of First Reconciliation at Immaculate Heart of Mary on Friday 15th of November at 9.00am). The preparation and celebration of Confirmation and First Holy Communion will commence in Term 2 and 3 in 2024 (dates to be confirmed).
Families of children in Year 2 or above are invited to contact Paula Clark via email pclark@ihm.catholic.edu.au to organise enrolment forms if they feel their child is ready to prepare for these Sacraments.
If you are seeking Catholic Baptism for your child, please also contact Paula via email.
Immaculate Heart of Mary Family Mass - Sunday 24th September
On Sunday September 24th all families from Immaculate Heart of Mary are warmly invited to join with the Hindmarsh/Findon Parish to celebrate Mass at Sacred Heart Church, Port Road, Hindmarsh at 9.00am.
On this day we will celebrate the 109th World Day of the Migrants and Refugees, with the theme, ‘Free to choose whether to migrate or to stay’. World Day of Migrants and Refugees (WDMR) has been celebrated since 1914. It is a time where we recognise the courage and fortitude of these people and heighten our level of empathy and understanding for the plight and difficult decisions they have had to make.
Students and families from Immaculate Heart of Mary are encouraged to come along to this mass dressed in their national dress or wearing something that celebrates their culture. Children will also be encouraged to read a Prayer of the Faithful or to take part in the Children’s Liturgy. We look forward to seeing many families at this mass to join in celebrating this very special day.
Catholic Charities Appeal
A leaflet was sent home with the eldest child in each family last week inviting those who are able, to support the Catholic Charities appeal for 2023.
The Catholic Charities Appeal was founded in 1941 by Archbishop Beovich to help people in our community who were vulnerable or disadvantaged. Originally the Appeal was established to support the four orphanages that were in the Diocese, now since their closure this appeal supports agencies that the Catholic Archdiocese of Adelaide helps to fund.
The agencies include; Centacare Catholic Family Services, Aboriginal Catholic Ministry, St Patrick’s Special School, Our Lady of La Vang School and the Hutt Street Centre.
If you are able to support this appeal we ask that you please fill in the envelope that is part of this pamphlet and send it directly to Catholic Charities via post – please note no stamp is required to do this. Thank you.
Southern Cross
The current edition of the Catholic newspaper put out by the Archdiocese called, ‘The Southern Cross,’ is available at www.thesoutherncross.org.au
Thought for the Week
“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams”.
Paula Clark
Important Dates
Assembly at 9am (Led by 4/5 FW)
P & F Hot Dog & Jelly Lunch
Choir Performs - Adelaide Festival Theatre 6 - 9pm
End of Term 3 - 12:30pm
Referendum - Voting at IHM
Term 4 Commences
Sports Day - Term 4 Week 2 - 3:45-6:30pm
Year 5 & 6 Camp (30th Oct - 1st Nov)
Mental Health Education Session

Parent/Carer Webinar - Supporting Young People with Transition to Secondary School
Headspace Schools and Communities would like to invite families to attend a Mental Health Education Sessions for Parents and Carers.
For more information please see the attached brochure:
Semaphore Surf Lifesaving Club

Woodville Little Athletics

School Holidays at the Parks

Adelaide Uni School Holiday Program
Adelaide University Sport & Fitness is running our popular Sports Vacation Care Program during the school holidays, for primary school kids only (5 -11 yrs old).
This is an opportunity for children to experience a variety of sports and spend a fun day filled with activities aimed at building social and developing new motor learning skills.
Every day is different with 3 or more sports coached, practiced and played as well as supervised free play and social games
For more information and to register: School Holiday Program - Adelaide University Sport (adelaideunisport.com.au)
Location: Park 10 - Graduates Clubhouse,155 McKinnon Parade, North Adelaide.
Cost: $65 per child
Age: 5 - 11 Years
Times: 8:30am - 5:00pm
Dates: 3 - 6 October & 9 -12 October