Week 7 Term 3 2021
Dear Families and Friends,
Over the past few weeks, many of you would have seen the saddening and confronting reports and images coming from Afghanistan with the humanitarian crisis unfolding. The discussion around refugees and those seeking asylum has come to the fore and again we hear about countries around the world taking differing stances on how to support those fleeing their homelands. Today, tragically, over 45 million people around the world are displaced due to war, natural disasters, persecution and economic conditions.
The Catholic Church seeks to look after and care for refugees and migrants and we teach that all people have the right to live a dignified life in their homeland. Last Sunday, Pope Francis shared the following sentiments, which I hope will reach those who need our prayers at this time. He stated, “I join in the unanimous concern for the situation in Afghanistan. I ask all of you to pray with me to the God of peace, so that the clamour of weapons might cease and solutions can be found at the table of dialogue…… Only through dialogue, can the battered population of that country – men, women, elderly and children – return to their own homes and live in peace and security, in total mutual respect.”
As a school community, we place our thoughts, hearts and prayers with refugees and those in Afghanistan who are denied their human rights. As a school, we will be exploring how we may help the communities impacted so if you have any ideas or connections please let us know.
Important Notice of Footpath Closure
In order to complete the new Kiss & Drop off zone, new council footpath works and new boundary works, the council footpath along East Street and Fifth Street will be closed off with temporary fencing from the 2/9/21 to the 20/10/21. Please take special care around these boundaries and use the footpath on the opposite side of the roads. Please see map below.
Be Kind - Traffic and Parking Reminders
Please do not park across driveways and respect our surrounding neighbours. I thank you for being extra careful around the roads, slowing down, parking further away in appropriate parking locations.
I ask that you continue to exercise extra care, patience and courtesy in these coming weeks around the adjacent roads to the school for the safety of all, particularly the children.
Child Protection Week - 6th - 12th September
Next week is Child Protection Week, a time to raise awareness that the safety and wellbeing of our children is very important and the job of protecting children is everyone’s business.
At IHM we ensure the safety and nurturing of every child through our curriculum, our policies and practices.
For your information, we refer to the following policies and practices:
- Catholic Archdiocese of Adelaide Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy
- Cybersafety: Keeping Children Safe in a Connected World
- Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum
- Reporting Harm of Children and Young People Procedure 2020
Even though there have been limited opportunities for volunteering because of the COVID-19, I remind parents, grandparents and relatives that if you intend to be a regular volunteer at the school, listening to reading, going on excursions and helping classes in any way, you must have a Working with Children Check and you must have undertaken a Volunteer Induction. The process is simple and there is no cost involved; for more information please contact Julie in the Office.
Fathers’ Day
A special wish to all our fathers and those who take on the role of fathering in some way for our children. Usually we would treat you with a special breakfast but unfortunately due to COVID we are not able to again this year.
We thank you for all you do and for the role you play and responsibility you have in your child’s life. I hope you have a great weekend with your family and remember how important you are.
Blessings of peace to you all,
Pauline Kinsman
Recent News
Congratulations to our 5 students, Deborah, Thomas W, Willow, James and Erin, who participated in the Sacrament of Confirmation on Saturday 21st of August. It was wonderful to see you embrace your faith and make a commitment to your continued faith journey. We are very proud of you all.
Catholic Charities 2021 Appeal
"Never see a need without doing something about it" was one of the sayings of St Mary MacKillop and is what drives Catholic Charities to assist struggling families and individuals in our communities.
In September Catholic Charities have an appeal asking for support to raise funds for some very needy organisations in South Australia. Catholic Charities support a variety of local charities including:
- Centacare Catholic Family Services
- Hutt St Centre
- Calvary Ain Karim
- Our Lady of La Vang & St Patrick’s Special Schools
- SA Catholic Deaf Association
- Aboriginal Catholic Ministry – Otherway Centre
- Catherine House
Along with your newsletter this week, you have been sent a pamphlet with more information about each charity. Any support is greatly appreciated. You can return your envelopes to school by the end of September or send them directly to Catholic Charities in the Reply Paid envelopes. Thank you for your support for these local charities.
