Week 7 Term 1 2022
Welcome to Week 7!
One of my favourite weekends each year is the WOMADelaide festival, held this last long weekend. It’s a wonderful world music festival which celebrates diversity through the music and cultures of the world and the solidarity of people striving for peace and justice in our world. These important messages connect with our own school pillars and who we are at IHM and it is always great to see families enjoying the festival experiences.
Harmony Day and National Day of Action against Bullying
Several special days are happening with our children in the coming weeks, including Harmony Day and National Day of Action against Bullying this Friday 18th March.
To highlight these days, students can wear orange clothes or an orange ribbon, hat or accessory.
Both of these days are about inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone - highlighting a powerful message that bullying and violence is never okay. Our Anti Bullying and Harassment Policy, social skills programs, behavior guidelines and work with children and families, all support this stand every day.
Everyone needs to expect respect and this is a core element of our rules and behaviour guidelines here at IHM.
Please make sure you speak with me and your child’s class teacher if you are ever concerned about any issue.
Ovingham Arts Project
We are also fortunate to be involved in an Art project for the Ovingham bridge area, with Kaurna artist and Kumarninthi director Tjimari and we look forward to that in Week 9.
School Board Members
Congratulations to Corinna on being elected to our school board at our AGM last week. The School Board are significant partners in the strategic decision making and direction setting of our school, a voice that represents all parents in the interest of all children at IHM. Please feel free to speak with our school board members about any feedback you have that is appropriate to be raised at our school board meetings.
Our School Board members are:
Tim Mullin, Lionel Bentley, Jeremy Whitehead, Ruth Jones, Jason Palmer, Corinna Di Niro, Nadia Rowe.
I thank you all for your commitment, time and energy to make IHM a great school.
State Election
Make your vote count for your child’s education.
As we head towards a State Election, you are encouraged to consider how each political party is promising to support our Catholic schools.
Catholic Education South Australia has asked Political Parties to respond to a number of issues that are important to ensure that every child receives the best education possible.
CESA encourage you to read the full statement made by each party, including any additional promises, on the CESA website: https://www.cesa.catholic.edu.au/news/state-election
Sports Day Postponed to Term 4
There is no doubt that COVID is teaching us to be flexible, manage quickly and go with the flow. Unfortunately, due to large numbers of staff and students being impacted by COVID, Sports Day will be postponed until Friday 28th October, Term 4.
It will still be a Twilight sports day and community event. We hope that this change will allow for maximum participation from the whole community, with family fun and enjoyment. Fingers crossed!
Have a wonderful week, stay safe and well!
Warm regards,
Pauline Kinsman
Recent News
We are well and truly into the season of Lent. During this season of Lent students have been learning about the three traditional pillars of Lent which are prayer, fasting and almsgiving.
Families now have a Project Compassion box for compassionate donations. The theme for Project Compassion 2022 is ‘For All Future Generations’ and reminds us that the good that we do today will extend and impact the lives of generations to come.
This year we are encouraging students to follow the 2022 Project Compassion theme ‘For All Future Generations’ by thinking about the world they want to grow up in and what legacy they want to leave the next generation.
Feast of St Patrick
March 17th is the feast day of St Patrick. St Patrick was born in Roman Britain around the end of the fourth century and he died in Ireland about the middle of the fifth century. St Patrick faced hardship as a missionary bishop in Ireland, and opposition even from his friends and fellow Christians. He is remembered for his simplicity and pastoral care and for his humble trust in God.
St Patrick is specially honoured in Australia because of the many Irish people who came to settle here and brought with them the faith and love of St Patrick. The Catholic Church in Australia was largely founded by the Irish missionaries and Irish migrants.
Year 4/5 FW Hope Poems
The Year 4/5 community has been unpacking what Hope means to us.
Students have engaged in meaningful discussions, shared images, created posters and viewed clips about Hope.
Students reflected on what Hope means to them and created their own beautiful Hope poems based on the structure of a previously used class prayer called Peace Comes To Me.
Annette Diassinas
On Friday the 4th of March the whole school took part in Clean Up Australia Day. It was a wonderful day with the students getting out into the community and collecting rubbish. For many of the students it was an eye opening experience to realise just how much rubbish can be found even though an area was looking clean on the surface.
Lots of places had small pieces of rubbish such as cigarette butts, bottle tops and small bits of plastic. A big thank you to our teachers and PTP Alliance who came and supported our classes collecting rubbish and giving students a fantastic talk on the importance of recycling and where the rubbish they collected would eventually end up without their help and the importance of ensuring we are trying to care for our common home and be stewards of the earth.

Easter is fast approaching and the P & F have been busy bunnies putting the baskets together and raffle tickets will be sent home later this week. A book of 10 tickets will be sent home to families to sell to family and friends to raise funds for the children. More tickets will be available from the office if needed. Good luck everyone!
Nadia & Kate
The students in the 1/2 H class have been talking about bullying and making their own posters to spread the word to the whole IHM community.
Soccer Season 2022
Last week a letter and registration form were distributed to students from Reception to Year 6. We are seeking students interested in playing soccer for IHM this year. The soccer season commences in Term 2 and teams must be registered very soon. If your child is interested registration forms must be returned no later than this FRIDAY 18th MARCH.
For more information and registration form please click on the link below:
Important Dates
Crazy Hat Day - 1/2H Fundraiser
Harmony Day/National Day against Bullying
End of Term 1 - 12:30pm
Finance News
Early Payment Discount
A reminder that a 5% discount can be applied to school fees that are paid in full by this FRIDAY 18th MARCH. If you have any queries please contact the Office.
School Card Applications
If you think you may be eligible for School Card in 2022 please see Julie for an Application Form or visit the website to apply online at: http:///www.sa.gov.au/topics/education-and-learning/financial-help-scholarships-and-grants/school-card-scheme
Crazy Hat Day - Thursday 17th March
Year 1/2 H Fundraiser
Don't forget to wear a CRAZY HAT (or headband) tomorrow Thursday 17th March. All students are invited to wear a crazy hat to school tomorrow and bring a GOLD COIN DONATION for the Hutt Street Centre.