Week 5 Term 4 2023
Dear Families and Friends,
End of Year Christmas Concert - Friday 1st December
It is hard to believe that our End of Year Concert is in just 2 and a half weeks’ time!
The children have all been learning a song within their weekly music lesson and a dance during their dance lesson, with specialist dance teachers from Ground Force Dance Studios. Classes have been practicing and perfecting their songs and dances ready for the concert so prepare yourself for a great night of entertainment.
This year we have a Christmas theme centered around our Pillar of ‘Connectedness’.
Families and friends are all invited and can bring along their picnic tea for fun family dinner on the lawns before the concert begins. We look forward to seeing you all on Friday night.
- Where: Concert held on our school grounds
- 5:30pm: Gates Open
- Please Note: Parents are responsible for the supervision of their children until they meet with their teacher at 6:00pm.
- 6:00pm: Children meet their teacher in classroom to prepare for performance
- 6:30pm: Concert starts
- 8:00pm: Concert ends (approximately)
Welcome to New Students at IHM
Our orientation and transition programs for new receptions have begun and we welcome 11 new students who will begin their schooling in Reception next year. It’s so lovely to have all the new families and children join our community. I trust you will make them welcome if you see them around, so that they may you feel the love and connectedness of IHM.
Staffing and Class Organisation for 2024
The organization for next year is well underway. Each year the class structures may differ according to the number of children in each year level and best pedagogical practice. Next year’s structures are organised, and we have a few staffing changes which are still in process. All staff positions will be announced to the community in our next newsletter. Families are notified of class placements in the final week of term in the End of Year Report.
Year 3/4 Camp
Our 3/4 students had a sensational time at AFL Max for their camp. They represented IHM beautifully with their behaviour and willingness to give things a go. They loved participating in a variety of physical activities for all abilities and learnt some great lessons on fuel foods for their bodies and mindfulness.
SACPSSA Athletics Day
Congratulations to the Athletics team who represented our school at the recent inter school carnival. Congratulations to Oliver Mullin, Huy Vuong and Julieta Lopez Ostos who did so well in their events they each won Age Champion. Amazing effort by them and the whole athletics group.
Thanks to our sport teacher, Astrid-Marie Powell for teaching, organizing and encouraging the children and to those parents who came along to help or support us.
Children’s University
On Tuesday evening, I had the pleasure of presenting 19 of our children to the Adelaide University Graduation Ceremony at Bonython Hall. The hall was filled with hundreds of children from many schools and their parents. Congratulations to the following children who have completed a wide variety of learning activities in order to graduate:
- Clara C
- Rosie
- Charliese
- Andrew
- Emmett
- Alice
- Ezekhial
- Layla
- Ryleigh
- Maya
- Angus C
- Chrystian
- Nikolas
- Billie
- Matilda
- Miller
- Sophia
- Aveline
- Juliet
The Children’s University program offers superior educational experiences for children aged between 7 and 14 years outside of school and recognises their achievements through the award of formal certificates and graduations. The program fits in perfectly with our mission to involve parents in education and offers great learning experiences for you and your children.
P & F School Contribution to Decodable Texts
Thank you to our wonderful P & F who have donated $3000 to IHM to purchase new decodable texts for students. We are so grateful for their ongoing support of our school community and this has allowed IHM to continue to flourish into the amazing school and community it is. Thank you to all the P & F Team for their hard work, support and dedication over the 2023 school year.
Wishing you all lovely weeks ahead. I look forward to seeing you at one of the many events over the next few weeks.
Have a safe and happy fortnight.
Annette Diassinas
Recent News
This year the students in Year 3 and 4 were lucky to have their camp at AFL Max. Here are some of the fun activities they took part in.

