Week 5 Term 2 2023
Dear Parents and Friends,
Welcome to Week 5. If you can believe it, we are already halfway through Term 2.
This week is Reconciliation Week. National Reconciliation Week is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia. Each year this is held from 27th May to the 3rd of June as these dates commemorate two significant milestones in the reconciliation journey – the successful 1967 referendum and the High Court Mabo decision which recognised that Aboriginal people have lived in Australia for 50,000+ years. In 2008, former Prime Minister Rudd’s apology, did much to build understanding, bringing people together in unity for reconciliation, hope and healing.
The theme for 2023 is “Be a Voice for Generations”. This theme encourages all Australians to be a voice for reconciliation in tangible ways in our everyday lives – where we live, work, learn and socialise. It is an opportunity for you and your family to stop and reflect about the significance of this week and how you can work together in community with others to recognise the importance of the First Peoples of Australia and their culture, histories and futures. May God’s Spirit inspire us to be people of reconciliation, inclusion, connectedness, and hope in this great country.
In the spirit of Reconciliation, we acknowledge Australia’s First Peoples as traditional custodians of this land and pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging.
Parking and Safety around the School
A reminder to all families about the safe practices we need around IHM during drop off’s and pick-ups. Our Kiss and Drop area on East Street is NOT for parking, and please do not get out of your vehicle during that time. Our school staff will happily direct your child to your vehicle. This extends to any family members doing pick up or drop off. We also remind people to not do 3 point turns out the front of the school, as this again stop the flow of traffic and creates safety issues. When individuals are doing the right thing, traffic flows well and ensures full visibility to keep out students safe. Thank you for your support in this important matter.
School Uniform Update
At our School Board Meeting last week, the decision was made to make a change to our school uniform policy. The P & F have strongly supported and welcomed this change and have been consulting with parents.
Effective immediately, students will be allowed to wear either predominately white or predominately black sneakers.
Plain white ankle high or IHM socks will still be required. Students are still NOT permitted to wear coloured sneakers of any kind (including laces). We thank you for your continued support in fostering a positive environment for our students.
Reminder - Zones of Regulation Parent Workshop – Wednesday 7th June
Since 2022, IHM has been engaged in a Partners in Practice Project with Motivate Kids Occupational Therapy. This was made possible jointly through a grant from Catholic Education South Australia and our own budgeted commitment to the professional learning of our staff. Rochelle Mutton, Director and Senior OT, and Jordan Liseno, Senior OT, have been working with our staff and students over this time to ensure our practices and environments are supportive of students’ sensory needs, as well as developing the skills of our students to regulate in their environments to maximise learning and wellbeing.
Rochelle and Jordan will provide an opportunity for parents/caregivers to learn more about the connection between children’s wellbeing and regulation, as well regulation techniques that can be used at home to support behaviour and wellbeing. This is an excellent opportunity for our families and should not be missed!
An invitation via School Stream has been sent out. Please let us know if you are able to attend. It will be held on Wednesday 7th June 6.30 - 7.30pm in our IHM Hall.
IHM Reports Semester 1 – General Capabilities
As mentioned in previous newsletters our IHM formal School Reports will be changing this year. Previously in our school reports, we have provided some indication on how your child is performing in reference to the General Capabilities. The General Capabilities in the Australian Curriculum encompass the knowledge, skills, behaviours and dispositions that, together with curriculum content in each learning area and the cross-curriculum priorities, will assist to live and work successfully in the twenty-first century. Families will still receive information about your child and how they are performing with the General Capabilities however, the amount of detail provided will look different.
Each newsletter families will be provided with some information about one of the General Capabilities. This week’s focus is Critical and Creative Thinking. It involves students in learning to engage in both independent and collaborative tasks that challenge them to think logically, reason, be open-minded, seek alternatives, inquire into possibilities, be innovative risk-takers and use their imagination.
What students at IHM demonstrate:
- Asking questions to clarify ideas and/or instructions
- Willingness to take risks to solve problems in different ways
- Sharing of ideas willingly
- Working effectively in a group to solve problems or develop ideas
- Respect of other people’s ideas
- Views mistakes as a part of learning
- Application of knowledge and understandings to new learning
- Showing initiative by seeking solutions and putting ideas into action
Please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s teacher if you wish to discuss your child and the General Capabilities further.
Have a safe and wonderful week.
Annette Diassinas
Recent News

