Week 9 Term 2 2022
Dear Parents,
It is hard to believe we are already in Week 9 and half way through the year!
End of Semester Reports
This time of the year, teachers’ work particularly hard as they collate evidence of learning progress, reflect on each child’s successes and challenges, and write a formal report which you will receive next week.
I take great pleasure in reading all of the reports from cover to cover, as it allows me to recognise and celebrate every individual child, their unique character strengths and their continuing growth and development. It is amazing to look back and see how far each student has already grown and developed as a learner this year!
It is important that you take the time to read through the report with your child and be careful not to overreact to grades you view as unsatisfactory. Ask questions and encourage them for their efforts. Focus on the positives and help them set new goals for learning in the future. Remember, learning is an ongoing process involving risk taking, success and failure. If you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to discuss these with your child's teacher or myself at an appropriate time.
Next term we build on supporting student learning through evaluation and feedback in our ‘Student Centred Conferences’, which situate the child as an active agent of their learning. Both of these formal reporting processes play a key role in enhancing the important partnership between school and families working together in supporting every child to flourish.
Orientation and Transition
We have a beautiful group of children beginning their transition to school and we are delighted to welcome them and their families as they participate in our Orientation and Transition Program on Wednesday mornings this term. The children, who begin formally next term, will make up a new Reception class.
I am delighted to announce the appointment of Mrs Vittoria Driver who will join our R/1 Community teaching team as the new Reception Teacher. Vittoria has worked in a variety of Early Childhood settings, most recently at Blackfriars School and Early Childhood centre. I know you will make Vittoria and all the new Reception children welcome.
Happy Holidays
As this is the last newsletter of the term, I take the opportunity to wish you all very Happy Holidays. May you delight in the simple, enjoy precious moments, and stay safe and well.
Warmest regards,
Pauline Kinsman
Recent News
Sacred Heart Feast Day
On Friday we celebrated the Feast of the Sacred Heart with students from OLSH College who joined us for a Liturgy followed by various ‘heart themed’ activities for the students.
It was a fun day by all-embracing our Heart Spirituality and continuing to strengthen our relationship with OLSH who is our sister school founded by the Daughters of the Sacred Heart.
Raffle for Jack Peel
A reminder that the raffle fundraising for Jack Peel closes this Friday and will be drawn in Week 10, at assembly on the last day of term. Each family has been provided one raffle book of 10 tickets. They are $2.00 each. We have given you all some extra time to get in those last minutes tickets. Additional tickets/raffle books are available from the Office. Please return all ticket books (sold or unsold) back to the Office by Friday 1st July.
Jack is one of our beautiful students at IHM who has Cerebral Palsy. Jack’s cerebral palsy means he is in pain daily and he struggles to do any of the activities he loves without the aid of a support person or equipment.
In September, Jack and his family will be heading to St Louis, Missouri, USA where he will undergo one of the most advanced surgeries in the world: Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy (SDR). SDR will significantly reduce the pain he suffers and allow him to walk, run, play soccer, keep up in class and make friends more easily. Ultimately, building his confidence and the ability to choose what he wants to do in life.
This incredible surgery and Jack’s time in the US with his family plus all pre and post-surgery costs will be more than $180K.
A reminder of the Prizes:
1st Prize
Charlesworth Nuts, grazing board, 2 x nut bowls and a bottle of Lambrook Spark valued at $130
2nd Prize
Tupperware Microsteamer and recipe book valued at $150
3rd Prize
Olaplex Hair Rescue Kit valued at $95
4th Prize
2 x Adult movie passes, 2 x children's semi-precious stone bracelets, bottle of doTERRA Wild Orange essential oil & lava stone keyring, coloured-glass angel ornament valued at $85
The Raffle will be drawn at an assembly on Friday 1st July. Good luck!
Adelaide Day Centre for Homeless Persons - Winter Warmers
Our House Leaders have been gathering to discuss ways we can make change in our community. As part of this they are encouraging our IHM to community to support those in our wider community who are less fortunate and experiencing homelessness and asking for donations Winter Warmers to the Adelaide Day Centre for Homeless Persons. Items donated can be brand new or in excellent condition.
The House Leaders will place baskets in the classrooms to collect the following items:
- Beanies
- Gloves
- Blankets - the greatest need is for blankets and sleeping bags
- Sleeping bags
- Scarves
- Socks
- Jumpers
- Jackets
Other items needed are:
- Canned goods - soups, tinned meat, baked beans
- Pasta
- Tinned fruit
Baskets will be in the classrooms until the end of the Term 2.
Thank you in advance for your support.
Annette Diassinas
Election Day Thank You
We would like to thank everybody for their support at the recent Election Day stalls. It was wonderful to have so much community involvement and it was a great success. It would not be possible without your help, so thank you very much. We raised $4,572.53 which will go towards a new future playground for our children.
Best wishes,
Nadia & Kate

Important Dates
Year 1/2H Excursion - Botanic Gardens
Transition Visit 2 - New Receptions
Semester 1 Reports Distributed
End of Term 2 - 12:30pm
Pupil Free Day
Students Commence Term 2
End of Term 2 - Friday 8th July
Families are reminded that Term 2 finishes next Friday 8th July at 12:30pm. Students can wear casual clothes - please bring a Gold Coin Donation to go towards the crisis in Ukraine.
If you require care for your children on this day from 12:30pm, bookings are now open with Camp Australia at http://www.campaustralia.com.au
Start of Term 3
Students commence Term 3 on TUESDAY 26th JULY.
Monday 25th July is a Pupil Free Day and Camp Australia is available on this day if you require care for your children.

We would like to congratulate the Davison family on the recent safe arrival of a baby boy. Andrew and Emmett are big brothers to Daniel.