Week 7 Term 4 2022
Dear Friends and Families,
Welcome to Week 7 of Term 4!
The Importance of Social Justice
Teaching our children to recognize how fortunate they are in relation to many others in the world that are less fortunate, is central to our mission at IHM. Our local and global social justice initiatives form the basis of “Our striving to be God’s Heart here on Earth”. Being socially conscious and aware of changing the world for the better, is an integral part of who we are as a Catholic community and the children learn and are encouraged to be actively involved in these things all year through. It’s been so wonderful to see the many efforts that every class has put in to help a cause this year- Crazy Christmas Hat Day, Be Brave Bracelets, Yummy food and craft stalls, etc.
In December each year each class and their families contribute to our Vinnies Christmas appeal which I alert you to. Please check Annette’s APRIM section further to see what is needed from each class and I thank you in advance for giving generously.
Safety of our Children
I have had several concerned parents complain to me about the disregard some people have when dropping off or picking up their children. Please avoid stopping in the middle of the road, banking up traffic and double parking as they are all hazardous for other cars and pedestrians, including our children and families.
Please remember that the Kiss and Drop zone is a 2 minute pick up or drop off and not for parking or leaving your vehicle. If your child isn’t there when you arrive please drive around the block or park further away. Your cooperation is appreciated.
IHM Staffing for 2023
We have a few staffing changes with the appointment of three new teachers who we look forward to welcoming in 2023.
The class structures and teaching staff for next year are as follows:
Class Teachers:
Year R/1 |
Mrs Vittoria Driver |
Year R/1 |
Ms Sophie Mihelios |
Year R/1 |
Ms Kelsey Thomson |
Year 1/2 |
Ms Catherine Hulley (0.8) and Mrs Suzie Wallace (0.2) |
Year 3/4 |
Ms Antonia Papazaharoudakis |
Year 4/5 |
Mr Alex Ferrier |
Year 5/6 |
Mr Isaac Landolfi |
Specialist Teachers:
Ms Lucy Mayne (0.25) |
Music, Choir, Ukulele |
Mrs Kristine Rebeiro (0.3) |
Physical Education |
Ms Astrid-Marie Powell (0.25) |
Visual Arts |
Ms Astrid-Marie Powell (0.25) |
Inclusive Education Coordinator |
Mrs Annette Diassinas (0.2) |
Chaplain |
Mrs Suzie Wallace (0.1) |
EAL Coordinator |
Ms Catherine Hulley (Classroom Release) |
Education Support Officer Team:
Administration |
Office Manager: Mrs Julie Hansen, Finance Officer: Mrs Kristina Neumann, Resource Centre: Ms Carmel Johnston, |
Classroom/Student Support |
Mrs Angela Vagionas, Mrs Rachel Belperio, Mrs Doris Patini, |
Leadership Team:
Principal |
Ms Pauline Kinsman |
Assistant Principal Religious Identity and Mission |
Mrs Annette Diassinas (0.4) |
Leader of Learning |
Mrs Sonia Bianco (0.2) |
Data Coordinator |
Mrs Sonia Bianco (0.2) |
I’m looking forward to seeing you all on Friday night for our End of Year Concert. It’s sure to be full of fun and entertainment!
Warm regards,
Pauline Kinsman
Recent News
Our End of Year Concert takes place this Friday and all the children (and staff) are very excited to showcase their talents. The theme this year is "The Future is Bright".
Families and friends are all invited (no restrictions this year!) and can bring along their picnic tea for fun family dinner on the lawns before the concert begins. We look forward to seeing you all on Friday night.
- Where: Concert held on our school grounds
- 5:30pm: Gates Open
- Please Note: Parents are responsible for the supervision of their children until they meet with their teacher at 6:00pm.
- 6:00pm: Children meet their teacher in classroom to prepare for performance
- 6:30pm: Concert starts
- 8:30pm: Concert ends (approximately)
Sunday the 3rd of December marks the beginning of Advent, a significant time in the liturgical calendar of the Church. Advent marks the beginning of the Church’s New Year and is a season of waiting and preparation for the birth of Jesus.
