Week 7 Term 4 2023
IHM Staffing for 2024
I am very pleased that the majority of our staff are remaining next year, as I’m sure you will agree that they are all excellent, high-quality teachers and education support officers.
We are sad to be saying farewell to Vittoria Driver, Felicia Mihelios and Paula Clark. Ms Driver is pursuing her passion of working back in an Early Learning Centre, Ms Mihelios has taken up a teaching role in 2024 (congratulations to her on her graduation from teaching) and Ms Clark is returning to Stella Maris.
I take this opportunity to thank them all for their amazing work and contribution to our school community. They will be missed, but we wish them every blessing.
We will have an opportunity to farewell Ms Clark, Ms Driver and Ms Mihelios in the final week of term but if you happen to see them I am sure they would appreciate you passing on your thanks and best wishes.
Welcome Visit New Leadership
Today Julie Hancock our new School Principal and Jhovana Fenu our new 2024 APRIM/Inclusive Education Coordinator visited IHM and got to meet all our wonderful students and staff. They were so positively received by everyone and welcomed so beautifully (as I knew they would be) and they both are so excited to begin their journey at Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Class Structures
The class structures and teaching staff for next year are outlined below for your information. You will notice that the class structures are slightly different again this year. This occurs due to the number of students in each year level and how we believe the children will learn best. Having composite classes is our preference for a number of educational, social and wellbeing reasons.
Due to the significant challenges of sourcing a STEM teacher, STEM will not be offered as a Specialist Subject area in 2024. As part of the Australia curriculum, all outcomes will still be met, but this will be done by our very competent teachers as part of their classroom learning. This is not new for teachers, as all IHM teachers already teach Science, Technology and Mathematics as part of their classroom learning.
We have a few staffing changes with the appointment of new leadership and new teachers who we look forward to welcoming in 2024.
The class structures and teaching staff for next year are as follows:
Class Teachers
Year R/1 |
Sophie Mihelios |
Year R/1 |
Kelsey Thompson |
Year 1/2 |
Kyra Karagiannidis |
Year 2/3 |
Catherine Hulley (0.8) and Suzie Wallace (0.2) |
Year 3/4 |
Antonia Papazaharoudakis |
Year 4/5 |
Alex Ferrier |
Year 5/6 |
Isaac Landolfi |
Specialist Teachers
Music, Choir, Ukulele |
Kristine Rebeiro (0.3) |
Physical Education |
Astrid-Marie Powell (0.25) |
Auslan |
Mary Mellon (0.25) |
Visual Arts |
Astrid-Marie Powell (0.25) |
Inclusive Education Coordinator |
Jhovana Fenu (0.4) |
Chaplain |
Suzie Wallace (0.1) |
EAL Coordinator |
Catherine Hulley (Classroom Release) |
Education Support Officer Team
Administration |
Office Manager: Julie Hansen |
Classroom/Student |
Rachel Belperio |
Leadership Team
Principal |
Julie Hancock |
Assistant Principal Religious Identity and Mission (APRIM) |
Jhovana Fenu (0.4) |
Leader of Learning |
Sonia Bianco (0.1) |
Leader of Learning |
Catherine Hulley (0.1) |
Data Coordinator |
Sonia Bianco (0.3) |
School Reports and Meet the Teacher
As we approach the end of another fruitful year at Immaculate Heart of Mary, we would like to
inform you that our school reports will be emailed out on Monday 11th December. Additionally, the class placement for the upcoming year will be included in this email.
The children will have a chance to meet their new class and teacher on Tuesday 12th December. The class placement process has considered parental requests and the valuable insights of your child’s current teacher.
P & F News
As our year comes to a close, I would like to acknowledge the sensational work of the IHM Parents and Friends Committee. They have supported our school in so many ways including Shrove Tuesday, special lunches for the students, Breakfast Club, the Referendum BBQ/Cake Stall as well as donating funds to support resources we need at IHM.
In 2024 the P & F have funded our Bond Blocks Program, Cyber Safe Families Parent Workshop, and decodable readers. The P & F recently donated $3000 to purchase more decodable readers for IHM in 2024. We could not be more grateful to each of them.
I would also like to take the opportunity to thank Cindy Lovegrove and Belinda Kurek for being Co-chairs in 2023. They have done a wonderful job leading the P & F. Both Cindy and Belinda will be stepping down as co-chairs at the end of 2023. On behalf of the IHM school community, I thank them for all they have done.
I would also like to say a fond farewell to Cindy who will be leaving IHM and the P & F after many, many years in the group. Thank you for all your hard work and dedication.
In 2024, we will have two new Co-chairs. I would like to congratulate Erica Fuller and Judith Le Lievre. Thank you for taking on this role and I know you will be a wonderful team and continue to lead the P & F in a positive way.
End of Year Christmas Concert - Friday 1st December
Our end of year concert is this Friday!
The children have all been learning a song within their weekly music lesson and a dance during their dance lesson, with specialist dance teachers from Ground Force Dance Studios. Classes have been practicing and perfecting their songs and dances ready for the concert so prepare yourself for a great night of entertainment.
Families and friends are all invited and can bring along their picnic tea for fun family dinner on the lawns before the concert begins. We look forward to seeing you all on Friday night.
- Where: Concert held on our school grounds
- 5:30pm: Gates Open
- PLEASE NOTE: Parents are responsible for the supervision of their children until they meet with their teacher at 6:00pm
- 6:00pm: Children meet their teacher in classroom to prepare for performance
- 6:30pm: Concert starts
- 8:00pm: Concert ends (approximately)
I am looking forward to seeing you all on Friday night for our End of Year Concert. It’s sure to be full of fun and entertainment!
