Week 9 Term 2 2023
Dear Parents and Friends,
Can you believe we are almost at the end of term? It has been great to reflect on the term and see the wonderful learning and opportunities the students had. World Environment Day was a highlight along with welcoming OLSH College for Sacred Heart Feast Day and watching our new reception children transition to school ready to start next term. I wish you all well for the school holiday break.
Official Opening Thursday 29th June - 12:30pm
A reminder that tomorrow Thursday 29th June we have the official building opening of the Hall, Administration and Classroom Refurbishment at 12.30pm. As part of the building opening, we welcome Dr Neil McGoran the Director of Catholic Education, Archbishop Patrick O’Regan, Steve Georganas MP, Member for Adelaide who will be representing the Australian Government along with other dignitaries. We encourage all families are welcome to attend. Pleae RSVP via School Stream (under Forms) We look forward to seeing many of you there.
Staffing Changes
Mary Sapio who has been at Immaculate Heart of Mary for the past 14 years has advised she is retiring from education. Mary has been on leave since Term 3, 2022. As a community, we express our deepest gratitude to Mary for her outstanding practice and commitment to our school during that time. She has been instrumental in supporting our students and teachers to continuously strive for excellence and implemented Literacy practices that ensured every child had the opportunity to flourish. Her love of data has ensured IHM always stayed at the forefront of best and personalised educational practices ensuring the best outcomes for all our students. We wish Mary well in retirement with her family and beautiful grandchildren. We will farewell Mary at an assembly in Term 3.
Ms Lucy Mayne our STEM teacher has taken on a full-time position in another school commencing in Term 3. We thank Lucy for her wonderful work with our students over the semester, introducing Science Club and leading our students to use critical and creative skills. We wish Lucy well in her endeavours.
We have appointed Ms Kyra Karagiannidis (Ms K) as STEM teacher for the remainder of the year. Ms K is already known to many of our students as she has been a relief teacher at IHM. We look forward to welcoming Kyra and know she will do an outstanding job as STEM teacher.
IHM Reports Distribution - via Email in Term 2, 2023
As we continue to go paperless in 2023, our school reports will be sent home via email and not a hard copy. All families will receive an email on Wednesday of Week 10, Term 2. We have already identified a significant reduction in paper since all communication was sent via School Stream. The feedback from families continues to be extremely positive. Thanks for your support in making these positive changes for our school community and world.
IHM Reports Semester 1 - General Capabilities
Each newsletter families will be provided with some information about one of the General Capabilities. This week’s focus is Personal and Social Capability. It involves personal and social capability encompasses students’ personal/emotional and social/relational dispositions, intelligences, sensibilities and learning. |
As mentioned in previous newsletters our IHM formal School Reports will be changing this year. Previously in our school reports, we have provided some indication on how your child is performing in reference to the General Capabilities. The General Capabilities in the Australian Curriculum encompass the knowledge, skills, behaviours and dispositions that, together with curriculum content in each learning area and the cross-curriculum priorities, will assist to live and work successfully in the twenty-first century. Families will still receive information about your child and how they are performing with the General Capabilities however, the amount of detail provided will look different.
What students at IHM demonstrate:
- Taking care with work presentation
- Recognising personal qualities and achievements
- Actively participates in learning and demonstrates a positive attitude
- Works independently
- Develops self-discipline and sets goals
- Expresses emotions appropriately
- Recognises others’ feelings
- Displays appropriate yard behaviour
- Works collaboratively in a group
- Negotiates and resolves conflict effectively
Please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s teacher if you wish to discuss your child and the General Capabilities further.
Have a safe and wonderful week.
Annette Diassinas
Recent News

Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Celebration
On Friday 16th June we celebrated the Feast of the Sacred Heart with students from OLSH College. The OLSH students joined us for a Liturgy and then took part in activities with students in their classrooms following a ‘heart theme’.
It was a fun day, with all students enjoying the opportunity to embrace our Heart Spirituality. The day also enabled us to strengthen our relationship with OLSH, our sister school, founded by the ‘Daughters of the Sacred Heart’.
Green Hearts
Each Tuesday at lunch time we hold our ‘Green Hearts’ gardening group. We thank Miriam Davison, for coming in and leading these sessions each week. The students love learning how to care for our environment with the plants that we grow. This week students will be harvesting some of the food they have grown.
Southern Cross
The current edition of the Catholic newspaper by the Archdiocese called, ‘The Southern Cross,’ is available at: www.thesoutherncross.org.au
Thought for the Week
“Dare to be different. Dare to take a stand for what you know is right!”
Paula Clark
We experienced a colourful and warm start to our day last Friday, with students and staff wearing their pyjamas to school. Not only was it a comfortable way to start the day, but it was also a great opportunity for our SRC students to lead a worthwhile fundraiser for our local community raising money for the ‘Western Puddle Jumper’s Hub’.
We raised $122.00 and each gold coin donation will provide a meal for families doing it tough. Thank you to everyone for their kind donation.

If your child or anyone you know has a child that turns 5 before 31st October they are eligible to commence school in Term 3 this year on 25th July. If so, great news - fees for Terms 3 and 4 will be waived. For an Enrolment Form or more information please contact Julie.
There is still time to register for next Term’s Drama class Commencing Monday Week 2 of Term 3 for students in Years 1-6.
Below is the link to register:
Chris Asimos is excited to announce that he is taking expressions of interest for an afterschool drama program in Term 3: Drama Kids! Chris is already familiar to our IHM students after running a 6-week Drama workshop with our students in Term 1.
The program will be led by veteran actor and teacher Chris Asimos, who has extensive experience in teaching and performing.
During the program, students will have the opportunity to develop their acting skills and explore their creativity through a range of activities, games, and exercises. They will also work together as a team to put on a mini theatrical showcase.
Chris Asimos has a wealth of experience in theatre, having performed in a number of productions both nationally and internationally. He has also directed several successful plays and taught drama to students of all ages. With his guidance, students will have the opportunity to learn from one of the best in the business and develop their own skills as actors and performers.
Scholastic Book Fair
Our recent Book Fair was a huge success and we sold over $3,200 worth of books! In turn we were able to purchase 55 new books for our Library. A big thank you to all the families that supported our Book Fair.
Carmel Johnston

Next Thursday 6th July at lunchtime, the Year 3 and 4 students will be selling lots of yummy food to raise money for their upcoming camp. Cost is between 50c and $3.00.
Important Dates
Official IHM Opening Ceremony - 12:30pm
Year 6 Netball Carnival
Semester 1 Reports emailed to families
Cultural Food Day - Camp Fundraiser
End of Term 2 - 12:30pm
Pupil Free Day
Start of Term 3
End of Term 2 - Friday 7th July

A reminder for families that students finish Term 2 next FRIDAY 7th JULY.
School finishes at 12:30pm and students can wear casual clothes for GOLD COIN DONATION. Money raised will go towards the Vinnies Winter Appeal.

We would like to congratulate Camden (1/2HW) and his family who recently welcomed a baby boy into their lives. Camden is now a big brother to Arden.
Creative Character Mask Workshop
School Holiday Activity Idea
One of our parents (Corinna - Juliet's mum) would like to share her Commedia Mask Exhibition which now has its very own Children’s University approved activity sheet which all children in SA can do! Juliet was super excited to be the very first child to complete it.
Also, the Migration Museum will be running mask making workshops during the July school holidays. Children (6+) will take inspiration from the exhibition and then make their own masks using simple art and craft supplies. Below are some pictures of the ones made for the museum’s promotional material.
So in the July school holidays, go along to the Migration Museum to make your very own creative character mask! Click on the link below for bookings:
The Parks Recreation Centre

Learn to Play T-Ball
