Week 9 Term 3 2021
Dear Families and Friends,
We are almost at the end of what has been a very fast and full term. I wish to convey my thanks to all of you for constantly supporting our values, policies and practices as it makes for a happy, safe and vibrant school community.
Holistic Learning at IHM
For children to flourish it is important that they have a balance between academic, physical, creative and spiritual learning opportunities. This is a strong feature of the curriculum at IHM. Some highlights from this term include:
- Winter Sport and Sports Carnivals
It has been wonderful to see that so many of our children were involved in winter sports - we had 39 soccer players this year.
Congratulations to all players on your participation and achievements. Sincerest thanks to the coaches, team managers and COVID Marshals who have supported the teams. Thanks also to Jane Hidson for coordinating the soccer teams and work with the Association.
Thanks to Jane’s leadership our involvement in other interschool carnivals this term has been strong - students have participated in the SACPSSA Swimming Carnival, Cross Country Carnival and Touch Football Carnival. In Term 4 we will be taking part in the SACPSSA Athletics Carnival as well. It is always great to see that even as a small school we have a high participation rate compared to other schools.
- Catholic Schools Music Festival - This year there are 8 students in the senior choir, performing at the Entertainment Centre Theatre next Tuesday with other Catholic Schools. We look forward to watching them on the big stage next week! Many thanks to Kristine Rebeiro our music teacher and choir trainer for preparing our children for this great experience.
- Music/Dance Program - The students are gaining great skills in weekly music and dance lessons. All Year 3 students learn Ukulele and from Year 4 on there is a Ukulele Club children can choose to be part of. This year we also have a Junior choir the Year 2-4 students.
- Sacramental Program - Congratulations to our First Communicants - they looked like angels on their special Sunday morning! And thanks again to our wonderful APRIM Annette who has also activated the classes for Catholic Charities week next week.
All of the above are just some of the ways we foster meaningful learning experiences and engage the children in ways that they can be active and powerful participants in the school and community at large.
We have many wonderful things to look forward to next term, including the new learning spaces upstairs and hopefully parents being able to enter the school grounds (fingers crossed!). I will update you of any changes before school starts again next term via our School Stream.
As this is the last newsletter of the term, I take the opportunity to wish you all a safe and happy term break! Stay safe and well.
Blessings of peace and goodness to each of you!
Pauline Kinsman
Recent News
First Communion
It was a very special moment when five of our students were able to receive First Communion with their families on Sunday with the Sacred Heart Parish Community. Congratulations to Deborah Garcia Brizuela, Erin Whitehead, James Whitehead, Thomas Wild and Willow Wild. We welcome you all as fully initiated members of the Catholic Church and look forward to continuing to watch your faith journey grow over your lifetime. God Bless.
Feast of the Nativity of Mother Mary
Last Wednesday was the Feast of the Nativity of the Mother Mary. This is an important day in our IHM community given our school name and the important role Mary plays in our Catholic faith tradition.
Last week at the Year 3 Liturgy we discussed a little about Mary. Below is a snapshot of what we discussed.
“We know that everyone has a birthday. The Bible doesn’t say anything about Mary’s birth, but we know that she was born. Like all parents, Mary’s parents probably took one look at their newborn daughter and knew that she was special. Mary’s parents raised Mary as a child of God. When the angel Gabriel told Mary that she had been chosen to be the Mother of Jesus, she already had great faith in God. Her strong faith and trust allowed her to say yes to God’s plan for her.
We cannot be certain what the future holds for any person, but we do know that the life of each person has meaning and purpose. When Mary was born, the world did not know who she was. Sometimes others - and maybe even you—don’t see how special you are.
When we celebrate Jesus’ mother’s birth, we honour Jesus too. We can give honour to both Mary and Jesus by showing respect and concern for one another— remembering we are all created unique and that each person deserves love”.
Catholic Charities 2021 Appeal
"Never see a need without doing something about it" was one of the sayings of St Mary MacKillop and is what drives Catholic Charities to assist struggling families and individuals in our community.
In September Catholic Charities have an appeal asking for support to raise funds for some very needy organisations in South Australia. Catholic Charities support a variety of local charities including:
- Centacare Catholic Family Services
- Hutt Street Centre
- Calvary Ain Karim
- Our Lady of La Vang & St Patrick’s Special Schools
- SA Catholic Deaf Association
- Aboriginal Catholic Ministry - Otherway Centre
- Catherine House
Students at IHM will be having a fundraising event in Week 10 to raise money for the appeal. More information is provided under the SRC section in the Newsletter.
