Week 9 Term 3 2022
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
As you would be aware, this past week has seen moments of historical significance, marking the end of the reign of the longest serving British monarch, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. She led through decades of extraordinary change in our world and society. For many of us, she has been the only queen we’ve known and she has earned a great deal of respect over her 70 year reign. Right across the globe people have taken the time to remember the Queen.
Cardinal Vincent Nichols of Westminster said, “The wisdom, stability and service which she consistently embodied, often in circumstances of extreme difficulty, are a shining legacy and testament to her faith.”
Queen Elizabeth II leaves behind her a huge legacy of Christian service and of steadfast faith and belief in Christ Jesus, something which as Catholic schools, we aspire to each and every day. Our thoughts and prayers are with her family. May she rest in eternal peace.
The Prime Minister announced that a National Day of Mourning will be observed for the passing of Her Majesty, The Queen, and that a National public holiday will be recognised on Thursday 22nd September 2022. Please note that all schools will be closed on this day.
Student Centred Conferences
This week our Student Centred Conferences are being held and we hope you are taking up the opportunity to participate. This is an important occasion for your child where they take further responsibility for their learning and their growth as learners is shared, validated and celebrated.
Many of the children have shared about how excited they are about sharing with you. We have had some very positive feedback about the conferences so far and we welcome your views about the experience. Please feel free to either chat to staff or write a brief comment in an email to us and thank you for supporting your child’s growth and development by being part of the student centered conferences.
Holistic Learning at IHM
Balancing academic, physical, creative and spiritual learning opportunities are a strong feature of the curriculum at IHM. Some highlights from this term include:
It has been wonderful to see that so many of our children were involved in winter sports - we had 55 soccer players this year. Congratulations to all players on your participation and achievements. Much appreciation and thanks to the coaches:
Under 6 Blue Gary Broadbent
Under 6 Yellow Scott Doherty
Under 7 Andrei Gostin
Under 8 Hayley Falcinella
Under 9 Craig Lewis
Under 10 Michael Esposito
Big thanks also to the team managers, parent helpers and all who have supported the teams and to Che Murray for coordinating.
Catholic Schools Music Festival
This year there are 7 students in the senior choir, performing at the Festival Theatre on Wednesday with other Catholic Schools. We look forward to watching them on the big stage next week! Many thanks to Kristine Rebeiro our music teacher and choir trainer for preparing our children for this great experience.
Music/Dance Program
The students are gaining great skills in weekly music and dance lessons. All year 3 students also learn ukulele each week.
Social Justice Initiatives
Our school leaders have had their thoughts and energies in raising funds for a number of causes. This week they have organized the school disco which will raise funds for Caritas Ukrainian Appeal as well as being loads of fun, no doubt.
As this is the last newsletter for the term, I wish you all a wonderful holiday break from lunches, uniforms, school runs and routines. I hope you enjoy time with your children and keep safe.
Warm regards,
Pauline Kinsman
Recent News
Season of Creation
This week we enter the Season of Creation, an annual celebration which encourages us to listen and respond to the cry of Creation. It begins on September 1st and concludes on October 4th, the Feast of St Francis of Assisi, the patron Saint of ecology. The theme this year is 'Listen to the Voice of Creation' with our attention being drawn to those who don’t have a voice in this discussion such as young people, Indigenous communities, women and those who are vulnerable and suffer the impact of climate change the most. During the Season of Creation we are invited into prayer and communal action to find a shared path by drawing on the wisdom and knowledge of others in order to better care for our common home.
Catholic Charities 2022 Appeal
"Never see a need without doing something about it" was one of the sayings of St Mary MacKillop and is what drives Catholic Charities to assist struggling families and individuals in our community.
In September Catholic Charities have an appeal asking for support to raise funds for some very needy organisations in South Australia. Catholic Charities support a variety of local charities including:
