Week 5 Term 3 2021
Welcome to Week 5! Learning at school has continued well this term, despite the COVID-19 restrictions. We are maintaining a strong focus on high quality learning, heart spirituality and wellbeing for all.
Parent Survey
Thank you to those parents who have completed the school climate survey. If you haven’t already done so, you still have a chance by this Friday 19th August. We would appreciate you taking the time to complete the survey, either on-line at www.NSIPartnerships.com.au and enter the code IHMLLLP in the start questionnaire field.
Community Events
We really miss having our parents and families on the premises, however we must continue to follow the advice from CESA to protect everyone. If you need to come into the school, please ensure a mask is worn and I thank you for doing the right thing!
Book Week
Information was distributed via School Stream on Monday (see attached). We will still be holding a Book Week Parade next week where the children will walk the local streets in their costumes and provide some community cheer. Parents are welcome to join us on the walk, with masks and social distancing from adults of course.
Father’s Day
Unfortunately, our usual Father’s Day Breakfast and liturgy will not take place as we are avoiding large gatherings and food sharing. The students will still have a liturgy and special messages for Dads, however this will be done using technology and our Office 365 pages. We are grateful that we have that mechanism to stay in touch and convey our gratitude to Dads, Grandpas and those father figures in our lives.
Winners of the Mayoral Award
Literacy learning is going strong at IHM, evident in our successes in the City of Charles Sturt Mayoral Make-a- Book competition each year. This year, congratulations go to Year 3PB on their winning class book entry “Magic Beach Poems”.
Congratulations also to Charliese in Year 2H for winning the Year 2 category for her book ‘‘The Wholesome Alphabet’’. Well done Charliese!
Special Congratulations to those receiving Sacraments
Several of our children and their families have been preparing to receive sacraments this year. Sacraments can be defined as outward signs of inward blessings. Catholic Christians acknowledge seven sacraments: Baptism, Reconciliation, the Eucharist, Confirmation, the anointing of the sick, holy orders and marriage.
Congratulations and blessings to the Wild family on the baptism of Thomas and Willow and to our Confirmation candidates Erin, James, Debbie, Willow and Thomas who will receive the gifts of the Holy spirit this Saturday.
Many thanks to Annette Diassinas our APRIM and to Mary Hemmings and Orla Wright from Sacred Heart Parish, who have been instrumental in successfully preparing the children for these special occasions.
Student Centred Conferences - Best practice at IHM
In Weeks 8 and 9 (6/9/21 - 17/9/21) we will be holding Student Centred Conferences, which will be just one family at a time meeting in the classroom.
All best practice research in education refers to the importance of student voice and self-evaluation in maximising outcomes. Professor John Hattie who has researched the world’s largest evidence base into what works best in schools to improve learning, identifies "student self-reporting as the most significant indicator linked to raised student achievement."(Visible learning, 2009 )
One of the ways we foster student agency is through our ‘Student Centred Conferences’ (SCC). You will soon receive a note and invitation to attend these with your child.
It is important to remember that these differ from the traditional Parent Teacher Interviews because they directly involve the student and their learning. It is a time for the students to demonstrate their communication and reflection skills by sharing and demonstrating their individual growth and achievements. It is also a time for students to receive feedback from their parents and teachers and to set new goals. Parents can focus on what the student is learning and ask “What I can I do to help you meet your goals?”
Parent engagement and student responsibility for their learning are key factors proven to improve student success, and we are pleased to offer this opportunity to support your child’s learning, independence, growth and flourishing.
Please note that the SCC is not a time to discuss sensitive family or social issues which are best discussed privately between adults. We are more than happy for you to make a different time with the teacher for such discussions.
We look forward to seeing you at the Student Centred conferences soon.
Once again, thank you for your understanding and for adhering to our current safety practices.
Warmest wishes for a safe and peaceful week.
Pauline Kinsman
Recent News
Green Hearts
Our Green Hearts Lunch time club is going really well. Each week we have a core group of students attend along with new students who want to join in planting new seeds, weeding and looking after our very special garden. This coming week we are planting some new seeds for Spring. We are looking forward to watching them grow.
Social Justice Sunday
This coming Sunday is Social Justice Sunday. The theme this year is “Cry of the Earth, Cry of the Poor”. This theme affirms that “we human beings need a change of heart, mind, and behaviour”. It draws from Scripture, from the theological tradition, from Catholic Social Teaching, and from the wisdom of the world, including the insights of the First Nations.
