Week 5 Term 4 2022
Dear Families and Friends,
End of Year Concert - Friday 2nd December
‘The Future is Bright’
It’s hard to believe that our End of Year Concert is in just 2 and a half weeks’ time!
The children have all been learning a song within their weekly music lesson and a dance during their dance lesson, with specialist dance teachers from Ground Force Dance Studios. Classes have been practicing and perfecting their songs and dances ready for the concert so prepare yourself for a great night of entertainment.
The theme of the concert this year is “The Future is Bright” with the chosen songs celebrating positivity and reflecting our pillar of Hope which has been the focus of the 2022 school year.
Welcome to New Students at IHM
Our orientation and transition programs for new receptions have begun and we welcome 17 new students who will begin their schooling in Reception next year. It’s so lovely to have all the new families and children join our community. I trust you will make them welcome if you see them around, so that they may you feel the love and connectedness of IHM.
Staffing and Class Organisation for 2023
The organization for next year is well underway. Each year the class structures may differ according to the number of children in each year level and best pedagogical practice. Next year’s structures are organised and we have a few staffing changes which are still in process. All staff positions will be announced to the community in our next newsletter. Families are notified of class placements in the final week of term in the End of Year Report.
Children’s University
On Tuesday evening, I had the pleasure of presenting 9 of our children to the Adelaide University Graduation Ceremony at Bonython Hall. The hall was filled with hundreds of children from many schools and their parents. Congratulations to the following children who have completed a wide variety of learning activities in order to graduate:
Sophia, Aveline, Juliet, Miller, Evelyn, Alexis, Isabella P, Zara and Huy.
The Children’s University program offers superior educational experiences for children aged between 7 and 14 years outside of school and recognises their achievements through the award of formal certificates and graduations. The program fits in perfectly with our mission to involve parents in education and offers great learning experiences for you and your children.
Wishing you all lovely weeks ahead. I look forward to seeing you at one of the many events over the next few weeks.
Warm regards,
Pauline Kinsman
Recent News
End of Year Mass and Year 6 Graduation
Tuesday 13th December
Being held at:
Sacred Heart Church - 252 Port Road, Hindmarsh
This special whole school family event will be held on Tuesday 13th December. Children need to arrive by 6.15pm and check in with their teacher.
As children are required to wear their school uniform to Mass, you may send your child to school on Tuesday in casual clothes so that their uniform is clean and fresh.
The End of Year Mass is a significant event in the life of a Catholic school and we also take the opportunity to formally farewell our Year 6 students who have made an amazing contribution to our school.
This is an important whole school celebration and if your child is not able to attend, please let your child’s teacher know. The mass should be finished by around 7.45pm.
Vinnies Christmas Appeal
Christmas can be a very difficult time for families, particularly those who are experiencing poverty and disadvantage. The support from our IHM families helps assist St Vincent DePaul to support the people who turn to them for help over the festive season. Together as a community we can make a real difference to their lives.
IHM will support the Vinnies Christmas Appeal in 2022 and ask families to help by sending donations to contribute to your child’s class Christmas hamper.
R/1’s - Toys
Puzzles, games, dolls, blocks, science kits, action figures, baby toys, toys for the beach.
Year 2’s - Christmas Theme
Decorations, puddings, cakes, Christmas bon bons, tinned ham
Year 3’s - Food
Pre-packed foods e.g. pasta, rice, noodles, tinned veggies, soups, baked beans
Years 4/5 and 5/6 - Food
Baby food, formula, tea, coffee, milo, jam, juices, honey and long life milk
A member of the St Vincent De Paul Society will collect donations on Monday 12th December. You can also make your own online $ donation:
Our SRC Reps and house Leaders will oversee the Vinnies Christmas Appeal.
Have a happy and safe fortnight.
Annette Diassinas
We are on the final stretch of this term and there are lots of exciting things happening with the P & F.
Firstly we would like to welcome Belinda Kurek and Cindy Lovegrove as our new Co-Chairs for 2023. I know that they will be a great asset to our school community and continue to build great connections for the students and families.
Pizza Lunch
The P & F Pizza lunch is next Friday 25th November and I'm sure that it will be another fun lunch for the children. If you could please return order forms to the office by Tuesday 22nd November that would be greatly appreciated.
Christmas Fundraiser
Christmas is just around the corner and we have teamed up with Kytons to help raise some funds for the school playground. They have a wide range of Christmas goodies that make wonderful gifts and treats for the table and families will be able to order these in the coming weeks. More information will be distributed soon.
Warm wishes
Nadia & Kate
Last week, our Year 3 students embarked on their overnight camp at the Adelaide Zoo! On day one of our Zoo Snooze, we went on a guided tour of the Adelaide Botanic Gardens with our guide, Trent Hill. Trent provided an insightful tour with an Aboriginal focus. We learnt and saw many interesting things including a tree that was over 400 years old! The tree was nicknamed the Supermarket Tree, because you can get everything you need, just from one tree! Students were fascinated to watch Trent start a fire with just his hands and a piece of wood.
Students were very excited to see their friend and classmate, Jack for the first time since his surgery in America! At night, we enjoyed a BBQ dinner together, followed by an up close and personal encounter with some reptiles.
Once the sun set, we were extremely lucky enough to go on a night walk at the Adelaide Zoo, led by our Educator Chris. We were the only people in the Zoo with the animals! After supper and a movie, we all went to bed after a busy day!
The next morning, we enjoyed breakfast together before going on another private tour of the Zoo! Chris showed us many cool animals. It was a great experience to be in the Zoo without anyone else.
We thank our ESO’s and parent helpers for their support during the Zoo Snooze.
Student Highlights:
Jacob: “We got to do a night tour and see all the animals. I enjoyed doing this with my friends and I had lots of fun!”
London: “I liked when I saw the Red Pandas. They are my favourite animal and I have never seen one in real life before.”
Jake: “I liked that we got to explore lots of different animals, and we got to sleep there.”
Azra: “We got to stay and enjoy it with our friends and teachers. We got to study and explore lots of different animals.”
Ursula: “My favourite part was sleeping next to the animals!”
Layla: “My favourite part was seeing the Red Panda!”
Veronica: “Seeing the Capybara!”
Jessica: “My favourite thing was that I got to see new animals!”
Willow: “My favourite part was seeing the Little Penguins because they were really cute and playful!”
Sonia Bianco and Antonia Papazaharoudakis

