Week 7 Term 2 2023

Recent News
Dear Parents and Friends,
Welcome to Week 7. We have an exciting couple of weeks ahead with our official building opening of the Hartzer Hall, Administration and Classroom Refurbishment on Thursday 29th of June at 12.30pm. As part of the building opening, we welcome Dr Neil McGoran the Director of Catholic Education, Archbishop Patrick O’Regan, Steve Georganas MP, Member for Adelaide who will be representing the Australian Government along with other dignitaries. All families are welcome to attend. Please RSVP via School Stream.
IHM Reconciliation Action Plan
At our AGM/Wine and Cheese Night, there was a lot of discussion around our school setting up a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) for Immaculate Heart of Mary. A Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) is a formal statement of commitment to reconciliation and supports whole-scale change towards reconciliation through focusing on the need to develop relationships, respect and opportunities in the classroom, around the school and with the community alike.
IHM has listened to the feedback from families and created a RAP which can be found on our school website and in the front office. If you would like to be part of our RAP Working Group, please email Julie at info@ihm.catholic.edu.au. We will continue to listen to feedback from our families and make important and positive changes to our IHM Community.
Zones of Regulation - Parent Workshop
Thank you to the families who attended the Zones of Regulation Parent Information Session last week. Jordan and Rochelle from Motivate Kids led a very informative session, helping to unpack what regulation is and provide practical information about the developmental pyramid and the brain. A key piece of information from the session was the important role families can play in modelling their emotions and using language with their children on how to unpack different feelings such as happiness, sadness, anger and frustration.
For more information and if you were unable to attend, please find attached the Powerpoint presentation:
Changes to IHM Newsletter
Thank you to all our families for connecting with IHM on School Stream. Through the connection of School Stream and Class Dojo, information is easily and readily shared with our families. We have noticed at school the quick response from families returning permission notes, and from the discussions I have had with families they are enjoying the information coming to them in a quick and easy way without relying on our sometimes-forgetful students to pass all information on.
As information is shared so readily now with families, we have decided to move our fortnightly newsletters to every three weeks beginning in Term 3 to avoid information saturation to families as the majority of our newsletter updates are now coming through School Stream. This means families will receive a Newsletter in Weeks 3, 6 and 9 of the Term.
Parking and Safety around the School
A reminder to all families about the safe practices we need around IHM during drop offs and pick-ups. Our kiss and drop area on East Street is NOT for parking, and please do not get out of your vehicle during that time. Our school staff will happily direct your child to your vehicle. This extends to any family members doing pick up or drop off.
We also remind families: Please do not make 3 point turns out the front of the school, as this again stops the flow of traffic and creates safety issues. When individuals are doing the right thing, traffic flows well and ensures full visibility to keep out students safe. Thank you for your support in this important matter.
IHM Reports Semester 1 - General Capabilities
As mentioned in previous newsletters our IHM formal School Reports will be changing this year. Previously in our school reports, we have provided some indication on how your child is performing in reference to the General Capabilities. The General Capabilities in the Australian Curriculum encompass the knowledge, skills, behaviours and dispositions that, together with curriculum content in each learning area and the cross-curriculum priorities, will assist to live and work successfully in the twenty-first century. Families will still receive information about your child and how they are performing with the General Capabilities however, the amount of detail provided will look different.
Each newsletter families will be provided with some information about one of the General Capabilities. This week’s focus is Knowledge and Skills in Action. It involves the development and application of Literacy, Numeracy and ICT capabilities across the curriculum which is essential to effective learning.
What students at IHM demonstrate:
- In Literacy - Confidently transfers and applies their knowledge and skills to other areas
- In Numeracy - Confidently transfers and applies their knowledge and skills to other areas
- In ICT - Confidently transfers and applies their knowledge and skills to other areas
Please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s teacher if you wish to discuss your child and the General Capabilities further.
Have a safe and wonderful week.
Annette Diassinas
Staff Reflection Day - 9th June
On Friday 9th of June, IHM Staff came together to celebrate our school’s ‘Our Lady of the Sacred Heart’ Charism and to make connections between this Charism and our Connectedness Pillar for this year. Each staff member reflected on their vocational call to work with children and also what led them to want to work in our Immaculate Heart of Mary School Community.
Throughout the day we heard the story of our founders Fr Jules Chevalier and Sr Marie Louise Hartzer and the courageous way they cared for all. Listening to their stories inspired us to think about how we use our school Charism in our interactions with all those in our community.
OLSH Feast Day Friday 16th June
This Friday at 9.40am we will hold a special liturgy in the hall to celebrate the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. This feast day is very dear to our OLSH tradition. On this day several students from Our Lady of the Sacred Heart School will be visiting to help our students celebrate this feast day. The OLSH students will take part in special activities with our students in their classes and will stay to eat Recess with them and join in Recess play.
Year 5/6 L Class Mass Wednesday 28th June
The Year 5/6 class have been exploring the theme of ‘service’ in class this term in Religion lessons and will celebrate this theme in their Class Mass which will be held at 9.00am on Wednesday, 28th June. The class warmly invites all family, friends and parishioners to join with them in celebrating this Mass.
Southern Cross:
The current edition of the Catholic newspaper put out by the Archdiocese called, ‘The Southern Cross,’ is available at: www.thesoutherncross.org.au
Thought For the Week:
‘The secret to happiness is being content with what you have’.
Paula Clark

