Week 9 Term 1 2021
Dear Parents Families and friends,
Physical Education at IHM
Physical Education is valued at IHM as an integral aspect of every child's development. There is a strong emphasis on skill development through a physical education program that is based on fine and gross motor skill development. The skills taught in the PE area comprise one of three strands in the Health and Physical Education Curriculum. Jane Hidson, is our qualified PE teacher (she was once a great sports person herself!). Jane conducts lessons with all classes to develop a range of skills.
IHM students are encouraged to have a healthy and positive attitude towards participation and competition. Our Twilight Sports evening coming up this Friday, is an opportunity for the children to participate in a variety of athletic and fun events. Being a part of a team, doing your best and having a go is what it is all about. It’s also great chance for families to gather as community, to watch their children and cheer on their favourite team!
Swimming Carnival
Congratulations to the school swimming team who represented our school at a Catholic Interschool Carnival last week. The Year 3-6 students represented our school brilliantly with race performance and most importantly, their exemplary behavior and team camaraderie. Well done, we are proud of you for giving it a go!
Building Project Update
Tenders are currently out for Stage One of our building program. All going well, the program should begin in the April school holidays and will continue through Terms 2 and 3. Our office area and the upstairs classrooms will be relocated within other spaces in the school. The office area will be located in the cottages and the Year 3-6 students will move to the Resource Centre, STEM room and the previous computer room (above Year 2 classroom).
Entrances to the school will be different. The main front entrance will be through the double gates outside the cottages on East Street. Once the builder is appointed, I will be working with them to ensure the least disruption and will let you know as things unfold.
The plans and some visuals are available for your perusal on the community notice board in the foyer around the corner from the office.
We are preparing to evacuate the spaces which will be part of the building program and hope to have everything ready by the start of the school holidays. With all the changes that will enable the building to go ahead, we will all need to be prepared for some inconvenience and be patient.
I will keep you undated as much as possible, so please ensure you check your school stream app for any notices.
OSHC Camp Australia News
After 4 years at IHM, I am sad to announce that Nyree, our coordinator will be leaving to work at Angle Vale, which is close to her home. Nyree has mixed emotions about the move, as she loves our school community and is sad to leave. She has done a wonderful job of building our onsite after school care since 2018 (we started with 2-4 children and now there are up to 28!). I know the children and families will miss her, as the staff will. If you have a chance, please take the time to thank Nyree and wish her well. Fortunately Olivia will be staying with us to ensure some continuity and connection with our children and families.
We are also fortunate to have appointed a new, very experienced coordinator, Michelle Sims who we are looking forward to working with.
Recently, some parents expressed concerns to me over Camp Australia’s change in fee structure. It was good to know these, as I was able to discuss with the appropriate Directors and negotiate a better scenario for families which suit our context at IHM.
Also, with many parents having expressed the need for Before School Care, I have been in negotiations with Camp Australia and I am pleased to announce that we will begin a trial at the commencement of Term 2. Before School Care will operate from 6:30 - 8:30am.
If you have concerns or ideas, let me know, as I am always willing to do what I can to get the best for our children and families.
Looking forward to seeing you all at our Twilight Sports Day.
Have a great week!
Pauline Kinsman
Recent News
We are just over a week away until we celebrate Easter and the Resurrection of Jesus. Whilst we are deep into our Lenten journey there is still time in Lent to stop, reflect and renew.
Lent is a wonderful season in the Church calendar where we can have a spiritual ‘spring-clean’. After all, the word ‘Lent’ means ‘springtime’. Even though we live in the Southern Hemisphere and we are well into Autumn, we can still follow the concept of spring cleaning. Just as a ‘spring-clean’ in our homes gives us a renewed sense of order and purpose, a spiritual spring-clean lifts our spirits, sweeps out the bad habits or attitudes and creates space in our lives for those we care about.
Next week as part of Holy Week, students in Years 3-6 will share recounts of Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday and Good Friday as a whole school.
On Wednesday, Erin and James Whitehead took part in their First Reconciliation and showed their commitment to building their Catholic faith. We are very proud of them both for taking the next step in their faith journey. Later this year they will celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation and First Holy Communion.
Harmony Day
IHM celebrated Harmony Day last Friday and it was beautiful to see our students wear orange or their cultural dress and be proud of the culture and heritage. Harmony Day is about embracing and celebrating new cultures to ensure that everybody is included in society, as well as celebrated for their uniqueness. Students took part in lots of activities with buddy classes and had important conversations about how we act and treat people!
Project Compassion Coin Challenge
Thank you to all our students and their families for donating coins to our IHM Coin Challenge. We raised over $660 for Project Compassion. Well done to Year 2H who had the longest line and raised over $138.
Green Hearts
Each week a core group of Green Heart members atted the lunch time club along with new students who want to join in planting new seeds, weeding and looking after our very special garden. This week we planted some new seeds including thyme, parsley, turnip, carrots and an array of flowers. We are looking forward to watching them grow.
Leading From the Heart - House Leaders Day
Our House Leaders had the opportunity on Monday to gather with other “Heart Schools” including OLSH, St Gabriel’s, St Martin’s and St Brigid’s. Students were able to unpack our school history and charism and look at the leadership qualities they bring to our school and how they continue to grow as leaders in our school and community. Our House Leaders set SMART goals for themselves and will attend more leadership sessions over the year.
Have a safe fortnight.
Annette Diassinas
SACPSSA Swimming Carnival
Congratulations to our IHM Swim Team members who represented the School with pride and great spirit at the South Australian Catholic Primary Schools Sports Association Swimming Carnival last Friday at the SA Aquatic Centre.
Liam, Clare, Oliver, Diya, Riley, Caleb, Ruby, Alexandra N, Noah, Daniel, Lam and Curtis all gave their very best and there were some outstanding achievements throughout the day. Well done to all the swimmers!
Thank you to Belinda W for volunteering to official as a timekeeper for the day and to Meegan M for helping organise our swimmers. Carnivals like this depend on parent helpers and we appreciate all they did.
Jane Hidson
Important Dates
9am Assembly (Hosted by 3MB)
Easter Monday
Good Friday
9am Assembly (Hosted by 4/5SW)
End of Term 1 - 12:30pm
Term 2 Commences
Upcoming Events
Sports Day
Please click on the link below for the Sport Day Program:
Sports Day
When: This Friday 26th March 2021
Time: 3:45 pm to 6:30 pm
Where: Fitzroy Community Club, Sam Johnson Reserve, Swan Court, Renown Park (off McQuillan Avenue)
Sausage Sizzle: The P & F will be having a sausage sizzle during the afternoon.
Volunteers: Please return your volunteer form if you are able to help at the Sausage Sizzle or handing out ribbons at the end of races.
This Friday 26th March all students will be dismissed at 1:00pm - Camp Australia OSHC is available for bookings.
Families are reminded that Sports Day will be a COVID safe event with all the usual conditions in place:
- QR Code check-in at the Fitzroy Club grounds
- Social distancing to be observed
- Use hand sanitiser provided
- COVID Marshalls will be present
Sports Day Program
P & F Easter Raffle
Our P & F are running an Easter Raffle and there are some great Easter baskets to win. Support your child's school and buy some tickets - tickets are now available from the Office - $2.00 each or 3 for $5.00. Tickets will also be sold at Sports Day this Friday. You have to be in it to win it!
Blackfriars Secondary Tours