Reminder - Vinnies Christmas Appeal
Christmas can be a very difficult time for families, particularly those who are experiencing poverty and disadvantage. The support from our IHM families helps assist St Vincent de Paul to support the people who turn to them for help over the festive season. Together as a community we can make a real difference to their lives.
IHM are again supporting the Vinnies Christmas Appeal in 2023 and we ask families to help by sending donations to contribute to your child’s class Christmas hamper. Our SRC Reps and House Leaders will oversee the organisation of the Vinnies Christmas Appeal this year.
Families are invited to donate the following items:
R/1 M, R/1 T & R/1 D Classes - Toys
Puzzles, games, dolls, blocks, science kits, action figures, baby toys, toys for the beach.
Year 1/2 HW Class - Christmas Theme
Decorations, puddings, cakes, Christmas bon bons, tinned ham.
Year 3/4 P Class - Food
Pre-packed foods e.g. pasta, rice, noodles, tinned veggies, soups, baked beans.
Years 4/5 F and 5/6 L - Food
Baby food, formula, tea, coffee, milo, jam, juices, honey, long life milk.
There will be a basket in each class for families to place their donations.
A member of the St Vincent de Paul Society will collect items during the final week of school, so we ask that all donations are in by Monday 11th December. If you would like you can make your own online monetary donation: https://donate.vinnies.org.au/christmas-appeal
Whole School End of Year Mass & Year 6 Graduation - Tuesday 12th December – 6.15pm
The Whole School Family End of Year Mass is a significant event in the life our Catholic school and at this mass we formally farewell our Year 6 students who have made an amazing contribution to our school.
As this is such an important whole school celebration, we ask that you please place this date in your diary. Please let your child’s teacher know if your child is not able to attend.
Details of the Mass
When: Tuesday 12th December 2023
Being held at: Sacred Heart Church - 252 Port Road, Hindmarsh
Time: Arrive by 6.15 pm - the Mass should be finished by around 7.45pm
What to wear: School Uniform
As children are required to wear their school uniform to Mass, you may send your child to school on Tuesday in casual clothes so that their uniform is clean and fresh.
Why we Celebrate Advent
This coming Sunday, 3rd December, we begin the season of Advent in preparation for Christmas. The Season of Advent offers us each year, an opportunity to seek God within the boundaries of our souls while living outwardly amidst the noise and activity of the world around us.
"Advent: Re-Sowing the Seeds of Faith and Hope”
"The four weeks of Advent allow us time to ponder how Jesus came into this world in such a stunningly humble way. As we contemplate His birth in a bed of straw in a messy stable, perhaps, we see our own life as being a little messy too. Our life is often distracted, self-centred and sometimes leaves us wishing we were better people. But if we can slow down and refocus our attention, we might realise that God is there, waiting to love us even though we have so many unfulfilled good intentions and so many unfulfilled desires about our spirituality."
Congratulations – Sacrament of Reconciliation
Congratulations are extended to Zara and Paige who celebrated their First Reconciliation with Fr Lancy on the 15th of November following our Whole School Reconciliation Liturgy. It was so lovely to see them celebrate this special occasion with so many of their family members there to support them.
Next year will see both girls celebrating the sacraments of Confirmation and First Holy Communion. We ask that you keep Zara, Paige and their families in your prayers as they undertake these next steps in their faith journey.
Southern Cross
The current edition of the Catholic newspaper put out by the Archdiocese called, ‘The Southern Cross,’ is available at; www.thesoutherncross.org.au
Thought for the Week
"We make a living by what we get – we make a life by what we give. "
Paula Clark
Well done to all our athletes who did an amazing job representing IHM at the Catholic Schools Athletics Carnival on the 9th November.

Everyone is invited to visit our Scholastic Book Fair which is being held next week.
- When: Monday 20th - Friday 24th November
- Times: Before school - 8:30 - 9:00am / After school - 2:45 - 3:30pm
- Where: Library
- Theme: ‘Hats Off to Reading!'
There is always lots of interesting books to choose from and don’t forget that Christmas is just around the corner. Books always make great presents!
Scholastic Book Fair brochures have been distributed to all the children today.
All purchases will benefit the school as we will be able to buy more books for our library. See you all there.
Carmel Johnston

Christmas Gift Stall - Thursday 7th December
As the year is coming to an end we would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has helped the P & F throughout the year.
This year we will have a Christmas Gift Stall for the children to buy little gifts for Christmas. The Stall will be held at lunchtime on Thursday 7th December outside the Library. Items will be priced between 50cents to $5.00, so bring along those coins and pocket money to pick up a treasure.
Are you interested in joining the P & F Committee?
Everyone is welcome to get involved and we meet once a term, so come along next year and join the fun. If you would like to join next year please see Julie for details in the front office.
Thankyou for continuing to support our events for the school community.
Belinda and Cindy
Congratulations and well done to all our 2023 Children's University Graduates.

Important Dates
9am Assembly - Led by 3/4 P
Scholastic Book Fair (20th - 24th Nov)
Yr 3/4 & 4/5F Excursion to Adelaide Oval
Year 6 Reflection Day
9am Assembly - Led by 1/2 HW
End of Year Concert
P & F Christmas Stall
Year 6 Aquatics Day
Year 2 School Sleepover
Year 1/2 HW Excursion - AFL Max
Semester 2 Reports Emailed
R/1s Teddy Bear Picnic
End of Year Mass & Graduation - Sacred Heart Church
Meet the Teacher - 11:30am - 1:00pm
Farewell Assembly 9am - Led by 5/6L
Year 6 Farewell Celebration - Zone Bowling
End of Term 4 - 3:00pm Finish
Brompton Community Market

The Brompton Community market is very family friendly with free entry and lots of things for people to see and enjoy.
Squash SA Holiday Program

Adelaide Uni School Holiday Program

The Adelaide University Sport School Holiday Program returns this Summer, kicking off on Thursday 14 December 2023 until Thursday 25th January 2024, with sessions from 8.30am - 5.00pm. The program (for children aged 5-11 years old) is designed to develop children’s gross motor skills in a safe and social environment with qualified coaches and staff. The program focuses on building self-esteem, social skills and physical activity through fun and inclusive activities. We introduce children to different sports including basketball, tennis, athletics, hockey and other gross motor skill sports, ensuring they have a positive experience. |