Week 7 Term 1 2023
Dear Parents and Friends,
Welcome to Week 7! We are well and truly into the routines of school now and as usual there is a lot happening which makes for fun and full days.
Wine and Cheese Parent Forum/AGM
The evening was a great night of information, laughter, great wine and connection, where parents and staff discussed future directions and matters involved with high quality learning, wellbeing, and heart spirituality. Everyone at the evening contributed to a terrific atmosphere and it was great to hear so many positive comments about our school, as well as some new ideas.
If you were unable to attend and would like to see or add to the comments/ideas made on the night, please see Julie. These will then be incorporated into our future plans for IHM. “The best always strive to get better”.
Harmony Day Celebration – Thursday 16th March
This Thursday we are celebrating Harmony Day. Harmony Day is a day for all Australians to embrace and celebrate our rich cultural and diversity and for every person to feel good about their heritage and identity.
As part of our Harmony Day celebrations on the day, students can wear orange clothes, or an orange ribbon, hat or accessory. The Year 4/5F class will be running our Harmony Day assembly at 2.15pm on Thursday 16th March. Everyone is welcome to attend.
RE Congress Anaheim
Last newsletter I mentioned a little about my trip to Anaheim for the RE Congress. I wanted to share a little more about my trip.
There were approximately 10,000 people that attend the RE Congress at the Anaheim Convention Centre from all over the world. Over the four days I heard many speakers and took in a lot but the words that spoke the loudest to me were from Archbishop Joseph Espailatt of New York who at the age 46, is the youngest bishop in the USA. He began his opening statement with “My intention is to light a fire — a fire in us,” and he did exactly that.
Throughout the 55-minute speech he reminded me the power of the Holy Spirit, who lives in each one of us. His presentation referenced Scripture, quotes from several religious figures, statistical charts, and pop-culture references. He also extracted data that warned about the dangers of some social media becoming too much of a negative influence. I have never been to a mass where a Bishop has rapped, switched between English and Spanish so naturally, had an entire concert hall hanging off every word. The Archbishop had such a strong message of imploring how the love of God, the mercy of Jesus, and the catapulting effect of the Holy Spirit can help us “stop maintaining the status quo.”
I was so fortunate to be able to attend the RE Congress and hope to bring the many things I learnt into our IHM community.
Have a safe and happy fortnight.
Annette Diassinas
Recent News
Project Compassion
Third Week of Lent - Week beginning Monday 13th March
We are now in the third week of Lent with the Project Compassion story of Priscilla, who lives in the Hwange district in Zimbabwe with her husband, Charles, and two of their grandchildren. Climate change continues to bring unprecedented challenges for people living in the most vulnerable and remote communities in Zimbabwe.
During times of intense drought and food shortages, Priscilla had to commute to the town centre and wait in long queues to collect food.
With the support of Caritas Hwange, Priscilla learnt conservation farming skills to grow drought-resistant crops and started poultry farming to support her family during the current food crisis. Priscilla was able to produce a bumper harvest in her first year of practising in conservation farming. Priscilla also used the funds from her harvest to start poultry farming, which enabled her to sell eggs to pay for her grandchildren’s school fees, books and stationery. The poultry farming provides a safety net for Priscilla and her family during times of hardship, like the current drought.
While the situation in Zimbabwe and across eastern Africa remains dire, the work of Caritas Hwange means that Priscilla can learn the techniques, tools and resources she needs to build resilience and support her family during this current food crisis.
Watch a short film about Priscilla and please support Project Compassion: www.caritas.org.au/project-compassion
Presentation of SRC Representatives for Semester 1 at Harmony Day Assembly
Our SRC Representatives are extremely excited that they will be presented with their badges at assembly this Thursday at 2.15pm and be inducted as leaders this Semester. We look forward to celebrating with all families.
Reconciliation Liturgy
On Wednesday 22nd March at 9.00am we will hold a whole school liturgy to support Daniella T as she prepares to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation following this Liturgy. We keep Daniella and her family in our prayers as she prepares to take the next step in her faith journey. We look forward to seeing families at this liturgy to support the Year 3/4 class who are leading this liturgy.
Southern Cross
The current edition of the Catholic newspaper put out by the Archdiocese called,’ The Southern Cross,’ is available at; www.thesoutherncross.org.au
Thought for the Week:
‘You cannot lose what you have given away’.
Paula Clark
Early Payment Final Reminder
Families are reminded that the final day to receive 5% discount on school fees paid in full is this FRIDAY 17th MARCH 2023.
School Card Applications
School Card provides support to families that hold a Health Care Card or a Pension Card. Applications must be made annually, whether or not you have been approved in previous years. Forms are available at the Office or online; for further information, income thresholds and to apply online, please visit: http://www.sa.gov.au/topics/education-skills-and-learning/financial-help-scholarships-and-grants/school-card-scheme
A 40% discount on Tuition fees applies to all eligible Schood Card holders.