The first candle of Advent is purple and represents hope. Our Pillar in 2022 focuses on hope and this first candle is especially important to our IHM community. Pope Francis says “…amid so much darkness, we need to see the light of hope and to be people who bring hope to others.” As we begin the season of Advent, how will you bring hope to others?
Advent Prayer
God of Hope,
You call us to be hope-filled people and to open up a horizon of hope to all.
Help us to open our hearts to others this Advent season and to recognise the
gift of hope you have given us.
Give us the wisdom and courage to bring the warmth of hope to those who need it most.
We ask this in your name.
End of Year Mass and Year 6 Graduation - Tuesday 13th December
Being held at: Sacred Heart Church - 252 Port Road, Hindmarsh
This special whole school family event will be held on Tuesday 13th December. Children need to arrive by 6.15pm and check in with their teacher.
PLEASE NOTE: As children are required to wear their school uniform to Mass, you may send your child to school on Tuesday in casual clothes so that their uniform is clean and fresh.
The End of Year Mass is a significant event in the life of a Catholic school and we also take the opportunity to formally farewell our Year 6 students who have made an amazing contribution to our school.
This is an important whole school celebration and if your child is not able to attend, please let your child’s teacher know. The mass should be finished by around 7.45pm.
Vinnies Christmas Appeal
Christmas can be a very difficult time for families, particularly those who are experiencing poverty and disadvantage. The support from our IHM families helps assist St Vincent De Paul to support the people who turn to them for help over the festive season. Together as a community we can make a real difference to their lives.
IHM will support the Vinnies Christmas Appeal in 2022 and ask families to help by sending donations to contribute to your child’s class Christmas hamper.
R/1’s - Toys
Puzzles, games, dolls, blocks, science kits, action figures, baby toys, toys for the beach.
Year 2’s - Christmas Theme
Decorations, puddings, cakes, Christmas bon bons, tinned ham
Year 3’s - Food
Pre-packed foods e.g. pasta, rice, noodles, tinned veggies, soups, baked beans
Years 4/5 and 5/6 - Food
Baby food, formula, tea, coffee, milo, jam, juices, honey, long life milk
A member of the St Vincent De Paul Society will collect donations on Monday 12th December.
You can also make your own online $ donation: https://donate.vinnies.org.au/christmas-appeal
Our SRC Reps and House Leaders will oversee the Vinnies Christmas Appeal.
Have a happy and safe fortnight.
Annette Diassinas

In what has been a memorable year of sport at IHM, we finished the term on a high at the 2022 SACPSSA Athletics Carnival held at the Bridgestone Athletics Centre in Salisbury on Friday 25th November.
Twenty eight students represented IHM, with many of these putting their hand up to undertake multiple events across the day. That said, we had 3 students walk away as ‘Age Champion’ - Isabella Piesse (Yr 6), Oliver Mullin (Yr 5) and Isla Hopkins (Yr 4). A huge congratulations!
Over the course of the day, students jumped, threw and ran their way around the stadium, with Isabella Piesse also breaking the 400m record by a couple of seconds! The most memorable moment of the day was the willingness of our students to ‘help-out’ and compete in events at a higher grade.
This was particularly evident in the relays, where multiple students ran their own race, and then ran in a higher grade to ensure we could fill a team. Amazing work guys. Well done! We might not have walked away with any relay medals, but you should be proud of the teamwork you demonstrated.
Mr Ferrier and I couldn’t have been any prouder of the group, demonstrating patience, teamwork and determination as they tackled their events. Given the hot conditions, students were always eager to get back to the shade of the tent and ‘chill’. As a reward for their efforts, Mr Ferrier bought all the students a Zooper Dooper, which went down a treat!
Finally, a big thankyou to our volunteers, Meegan Mullin, Kelly McKeon and Michelle Wilson for your help on the day. Without your help and support, days like these are not possible.