Have a safe and happy fortnight.
Annette Diassinas
Recent News
Reminder - Vinnies Christmas Appeal
Christmas can be a very difficult time for families, particularly those who are experiencing poverty and disadvantage. The support from our IHM families helps assist St Vincent de Paul to support the people who turn to them for help over the festive season. Together as a community we can make a real difference to their lives.
IHM are again supporting the Vinnies Christmas Appeal in 2023 and we ask families to help by sending donations to contribute to your child’s class Christmas hamper. Our SRC Reps and House Leaders will oversee the organisation of the Vinnies Christmas Appeal this year.
Families are invited to donate the following items:
R/1 M, R/1 T & R/1 D Classes - Toys
Puzzles, games, dolls, blocks, science kits, action figures, baby toys, toys for the beach.
Year 1/2 HW Class - Christmas Theme
Decorations, puddings, cakes, Christmas bon bons, tinned ham.
Year 3/4 P Class - Food
Pre-packed foods e.g. pasta, rice, noodles, tinned veggies, soups, baked beans.
Years 4/5 F and 5/6 L - Food
Baby food, formula, tea, coffee, milo, jam, juices, honey, long life milk.
There will be a basket in each class for families to place their donations.
A member of the St Vincent de Paul Society will collect items during the final week of school, so we ask that all donations are in by Monday 11th December. If you would like you can make your own online monetary donation: https://donate.vinnies.org.au/christmas-appeal
Whole School End of Year Mass & Year 6 Graduation - Tuesday 12th December – 6.15pm
The Whole School Family End of Year Mass is a significant event in the life our Catholic school and at this mass we formally farewell our Year 6 students who have made an amazing contribution to our school.
As this is such an important whole school celebration, we ask that you please place this date in your diary. Please let your child’s teacher know if your child is not able to attend.
Details of the Mass
When: Tuesday 12th December 2023
Being held at: Sacred Heart Church - 252 Port Road, Hindmarsh
Time: Arrive by 6.15 pm - the Mass should be finished by around 7.45pm
What to wear: School Uniform
As children are required to wear their school uniform to Mass, you may send your child to school on Tuesday in casual clothes so that their uniform is clean and fresh.
Why we Celebrate Advent
This coming Sunday, 3rd December, we begin the season of Advent in preparation for Christmas. The Season of Advent offers us each year, an opportunity to seek God within the boundaries of our souls while living outwardly amidst the noise and activity of the world around us.
"Advent: Re-Sowing the Seeds of Faith and Hope”
"The four weeks of Advent allow us time to ponder how Jesus came into this world in such a stunningly humble way. As we contemplate His birth in a bed of straw in a messy stable, perhaps, we see our own life as being a little messy too. Our life is often distracted, self-centred and sometimes leaves us wishing we were better people. But if we can slow down and refocus our attention, we might realise that God is there, waiting to love us even though we have so many unfulfilled good intentions and so many unfulfilled desires about our spirituality."
Congratulations – Sacrament of Reconciliation
Congratulations are extended to Zara and Paige who celebrated their First Reconciliation with Fr Lancy on the 15th of November following our Whole School Reconciliation Liturgy. It was so lovely to see them celebrate this special occasion with so many of their family members there to support them.
Next year will see both girls celebrating the sacraments of Confirmation and First Holy Communion. We ask that you keep Zara, Paige and their families in your prayers as they undertake these next steps in their faith journey.
Southern Cross
The current edition of the Catholic newspaper put out by the Archdiocese called, ‘The Southern Cross,’ is available at; www.thesoutherncross.org.au
Thought for the Week
"We make a living by what we get – we make a life by what we give. "
Paula Clark
Passion Projects
This term, we have been working with our buddies in 1/2 HW to explore a topic of our choice. This has allowed us to be in charge of our learning. Here are some interesting facts we have learnt along the way:
LUCA - In Manchester, one of Etihad Stadiums facilities include a prison cell.
ZARA – The MCG is located in Melbourne, Victoria. It is about 10 minutes from the city. The MCG was established in 1853 which is about 170 years ago.
HARRISON – The Titanoboa is the largest snake to have ever lived on earth. It was 42 feet long.
SOPHIA – Did you know, although they are a mammal, platypuses lay eggs – making them a monotreme. They’re one of only five monotreme species left in existence.
ROSIE – The oldest piece of bubble gum in the world is 9,000 years old.
AARAV - 18.51 million people have bought and play The Legend Of Zelda Tears Of The Kingdom.
NATE – The Fastest completion of any Zelda game was 31 minutes and 37 seconds by Rodrigo Lopez on June 12, 2006.
ALEX – There are over 550 species of passionfruit.
JACOB - The capacity of Adelaide Oval is 53,500. It was built in 1871.
Important Dates
End of Year Concert
P & F Christmas Stall
Year 1/2 HW Excursion - AFL Max
Year 6 Aquatics Day
Year 2 School Sleepover
Semester 2 Reports Emailed
R/1s Teddy Bear Picnic
Meet the Teacher - 11:30am - 1:00pm
End of Year Mass & Graduation - Sacred Heart Church
Farewell Assembly 9am - Led by 5/6L
Year 6 Farewell Celebration - Zone Bowling
End of Term 4 - 3:00pm Finish
End of Term Reminders

Please note the following:
- MS ANNETTE DIASSINAS will be farewelled at our last assembly for the year on WEDNESDAY 13th DECEMBER at 9:00AM - everyone is welcome to attend
- Students finish school on WEDNESDAY 13th DECEMBER AT 3:00PM
- Students CAN WEAR CASUAL CLOTHES (no donation required)
Camp Australia OHSC is taking bookings for:
If you require care for your child/ren on these two days please ensure you book in as soon as possible - BOOKINGS ARE ESSENTIAL!
P & F Christmas Stall

School Holidays at the Parks

Grange Cricket Club

Christian Brothers College