Premier's Reading Challenge Turns 20 in 2023!
Discover the World of Reading…
Our school has had a longstanding commitment to the Premier’s Reading Challenge (PRC). As in previous years at IHM, we integrate the PRC into the class literature and literacy focus. Class teachers manage student participation and reading activity and we encourage families to continue their support and involvement through the school and our magnificent community libraries. Additional Student Reading Records are accessible via IHM or the PRC website.
Key Information about the Premier's Reading Challenge
What is the Challenge?
Currently in its 20th year, it is an annual Reading Challenge open to all students in South Australia. Its primary focus is to promote reading for enjoyment as well as develop general literacy skills through the world of books. At IHM, we strongly promote and support participation in the Challenge at all year levels.
How does it operate?
Students need to read 12 books. Eight of these books need to be from their appropriate year level book list (issued by the Challenge) and the remaining (4) can be of their own choosing (and of a similar standard to those on the list). There are three categories for book selections dependent on the year level of the student: R-2, 3-5, 6-9. The Challenge list books are available in our school library and colour coded to match each category (sticker on the spine of the book). This year students can choose to complete the 20-book challenge to commemorate the challenge’s 20th birthday.
Each student receives a Student Reading Record 2023 to complete in class and the classroom teacher signs it.
When does the Challenge end? - 8th September 2023
Are the students acknowledged for their participation and completion of the challenge?
Students are rewarded for every year of participation and in the primary years of school, the awards are:
Certificate – 1st year
Bronze medal – 2nd year
Silver medal – 3rd year
Gold medal – 4th year
Champion medal – 5th year
Legend medal – 6th year
Hall of Fame medal – 7th year
PLUS a 20th Anniversary certificate if the 20 book challenge is completed this year for the 20th birthday.
Who can I ask for help should I need it?
If you have any questions about the Reading Challenge please ask your child’s teacher or myself. Public libraries also actively support the Challenge. Information is also accessible on the PRC website: http://www.premiersreadingchallenge.sa.edu.au/PRC/
Enjoy the Challenge!
Sonia Bianco

Entries for the 2023 Mayoral Make-a-Book Literacy Challenge are open!
All students are encouraged to write an original book and enter the challenge.
What is the Mayoral Make-a-Book Literacy Challenge?
This challenge is an extremely popular book making community program for budding young authors and illustrators. It runs each year from February to May and is open to any pre-school or primary school aged kid who lives or studies in the City of Charles Sturt council area.
Your entry can be:
- a story, graphic novel, informational, poetry, and on any topic
- English or multilingual
- a physical book, e-book or audio book
- created by yourself, with friends or even your whole class
- up to 1000 words in length.
Judges look for:
- original ideas and themes, creative use of language, sound spelling and grammar
- a balance between beginning, middle and end
- appealing design, payout and format; illustrations that complement the text
- presentation and neatness.
How to Enter:
Physical Books: It is a requirement of entry to complete and sign the Mayoral Make-a-Book entry form which you can ask your teacher for or click here: https://www.charlessturt.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0025/161935/MAB-Entry-Form-2023.pdf to view and download. The completed form must then be attached to the back of the book.
E-Books & Audio Books: Submit your completed piece via this online form: https://www.charlessturt.sa.gov.au/forms/mayoral-make-a-book-literacy-challenge-online-submissions
All entries need to given to class teachers by Friday 19th May 2023.

This term in our class we have been exploring different ways of praying. We created a class prayer chain to show the people we are connected to and the people who we want to keep in our prayers.
Praying in colour was another type of praying we explored. We had quiet music on in the classroom and took our time colouring, adding names to our colouring for people who we are grateful for or people we wanted to pray for.
We also explored Christian Meditation and focused on being still and welcoming Jesus into our hearts. We have enjoyed exploring different ways of praying.
SACPSSA Swimming Carnival - Friday 31st March
If your child is taking part in the Catholic Schools Swimming Carnival, a reminder to please return consent forms and $20.00 carnival fee as soon as possible.
Soccer Season 2023
If your child is interested in playing soccer this year (during Terms 2 & 3) please return the Soccer Registration Form that was distributed to students yesterday by this Friday 17th March. Once teams (including coaches, managers etc.) have been organised families will be notified in relation to payment and uniforms.
Important Dates
Harmony Day Assembly (including SRC Induction Ceremony) at 2:15pm (Led by 4/5F Class)
Harmony Day Celebration - Wear something Orange
Early Payment Discount Final Day
Whole School Reconciliation Liturgy 9am
Year 3/4 Fundraiser - Dress as a Sports Star (Gold Coin Donation)
Assembly at 2:15pm (Led by 3/4P Class)
SACPSSA Swimming Carnival
Easter Raffle Drawn
Pupil Free Day
Good Friday Public Holiday
Easter Monday Public Holiday
Assembly at 2:15pm (Led by 5/6L Class)
End of Term 1 - 12:30pm
Year 3 and 4 Camp Fundraiser

When: Friday Week 8 (24/3/2023)
What: Students come to school dressed as their sporting hero or wear their favourite sport team colours for a GOLD COIN DONATION. e.g. wear an AFL guernsey, team colours, scarf, socks, hat etc.
Why: To raise money to put towards the Year 3 and 4 camp this year.
P & F Easter Raffle

Last week every family would have received a book with 10 raffle tickets for our Easter Raffle. There are 5 Easter Baskets to win and tickets are $2.00 each. The raffle will be drawn on Wednesday 5th April just in time for Easter. More raffle books are available from the Office.
Please return raffle books (sold or unsold) by Friday 31st March.
Happy Easter and good luck from the P & F Committee.
OLSH College Open Day


Join the Fun! Get involved now at the Fitzroy Football Club.
- Starts Thursday 4th May 2023 at 4:30pm
- Contact Tim on 0415 915 380 or email auskick@fitzroy.org.au
NAB AFL Auskick is FREE with the use of the ORSR Sports Voucher or $100 without.
- Enter your 11-digit voucher code (Medicare number + child's ref number) in the comment box at the payment screen.
- Select apply and the price of your order will reset to $0
Nazareth Catholic College Open Day

Mt Carmel College Open Day