The Scholastic Book Fair is now on in our Library and will run until next Tuesday 20th June.
Tbe Book Fair is open:
- Before School from 8:30 - 9:00 am and
- After School from 3:00 - 3:30 pm
There are lots of great books to choose and don't forget that books always make great gifts.
See you all at the Book Fair!
Carmel Johnston

Pyjama and Teddy Bear Day - Friday 23rd June
The SRCs are holding a Pyjama and Teddy Bear Day on Friday 23rd June (Week 8) to raise money for Puddle Jumpers Food Hub. Every dollar donated creates one meal for those in need.
Please bring a Gold Coin donation and wear your warmest pyjama’s, fluffiest socks and bring along your favourite soft toy/teddy bear.
Paula Clark
There is still time to register for next Term’s Drama class Commencing Monday Week 2 of Term 3 for students in Years 1-6.
Below is the link to register:
Chris Asimos is excited to announce that he is taking expressions of interest for an afterschool drama program in Term 3: Drama Kids! Chris is already familiar to our IHM students after running a 6-week Drama workshop with our students in Term 1.
The program will be led by veteran actor and teacher Chris Asimos, who has extensive experience in teaching and performing.
During the program, students will have the opportunity to develop their acting skills and explore their creativity through a range of activities, games, and exercises. They will also work together as a team to put on a mini theatrical showcase.
Chris Asimos has a wealth of experience in theatre, having performed in a number of productions both nationally and internationally. He has also directed several successful plays and taught drama to students of all ages. With his guidance, students will have the opportunity to learn from one of the best in the business and develop their own skills as actors and performers.

If your child or anyone you know has a child that turns 5 before 31st October they are eligible to commence school in Term 3 this year on 25th July. If so, great news - fees for Terms 3 and 4 will be waived. For an Enrolment Form or more information please contact Julie.

Important Dates
Scholastic Book Fair - 13th - 20th June
Feast of the Sacred Heart
Choir Hub Assessment at Whitefriars School - 9:00am - 12:30pm
SRC Pyjama Day
P & F Cupcake Day
Assembly at 9am (Led by 3/4P)
Year 5/6 L Class Mass - 9am
Official IHM Opening Ceremony
Semester 1 Reports Distributed
End of Term 2 - 12:30pm
North Adelaide Football Club

Holiday Clinics at Prospect Oval
North Adelaide FC will be hosting holiday coaching clinics throughout the Term 2 school holidays.
Come and have lots of fun playing Footy with our Senior players. This School Holiday Clinic is designed for school aged children from 5-12 years of age. No football experience required. We encourage as many girls and boys to get involved and learn the basic skills of Football.
The clinics will be run by NAFC employees and league Rooster players.
There will be two different sessions:
- 13th July - 5-12 Year Olds
- 14th July - 10-16 Year Olds
Each session includes a BBQ lunch, NAFC T-Shirt and junior membership.
For more information click on the link below:
Registration Link: https://premier.sportsubs.com.au/sanfl/nafc/products/event/football-clinics-774
Hearts United Dinner
The Sacred Heart Catholic Parish invites you to a fundraising dinner for the Parish Community Centre on Saturday 24th June at 7pm at the Nazareth Primary Campus MacKillop Hall.
For more information and how to order tickets click on the link below: