Week 9 Term 1 2022
Dear Parent and Friends,
Welcome to Week 9!
Physical Education at IHM
Physical Education is valued at IHM as an integral aspect of every child's development. There is a strong emphasis on skill development through a physical education program that is based on fine and gross motor skill development. The skills taught in the PE area comprise one of three strands in the Health and Physical Education Curriculum. Mr Che Murray, is our qualified PE teacher (he is a great sports person himself - even runs marathons!). Che conducts lessons with all classes to develop a range of skills and our students are encouraged to have a healthy and positive attitude towards participation and competition.
Well Being and Positive Psychology at IHM
Wellbeing is an integral part of our vision and mission and these days, a critical component in everyone’s lives. On our last pupil free day the staff participated in professional learning about Positive psychology and PERMA, led by Ryan Campbell. The theory and practice behind positive psychology has been part of our strategic approach to wellbeing for staff and students across the school.
Here is a link explaining what’s behind positive psychology, that you might find useful.
What is PERMA?
Explained simply PERMA is the acronym for a model of well-being put forth by a pioneer in the field of positive psychology, Martin Seligman. They contain the vital ingredients of a flourishing life and this is what we incorporate in our curriculum.
Positive Emotions - experiencing happiness, joy, hope, love, gratitude etc.
Engagement - using strengths and being absorbed in the flow of what you are doing
Relationships - building strong relationships with the people around us
Meaning - dedicating time to something greater than ourselves
Accomplishment - having the sense of “I did it and did it well”
The awareness of PERMA can help you increase your well-being by focusing on combinations of feeling good, living meaningfully, establishing supportive and friendly relationships, accomplishing goals, and being fully engaged with life.
Open, respectful and frequent communication between school and home is of great importance for the success of our programs and for every child and indeed family, to have the best schooling experience. Important notices, alerts and reminders are communicated through our School Stream app.
It would be greatly appreciated if all parents took notice of these. We hate to see children missing out on experiences or being unprepared because of notices not being read and notes not being returned. Please keep up to date with what’s happening with our app, it helps your child and the school. And don’t forget, if you ever have any concerns about your child and their learning, please don’t hesitate to contact me, my assistant Annette or the class teacher.
Pupil Free Days Notification
A letter was been distributed to families earlier today via School Stream in relation to additional Pupil Free days announced today; please check your School Stream app.
COVID Safe Protocols
Thank you for adhering to all our safety measures. We have had many children and families impacted by Covid and our staff have done an amazing job of supporting them in any way possible.
Although this is an everchanging landscape, the protocols for school will remain in place until the end of this term. This includes:
- Parents and visitors not on site unless previously arranged
- Mask wearing on site
- Children not attending school if unwell
I will notify you via school stream if there are changes for next term, as soon as I know.
Stay safe and have a fabulous fortnight!
Best wishes,
Pauline Kinsman
Recent News
Congratulations to the school swimming team who represented our school at a Catholic Interschool Carnival last week. The Year 3-6 students represented our school brilliantly with race performance - everyone competing placed either first or second in an event and, and Oliver and Riley placed as Age champions for Year 5 and 6 respectively. Congratulations to the team most importantly on giving it a go, their exemplary behavior and team camaraderie. Thanks to Mr Che Murray, our PE teacher who organized the teams.
Well done to the IHM Swimming Team: Jacob G, Clare D, Alexandra E, Samuel G, Alexandra N, Oliver M, Riley W and Caleb P.

Year 4/5 Poems of Hope
The Year 4/5 community has been unpacking what Hope means to us.
Students have engaged in meaningful discussions, shared images, created posters and viewed clips about Hope.
Students reflected on what Hope means to them and created their own beautiful Hope poems based on the structure of a previously used class prayer called Peace Comes To Me.
Each fortnight we will share more poems from the 4/5 Class in our newsletter.
Alex Ferrier, Suzie Wallace
Recycling Bread Tags and Bottle Tops
Wonder Bread has created a recycling rewards program that our school is participating in. For every 5kg of Bread Tags we collect, we receive points which allow us to obtain free sports equipment. There is some great equipment we can get for our school. The best part about recycling the bread tags is that we are able to reduce the rubbish that goes to landfill. There will be a large box in the front office for Bread tags along with boxes in each of the classrooms. Please ask your family and friends to collect them and bring them to school.
We also ask for families to continue bringing in bottle tops to be recycled also. We did a wonderful job over the past 2 years recycling these plastic items.