SRCs and Catholic Charities - September 2021
As part of Catholic Charities month in September, SRC's at IHM are holding a whole school event on Wednesday 22nd September (Wednesday Week 10) . Each class will organise to sell items on the day (e.g. popcorn, cupcakes, frogs in ponds, pencils etc) with all money raised helping local Adelaide Charities. More information to come in the next newsletter.
From the SRC's
Bottle Tops
I was fortunate to donate all the bottle tops we have been collecting as a school community for the past 12 months to a local recycling organisation called YCA Recycling. As a school community, we donated over 60kg of plastic Bottle Tops which would have otherwise gone in the Landfill. There was A LOT of bottle tops and this meant for every bottle top that was brought in, that was one less plastic item that has goes to landfill. THANK YOU!
Please continue to bring your bottle tops to school, there is a box where they can be donated in our old front office hallway.
Season of Creation
From the 1st September until the 4th October we are in the Season of Creation. This is a time to renew our relationship with all creation, to restore hope, a jubilee for earth that requires new ways of living with creation together. During the Season of Creation, we join each other in prayer and action for our common home.
This year we will be uniting around the theme, “A HOME FOR ALL? RENEWING THE OIKOS OF GOD.” Oikos is the Greek word for “home,” or “household.” By rooting our theme in the concept of oikos, we celebrate the integral web of relationships that sustain the well-being of the Earth.
Have a safe and happy fortnight.
Annette Diassinas
Dear Families,
Thank you for your support of this year's Children's Book Council of Australia Book Week.
The students have taken part in a wide range of literature experiences organised and held at the school. Our collaboration with the Charles Sturt Library has been an outstanding success, with a number of students participating in the Zoomed session of Stig Wemyss (leading children's narrator and author).
The weather was outstanding for the always highly anticipated Dress Up Parade. The costumes are always a feature and the theme of ‘Old worlds, new worlds, other worlds’ revealed some amazing interpretations as well as some familiar and loved tradtional characters!
A big thank you to the parents who lined the streets surrounding the school; they were a wonderful sight!
Mary Sapio
Literacy Support
Data Coordinator

Congratulations to the IHM Senior Soccer Team on their performance in the NWJSA U/12 Cup Games Semi-Final. Despite a hard-fought loss, the team put on a fantastic display of their skills and teamwork and their commitment and energy was amazing! Well done to all involved!
We wish all our soccer teams all the best for their remaining matches of the season over the next two weeks.
SACPSSA Touch Football Carnival - Thursday 2nd September
Good luck to the 30 students that will be representing IHM tomorrow at the Touch Football Carnival. Some reminders:
- Bus departs at 9am - returning to school by 3pm
- Bring a packed recess, snacks, lunch, water bottle, school hat and sunscreen
- Wear correct school uniform.
Jane Hidson
Hats! Hats! Hats!
Families are reminded that as per our Uniform Policy from the 1st of September, all students must wear an IHM School Hat during all outdoor activities. If students do not have a hat they will be asked to sit out from play and stay under cover. NO HAT = NO PLAY.
Hats can be purchased from the Office or via the Qkr! app and please remember to name your child's hat.
Legionnaire Cap - $7.00
Brimmed Hat - $12.00
Student Centred Conferences from 6th - 17th September
These meetings between teachers, parents and children will be held during Week 8 and Week 9. Booking Forms were distributed to all students. If you did not receive one please contact the Office.
On behalf of the IHM community we would like to congratulate Emma and Shane and big brother Harper on the safe arrival of a beautiful boy named Darcy.
School Photo Catch Up Day
If your child was away on Tuesday 31st August and missed having their school photo taken, MSP Photographers will be back next Tuesday 7th September to take photos of any absentees.
Sincere condolences to Alia (Year 2) and her family on the recent passing of her grandmoither. Our prayers are with the you during this very sad time.