Have a happy and safe fortnight.
Annette Diassinas
SRC Announcement - Catholic Charities Fundraiser
The SRC’s have been meeting fortnightly and decided to hold a Stall Day on Wednesday 22nd September (Week 10) to raise funds for Catholic Charities.
Each class has decided what they would like to do and will be contributing to the day in their own way. Children are welcome to bring money to purchase something on the day. The cost of items vary from 50c to $2.00.
Below is a list of what each class is selling:
R/1M & R/1T Noughts and crosses game, pet rocks
2 H Second Hand books
3 MB Food Stall
4/5 SW Spiders and Guess the Lolly Jar
5/6 C Reverse Raffle & Lolly Bags
New Sand Pits and Equipment
With the Spring weather upon us, students have enjoyed playing in our new sand pits. We have also purchased some sand equipment and mud kitchens. It is great to see so many laughs, sandcastles and other creative play happening.

Last term, Year 3PB focussed on Poetry as one of their Literacy topics. The class enjoyed learning new poetic devices such as rhyme, repetition, onomatopoeia, alliteration and similes. As part of their learning, the class read the book Magic Beach by Alison Lester and were inspired to write their own poems about the beach. They based their poems around their five senses; taste, hearing, sight, smell and touch.
An exciting opportunity then arose for the class to submit their own poems to the Charles Sturt Mayoral Make-A-Book Competition. The students produced outstanding poems as a class book called Magic Beach Poems. Overall, there were 627 entrants in the competition with only three class winners, one being year 3PB from IHM!
This term, Kerryn McDonald, the Literacy and Learning Officer visited students from the Charles Sturt Library Services. On this day, students shared their poems with each other and received a certificate and book voucher to spend as a class.
Their class book is now available in the IHM library. Congratulations Year 3PB on your wonderful efforts!"

End of Term 3
Families are reminded that students finish Term 3 next FRIDAY 24th SEPTEMBER at 12:30pm and can wear casual clothes with a Gold Coin donation for Catholic Charities. Camp Australia OSHC is available on this day from 12:30pm and bookings can be made online.
Start of Term 4
Students commence Term 4 on MONDAY 11th OCTOBER (no Pupil Free Day).
All students must wear an IHM school hat during all outdoor activities NO HAT = NO PLAY.
Hats can be purchased from the Office or via the Qkr! app (Legionnaire $7.00 and Brimmed $12.00).
Late Arrivals
As part of our duty of care, we ask all children that arrive at school after 9:00am must report to the Office before going to class.
2022 Future Planning Forms
Our planning for the 2022 school year has begun and we urgently need these forms to be returned to school by every family so that classes, resources and staffing can be finalised.
Ice Blocks
Students can buy an ice block every Friday at recess time for $1.20 each.
Soccer Tops
The 2021 Soccer Season has now finished and all IHM Soccer tops must be washed and returned to the Office. Thank you.
Important Dates
Choir Performs - Adelaide Entertainment Centre
SRC Catholic Charities Fundraiser
End of Term 3 - 12:30pm
Term 4 Commences
Parent Maths Workshop 2 at 7pm
Year 5 & 6 Camp (25th-27th Oct)
Camp Australia News
Read the latest news from Camp Australia OSHC.
CBC College Senior Campus
Come & Try Day - Wednesday 22nd September
A free, fun-filled educatoinal experience for boys at the CBC Senior Campus.
Christian Brothers College Senior Campus
214 Wakefield Street, Adelaide
Bookings and Information: http://www.cbc.sa.edu.au/come-try
Woodville Little Athletics Centre
Come & Try Little Athletics with Woodville!
Season 2021/2022 starts 18th September
We are a family friendly all-inclusive Club.
Existing and New Members Welcome.
(14-day Free Trial for new members only)
See flyer attached:
Circus Quirkus 2021
Families are invited to view the free online performance of Circus Quirkus 2021. This has been a specially recorded show in front of a live audience, to spread some much-needed happiness and laughter during these difficult times of Covid-19 and ever-changing regulations. It will be available throughout October and can be viewed multiple times from all platforms.