Well done to all our students, it was a fantastic day! Can’t wait to do it all again in 2023!
Well done to Isabella Piesse (Yr 6) who recently represented South Australia at the National Athletic Championships in Brisbane. Isabella came 5th in the 800m and qualified for the final where she ran a personal best and finished 7th. She then competed in the medley realy where her team won Gold. Isabella had a great experience meeting athletes from all over Australia. Congratulations Isabella!
Che Murray
What a busy few weeks we have had. Thank you to everyone for supporting the Pizza lunch last Friday. It was wonderful to see those smiling faces enjoying the sunshine and Pizza
Today was the last day for Kytons fundraiser orders and these can be collected next Thursday 8th December after school from the office. Thank you for supporting this yummy fundraiser and contributing towards the playground upgrade.
Last year we held a Gift Stall for the children to buy little gifts for Christmas and the children loved it so much that we are doing it again this year. The Stall will be held at lunchtime on Thursday 8th December outside the Library. Items will be priced between 50cents to $5, so bring along those coins and pocket money to pick up a treasure.
We would like to thank Michelle Chaplin for all her support on the P & F over the years at IHM. This is the end of an era for Michelle as Caleb moves onto High School next year and we wish them all well.
Kate and I have loved leading the P & F over the years and look forward to supporting Cindy and Belinda in these new roles next year. Many wonderful friendships are made in our school community and we would like to thank everyone for their involvement and support throughout the year.
Everyone is welcome to get involved and we meet once a term, so come along next year and join the fun. Please have a safe and enjoyable Festive season, creating wonderful memories with family and friends.
Best wishes
Nadia & Kate
Important Dates
End of Year Concert - This Friday
Teddy Bear Picnic Excursion - R/1s
Christmas Gift Stall - Lunchtime
Year 2 School Sleepover
Welcome Liturgy & Morning Tea - 9am
Year 4/5FW Excursion - Adelaide Aquatic Centre
Semester 2 Reports Distributed
Year 6 Aquatics Day
End of Year Mass & Graduation - Sacred Heart Church
Meet the Teacher - 11:30am - 1:00pm
End of Term 4 - 3:00pm Finish
Year 6 Farewell Celebration - Zone Bowling
Start of Term 1 2023
OSHC - End of Term Bookings

Families are reminded that Camp Australia OSHC will be available for care here at IHM on the following days after school finishes:
- Thursday 15th December 2022
- Friday 16th December 2022
Please remember to book online at: http://www.campaustralia.com.au
After these days, Vacation Care is available at another site. Please check the Camp Australia website for more details.
Sacred Heart Parish Hindmarsh-Findon
Carols in the Courtyard
All Welcome
When: Sunday 11th December 2022
Time: 6:00pm
Where: Sacred Heart Church, 252 Port Road, Hindmarsh
Food & Drinks available for purchase.
BYO picnic rugs/mats/chairs/tables.
Book Fair Thank you
Thank you to everyone that supported the Book Fair last week. We had a fantastic turnout and over $2,000 worth of books were sold which means we were able to get 60 new books for our Library.
Carmel Johnston
P & F Christmas Fundraiser Reminder
*Last Day to Order*
Wednesday 30th November
The P & F have organised a Christmas fundraiser and teamed with Kyton’s Bakery.
Lots of yummy locally made treats including Fruit mince pies, Christmas Puddings, Cookies Slices and their famous Lamingtons, just in time for your Christmas table or gift giving.
Please head to the Qkr! App to place your orders.
Pick up orders from the Office on THURSDAY 8th DECEMBER.

Students in the electorate of Croydon were recently invited to design a Christmas card which Mr Peter Malinauskas MP will use as his official Christmas card for 2022.
We would like to congratulate Natalie B (Yr 4) who won the competition with her winning design. A representative from Mr Malinauskas' office came to the school and presented Natalie with her Certificate and prize. Well done Natalie!