IHM House Leaders Broadcast
Gathering as a community for assemblies is an important part of being a school community. Due to COVID restrictions in schools, this is not something we have been able to do this year. In order to keep classes connected, our IHM House Leaders run a weekly Microsoft Teams Broadcast where they share highlights from classes or the yard, important news or information for our school and focus on the many celebrations of hope and love in our school. Ms Kinsman and I could not be prouder of them for organising themselves and being such stronger leaders of our IHM community. Keep up the fantastic effort.
Project Compassion – IHM Coin Challenge
On Friday 8th April our House Leaders have organised an IHM Coin Challenge. Students are asked to bring in as many coins as they like and classes will compete to have the longest line and the most amount of money raised. This is a great way to raise funds for Project Compassion and let our House Leaders be leaders of change in our school community by organising and running events to raise funds and awareness for those in need.
Please see the Flyer created by Alexandra Nikolas for more information.
Have a safe and happy fortnight.
Annette Diassinas
In 1/2 H we have been focusing on working out addition and subtraction word problems using a range of strategies.
We have discussed different ways that we solve addition and subtraction problems like:
- Using our fingers to add up / subtract
- Using a number line
- Using a hundred chart
- Counting on from the biggest number
- Using known facts
- Drawing a picture of the sum – using tally marks or representations
We looked carefully at the language in the word problems and worked out clues to tell us if it was an addition or a subtraction word problem.
We also learnt about the CUBES problem solving method which helps us work our word problems. We even wrote our own subtraction and addition word problems for each other to solve.
Easter Raffle Reminder
Families have one more week to buy or sell their raffle tickets for our Easter Raffle. Every family received a booklet of 10 raffle tickets which will need to be returned (sold or unsold) by FRIDAY 8th APRIL. The raffle will be drawn on Wednesday 13th April. If you require more tickets they can be obtained from the Office. Good Luck and Happy Easter!
School Card
Are you eligible for School Card in 2022?
School Card is a South Australian Government initiative to assist low to middle income earners with education costs.
Please see the table below for income limits:
Number of dependent children |
Combined gross family income limit for 2020/21 financial year |
Gross Weekly school card income level |
1 |
$62,440 |
$1,201 |
2 |
$63,555 |
$1,223 |
3 |
$64,670 |
$1,245 |
4 |
$65,785 |
$1,267 |
5 |
$66,900 |
$1,289 |
Each additional dependent child |
$1,115 |
Add $22 for each dependent child |
If you think you may be eligible, please complete your application for school card online by following the link below:
If you require a paper form, please see Julie or Kristina in the School Office.
If you have any queries in relation to your school fees, please contact Kristina Neumann - kneumann@ihm.catholic.edu.au or 8115 7600 or in person Monday to Thursday.
Kristina Neumann
Jacko's Journey 2022
In September, Jack Peel from class 2/3PB will be embarking on a journey to help him walk, run and jump more easily. Jack has Cerebral Palsy and doing some of the things we take for granted can be really tricky and sometimes impossible. Jack and his family will be heading to the USA so he can undergo a life-changing procedure called Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy (SDR). The surgery will free Jack of pain which he experiences daily and help him move more easily. Jack's mum, Skye, has started fundraising for the journey which includes 6 weeks in the US and 10 months of pre and post operative costs. Her fundraising goal is $180K. So far, she has raised over 100K with the help of Variety SA and other incredible organisations and individuals.
If you would like to follow Jack on his journey, please check out the Jacko's Journey 2022 socials or chat to Skye!
QUIZ NIGHT FUNDRAISER for Jacko's Journey 2022
The Fitzroy Footy Club will be hosting a Quiz Night on Friday 20th May from 6.30pm which will include a silent auction, wine wall, raffle and lots of laughs! All proceeds will be going to Jacko's Journey 2022. This is an adults only event. Come and let your hair down for a night and have some fun!
Tickets are $20 each. Rally your friends and book a table of 10! Tickets will be available in the coming weeks with more information in the next newsletter.
Let's help Jack get to the USA!
Important Dates
IHM Coin Challenge
Last Day of Term 1 at 3:00pm
Pupil Free Day
Pupil Free Day
Pupil Free Day
Students Commence Term 2
Sports Day Postponed
As previously notified in our last Newsletter our Sports Day scheduled to take place this Friday has been postponed until Friday 28th October in Term 4. This was necessary due to the large numbers of staff and students impacted by COVID.