- Centacare Catholic Family Services
- Hutt Street Centre
- Calvary Ain Karim
- Our Lady of La Vang & St Patrick’s Special Schools
- SA Catholic Deaf Association
- Aboriginal Catholic Ministry – Otherway Centre
- Catherine House
An information brochure and ways to donate has been provided to all families.
Wishing you all a safe, sunny and happy break with your families and I look forward to seeing you all in Term 4.
Annette Diassinas
For our RE inquiry, students in 5/6C have been investigating 'How can we bring Hope to our World?'
As part of this unit, students have been developing their own Fundraising plans to raise money for Caritas Australia.
On Thursday 29th September at lunchtime, the students will be setting up Fundraising Stalls to sell a variety of cakes and sweet items.
All money raised will go towards Caritas Australia and any support will be greatly appreciated.
Sports Day is being held this Friday 21st October.
- Where - Fitzroy Community Club, Swan Court, Renown Park.
- Time - 3:45 - 6:30pm.
- Early Dismissal - Students finish school at 1:00pm on Friday.
- Uniform - Students wear a top in their house colour, school shorts & hat. If you are unsure what house your child is in, please check with the Office.
- Food & Drinks - The Fitzroy Community Club will be having a Sausage Sizzle and their canteen will also be open for families to purchase drinks, coffee, hot chips, icecream etc.
- OSHC - Camp Australia will be available from 1:00pm until Sports Day commences. Bookings can be made at http://www.campaustralia.com.au
The children have all been busy practising in readiness for Sports Day and we would love to see as many families as possible come along to see the children taking part in their events and having fun.
Important Reminders for Sports Day
Upon arrival at the Sports Day venue, we ask that the following procedures be followed to keep ALL children safe:
- All parents are asked to drop off their child to their class teacher so that they can be checked in as present.
- All parents are asked to collect their child from their class teacher when we break for tea.
- We ask that all children stay with their class and teacher during activity times; this includes the time after they have finished their sprints and during the closing ceremony.
- If you collect your child before the end of formalities, you will be asked by the class teacher to sign them out.
- At the end of Sports Day the children will be asked to regroup in their classes. Parents are then asked to collect their child from their teacher so that they can be checked out.
The staff thanks you for your support in meeting these requests and look forward to sharing this special event with you and your children.
All the children are very excited about this Friday's Disco which is being held in our hall.
Some reminders:
- 5:30 - 7:00pm - Reception to Year 3 students
- Theme: Come dressed as your favourite character
- 7:15 - 8:45pm - Years 4 - 6 students
- Theme: Casual clothing
- Ticket includes - Pizza, Juice Box, Lolly Bag, Glow Stick and Raffle Ticket
- Money raised going towards Caritas Australia Ukraine Appeal and our new playground.
This week an email was distributed to all families requesting that they complete and return the attached Future Planning Information for 2023.
We are beginning to plan for the 2023 school year in terms of staffing, class placements, resourcing and strategic plans. To support us in this planning we ask that all families please return their form by MONDAY 26th SEPTEMBER 2022. If you did not receive an email please ring the Office. See form attached:
Important Dates
Public Holiday - National Day of Mourning
Early Years Excursion - Ice Arena
Choir Performs - Adelaide Festival Theatre 6 - 9pm
End of Term 3 - 12:30pm (Students can wear casual clothes)
Assembly at 9am - (Run by 5/6 C) - Please note date change
Start of Term 4
Sports Day - 3:45-6:30pm - Term 4 Week 1
Ovingham Level Crossing Project

Messages of Hope

Start of Term 4

Please Note that students will commence Term 4 on:
Healthy Habits

Families are reminded to encourage healthy eating habits for their children when preparing lunches and where possible provide 'Nude Food' - the less packaging the better! No lollies, chocolate bars etc to be brought to school. Thank you.
Year 4/5 FW - Bracelets for Sale

This Friday 23rd September the Year 4/5 students will continue selling their hand made bracelets for $2.00 each at recess and lunchtime or until sold out. Each band is different and all money raised will go towards the SA Deaf Association.
Return Soccer Tops
The 2022 Soccer Season has ended and families are reminded to please wash and return their child's IHM Soccer Top before the end of term. Thank you.