Families are reminded that this Friday 2nd June all students will be going to the Adelaide Botanic Gardens to celebrate World Environment Day.
All students must arrive to school at 8:30am on Friday morning so that we can depart on time to walk to the tram stop.
Students need to wear their correct school uniform, school hat and bring wet weather gear in case of rain.
Student need to bring a packed recess, lunch and water bottle in a disposable bag.
There is still time to register for next Term’s Drama class Commencing Monday Week 2 of Term 3 for students in Years 1-6.
Below is the link to register:
Chris Asimos is excited to announce that he is taking expressions of interest for an afterschool drama program in Term 3: Drama Kids! Chris is already familiar to our IHM students after running a 6-week Drama workshop with our students in Term 1.
The program will be led by veteran actor and teacher Chris Asimos, who has extensive experience in teaching and performing.
During the program, students will have the opportunity to develop their acting skills and explore their creativity through a range of activities, games, and exercises. They will also work together as a team to put on a mini theatrical showcase.
Chris Asimos has a wealth of experience in theatre, having performed in a number of productions both nationally and internationally. He has also directed several successful plays and taught drama to students of all ages. With his guidance, students will have the opportunity to learn from one of the best in the business and develop their own skills as actors and performers.

If your child or anyone you know has a child that turns 5 before 31st October they are eligible to commence school in Term 3 this year on 25th July. If so, great news - fees for Terms 3 and 4 will be waived. For an Enrolment Form or more information please contact Julie.

On Wednesday 24th May IHM joined over two million students Australia wide to read The Speedy Sloth written by Rebecca Young and illustrated by Heath McKenzie.
Now in its 22nd successful year, National Simultaneous Storytime is a colourful, vibrant, fun event that aims to promote the value of reading and literacy, using an Australian children's book that explores age-appropriate themes, and addresses key learning areas of the National Curriculum for Foundation to Year 6.
Here are some photos:

The Scholastic Book Fair is now on in our Library and will run until next Tuesday 20th June.
Tbe Book Fair is open:
- Before School from 8:30 - 9:00 am and
- After School from 3:00 - 3:30 pm
There are lots of great books to choose and don't forget that books always make great gifts.
See you all at the Book Fair!
Carmel Johnston
Important Dates
Assembly at 2:30pm - Led by 4/5F (PLEASE NOTE: Assembly being held on Thursday due to Whole Excursion on Friday.
Whole School Excursion to Botanic Gardens - PLEASE NOTE: Students to arrive to school at 8:30am
Zones of Regulation Parent Workshop @ 6:30pm
Pupil Free Day
Scholastic Book Fair - 13th - 20th June
Semester 1 Reports Distributed
End of Term 2 - 12:30pm
Lost and Found

Are you missing an item of clothing, lunch box or drink bottle? Our Lost and Found boxes are overflowing with items.
Please ensure ALL items are labelled so that your items can be returned to your child. Thank you.
Pupil Free Day Friday 9th June - OSHC Reminder

Families are reminded to book with Camp Australia OSHC if they require care for their children on our upcoming Pupil Free Day on Friday 9th June.
- Time: 8:00am - 6:00pm
- Fees: $62.66 ($10.90 after max. *Child Care Subsidy)
- Bookings must be made no later than 12:00pm on Monday 5th June - this is to ensure that they have the correct number of staff rostered on the day.
- If there are not enough bookings, care for the day will be cancelled.
(*Child Care Subsidy - The Child Chare Subsidy can provide up to 85% off your fees. Your eligibility is determined by your family's annual adjusted taxable income, the type of childcare you use, and your activity level. To find out if you're eligible, contact Centrelink on 13 61 50).
Playground Rules and Safety
As per our Parent Information Booklet, families are reminded that because there is no supervision before and after school and as a matter of safety no students or siblings are permitted to play on the playground. Thank you for your support in this matter.
Carly Ryan App Facts - You Tube

Sports News

Western SAPSASA Girls and Boys Soccer Trials
Trials are open to students in Year 5 & 6 who wish to be considered for selection in the Western SAPSASA District team to compete in the Soccer SAPSASA State Carnival.
Please click on the links below for more information and on how to nominate.