Everyone is invited to visit our Scholastic Book Fair which is being held next week.
- When: Monday 21st – Friday 25th November
- Times: Before school - 8:30 – 9:00am / After school - 2:45 – 3:30pm
- Where: Library
- Theme: ‘Paws for Books’
There is always lots of interesting books to choose from and don’t forget that Christmas is just around the corner. Books always make great presents!
All purchases will benefit the school as we will be able to buy more books for our library. See you all there.
Carmel Johnston
Important Dates
Year 4 Zoo Snooze (17th/18th Nov)
Pupil Free Day
Book Fair (21st - 26th Nov)
Year 6 Reflection Day
Transition Visit 1 - New Receptions
Assembly at 9am (Led by 1/2 H Class)
SACPSSA Athletic Carnival
Transition Visit 2 - New Receptions
End of Year Concert
Year 2 School Sleepover
Welcome Liturgy & Morning Tea
Semester 2 Reports Distributed
End of Year Mass & Graduation - Sacred Heart Church
Meet the Teacher
End of Term 4 - 3:00pm Finish
Pupil Free Day - Friday 18th November

A reminder for families that there is NO SCHOOL for students this FRIDAY 18th NOVEMBER.
Camp Australia OSHC is available. Online bookings can be made at http://www.campaustralia.com.au and are essential.
End of Year Concert - Friday 2nd December

Our end of year concert which is held right here on our school grounds is right around the corner and the staff and students are gearing up and getting excited.
Families and friends are invited to bring along their picnic for a fun family dinner on the lawns. The times are as follows:
- 5:30pm: Gates open
- 6:00pm: Children to meet their teacher in classrooms
- 6:30pm: Concert starts
We look forward to seeing everyone for a great night's entertainment.
A Christmas Concert for a Cause - supporting The Sebastian Foundation

Adelaide University Sport School Holiday Program

The Adelaide University Sport School Holiday program returns this summer, kicking off on Thursday 15th December 2022 with sessions from 8:30am - 5:00pm.
Each day children will build social skills and physical literacy while also trying a wide range of sports to develop new skills.
For a limited time, we are offering 25% off all bookings across the summer. Simply use the code: SHP25 at the checkout to save 25% off. Sale ends 11:59, Tuesday 22nd November 2022.
For more information about the program, click here
Paka Paka - Play Therapy
At Paka Paka, we use Child-Centred Play Therapy (CCPT), an evidence-based counselling method for children.
- Play Therapy for ages 2-11
- Family Therapy
- Parental support
- Plan and self-managed clients can use their NDIS Funding for both Early Intervention (Under 7s) and Therapy Supports (Over 7s)
- We accept referrals from the Dept for Child Protection, Return to WorkSA and Insurances.
Become more responsible for behaviours and develop more successful strategies.
Develop new and creative solutions to problems.
Develop respect and acceptance of self and others.
Learn to experience and express emotions
and much more..
For more information:
0432 051 535
Shop 1/97A Old Port Road, Queenstown SA 5014