This theme works in Partnership with the words of Pope Francis to be ecological sustainable and listening to the needs of the earth by caring for our common home and each other more deeply.
Healthy Eating = Fuel for Our Brain
As I have been moving around the school I have noticed many of our classes stopping for Brain Food. Eating well is good for our mental as well as our physical health. The brain requires nutrients just like our heart, lungs and muscles do.
Here at IHM children are encouraged to bring healthy foods to school to eat daily, with many classes stopping throughout the day for Brain Food snack time. Wholegrain breads, fresh fruit and vegetables are easy to manage Brain Foods children should be eating on a regular basis. A helpful tip when choosing snacks for your children is; if it comes with packaging it generally is high in salt, sugar and/or fat so avoid these snacks where possible.
Sacramental News
Congratulations to Thomas and Willow who received the Sacrament of Baptism last Sunday. This was a special journey both children made and we were very honoured to be part of this special occasion. It was beautiful to see so many of our IHM families supporting the children and shows how deeply connected our students and families are. We wish you both well on this incredible faith journey, knowing that the love of God and your family will guide you in your lives.
This Saturday the 21st August, five of our students will be receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation. The students are Willow W, Thomas W, Deborah G, James W and Erin W. This is a major step in their faith lives as they prepare to receive the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. Please keep these students and their families in your prayers.
Prayer for Confirmation Candidates
Lord, You send out Your Spirit to touch the hearts of all people, so that they may believe in You and in Jesus whom You sent.
Look kindly on all candidates for Confirmation as they listen to Your voice. Open their hearts to Your Spirit and bring to fulfilment the good work that You have begun in them.
As we prepare these children for Confirmation, make each of us an instrument of Your love. Teach us to appreciate what is holy in others, and to be patient with what we do not understand.
Deepen our faith in the Gospel and help us to pass it on by our example. We pray that You will continue to guide us and sustain us.
Through Christ our Lord, Amen.
Have a safe and happy fortnight
Annette Diassinas

This term in 2H we have been focusing on using adjectives in our writing.
We created 5 senses poems about different fruits.
Can you guess the fruit from the clues?
5 Senses Poem by Norah
It looks dark green, light green and brown.
It sounds squishy, crunchy and mushy.
It smells delicious, scrumptious and weird.
It feels bumpy, smooshy and hard.
It tastes yummy, icky and great.
What could it be?
5 Senses Poem by Theodore
It looks round, juicy and orange.
It sounds hollow, weird and cool.
It smells amazing, good and sour.
It feels unusual, circular and cold.
It tastes watery, nice and great.
What could it be?
5 Senses Poem by Jessica
It looks black, seedy and good.
It sounds delicious, juicy and great.
It smells watery, yummy and nice.
It feels bumpy, lumpy and non-smooth.
It tastes amazing, unbelievable and incredible.
What could it be?
SACPSSA Cross Country Championships
Catholic Schools Cross Country was held today in the East Parklands, IHM was wonderfully represented by a group of students who were able to push themselves, achieving a sense of self-pride after completing the 2.0km Cross Country Course. We congratulate all the students for their individual efforts. A special mention to Isabella Piesse who finished first in her age group race.
Thank you to Ms Johnston and Meegan for all their efforts in helping at the carnival.
Well done everyone!

Important Dates
Book Week Commences
Book Week Dress Up Parade - Please note Date Change
R/1s Excursion - Urrbrae Wetland Centre
School Photo Day
Father's Day
Student Centred Conferences Commence
Choir Performs - Adelaide Entertainment Centre
End of Term 3 - 12:30pm
Future Planning Information 2022
To help us begin the process of planning for the 2022 school year a Future Planning form was distributed to all families yesterday. We are asking families to please compelte and return to school by Thursday 26th August. Please see form attached:
Enrolments for 2022 and Beyond
We are now taking enrolments for 2022 and beyond. If you know anyone who is interested or has a child not yet enrolled please let them know about our wonderful school.
Similarly if you have not yet submitted an Enrolment Form for your child please see Julie in the Office or download the form here:
Road Safety Around IHM
A gentle reminder to all our families to please be patient and mindful of others when dropping off and picking up children and also be respectful of our neighbours when parking. We understand that it is difficult during the building works taking place but please remember about the safety of our children around the school. Thank you.