Week 5 Term 2 2021
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Welcome to Week 5. If you can believe it, we are already half way through Term 2.
Thank you to all the families who have made me feel extremely welcome in my Acting Principal role. Nadia and I will continue to ensure that IHM is a thriving place where each person feels valued.
New Staff
Two new staff members have joined IHM this term. We would like to welcome Mr Alex Ferrier in 4/5 SW. Alex is replacing Ms Rochelle Sharman who went on Maternity Leave.
We also welcome Ms Antonia Papazaharoudakis in 3 MB. Antonia is replacing Ms Nadia Morris who is Acting Assistant Principal during Term 2 and Ms Ester Camarra-Dawes who is taking extended leave to support her family after her mother suffered a stroke.
As it is always good to connect the name to the face, for your information, photos of our new staff members are included in this newsletter.
Our two new staff members are very friendly, dedicated and skilled and they value parent community relationships highly, so please do not hesitate to say hello or come and speak to them.
Building Update
If you have been on the school grounds in recent weeks, you will have noticed the building project is well on its way with the demolition of the upstairs spaces complete. The refurbishment of these classrooms is due to commence shortly. Demolition of the Admin Area, Chapel and OSHC spaces are still being undertaken.
A reminder that the Kiss ‘n’ Drop Zone on East Street is not to be used as this is part of our renovations.
We ask that you do not park in our staff carpark or across the carpark driveway due to staff needing to enter and exit at different times and becomes a safety concern.
Entrances for the school remain on East Street and Drayton Street, however due to the building works on the corner of East Street and Fifth Street we ask that you only use the footpath on the opposite side to access the front entrance to the school at East Street. Safety for your children and yourselves is paramount.
The students have adjusted to the smaller play areas and classroom changes that the building project has caused extremely well. If you would like to have a look at some pictures of what the site currently looks like, you can visit BIC – Bruce Interiors and Constructions on Facebook for some pictures.
Communicating with Board Members
At the most recent IHM Board meeting, members went through their responsibilities within the School Board and how important their role is in our school community. Members of the School Board work together in a spirit of harmony and cooperation and have a responsibility to keep in confidence all Board material and discussions.
Whilst Board Members are happy to correspond with parents on issues that might arise, they do ask that any correspondence parents wish to be addressed at Board meetings be emailed to Julie in the Front Office so that it can be added to the meeting agenda. Any issues relating to teaching and learning should be addressed to the classroom teachers or school leadership and is not a matter to be addressed by the School Board.
Working with Children Checks (WWCC)
A reminder to any family members who would like to support classes on excursions or volunteer at IHM in any capacity must have a current Working with Children Check (WWCC).
If you would like to apply for a WWCC, please see Julie in the Front Office for information about the process and documents needed. If you currently hold a WWCC, please check the expiry date and forward any updated WWCCs to Julie in the Front Office as these will also need a Catholic Clearance.
Annette Diassinas
Recent News

Reconciliation Week
This week is Reconciliation Week. The theme for 2021 is “More than a word. Reconciliation takes action.” This theme urges the reconciliation movement towards braver and more impactful action.
Reconciliation is a journey for all Australians - as individuals, families, communities, organisations and importantly as a nation. It is an opportunity for you and your family to stop and reflect about the significance of this week and how you can work together in community with others to recognise the importance of the First Peoples of Australia and their culture, histories and futures.
The Year 2 class along with their buddy class, will hold a Liturgy to celebrate Reconciliation Week. Classes will also hold their own prayer services and activities throughout the week to commemorate this significant event. We will gather as a whole school community on Friday, to reflect and recognise the effects of colonization on Australia's First Peoples and learn about significant milestones in the journey of Reconciliation in this country.
In the spirit of Reconciliation, we acknowledge Australia’s First Peoples as traditional custodians of this land and pay our respects to Elders past, present and future.
Prayer for Reconciliation
You made us in your likeness, you gave us your Son Jesus Christ.
He has given us forgiveness from sin.
Lord God, bring us together as one, different in culture,
but given new life in Jesus Christ, together as your body, your Church, your people.
Lord God, bring us together as one, reconciled, healed, forgiven,
sharing you with others as you have called us to do.
In Jesus Christ, let us be together as one.
St Vinnies Winter Appeal - Winter Warmers
To support those in our community who are less fortunate and experiencing homelessness, students from IHM are asked to donate Winter Warmers to the Adelaide Day Centre for Homeless Persons. Items donated can be brand new or in excellent condition.
The SRC’s will place baskets in the classrooms to collect the following items:
- Beanies
- Gloves
- Blankets
- Sleeping bags
- Scarves
- Socks
- Jumpers
- Jackets
Baskets will be in the classrooms until the end of the Term 2.
Pyjama Day - Friday Week 8
The SRCs are holding a Pyjama and Teddy Bear Day on Friday 18th June in Week 8 to raise money for the Deafness Foundation.
Bring a Gold Coin donation and wear your warmest pyjama’s, fluffiest socks and bring along your favourite soft toy/teddy bear.
May justice, peace and compassion guide you always.
Nadia Morris
Acting APRIM
QR Code Check in
As you would have seen in the media, everyone is being reminded of the importance of scanning in using the SA Gov QR Code. These can be found at each gate, front office and classrooms. All adults are expected to COVID Safe Check-in when entering the school grounds and classrooms/buildings on site. If you are volunteering at school you are also required to sign in at the front office on arrival. For everyone's wellbeing please follow the guidelines. Thank you.
Victorian COVID-19 Outbreak
In relation to the latest outbreak in Victoria there may the possibility that a number of students or families may have had some travel arrangements that involved time in Victoria over the past week. If you have any concerns and need to check areas affected please visit the SA Health website:
To celebrate South Australia’s iconic biennial arts festival for schools, Dream BIG Children’s Festival, the Year 3 and Year 4/5 classes will be attending the performance, Magic Beach on Thursday 27th May.
To complement this excursion the Year 3 class read the 'Magic Beach' by Alison Lester and have created their own senses poem about the beach.
We certainly have some amazing upcoming poets in our class!
The Beach
With a sun shining bright and soft crunchy sand, the beach is the place for boats to land.
When you hear the soft sea wind and eat ice cream,
the bright sun shines down on you like a bright lightning beam.
When you lie down in the calming rock pools, it’s a relaxing place and has almost no rules.
With patterned seashells that bling and those fun crabby things.
You can lie on the sand, and you'll have lots of fans.
You taste fish and chips and see incoming ships.
When you lie on the grass all day you will bask.
With the sun shining bright and crunchy sand, the beach is the place for boats to land.
By Alexandra
At my beach on the floor is a golden yellow.
The sand in my hand feels so soft you can catch some zzz's on it.
At my beach, at my special beach, you can smell the yummy fish and chips yum yum yum.
At my beach, at my special beach, waves are crashing on the shore.
The waves on my feet feel so good.
I really do love my beach.
By Kayleigh
My Magic Beach
You can hear kids playing and waves crashing down.
Sea gulls squawking and playing.
Rough wind in the air making your hair go crazy.
You can taste salty water and fish and chips ice-cream and everything, yum.
Bumpy rocks you can feel when walking on the sand.
Big blue waves crashing down.
By Isabelle
Wednesday 19th May 2021 10:30am
The Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) hold National Simultaneous Storytime (NSS) annually. This event is now in its 21st year with over 1.2 million participants at over 14 000 locations. Last year the locations included New Zealand, Thailand, UK, Singapore, Vietnam and Hong Kong.
Every year a picture book, written and illustrated by an Australian author and illustrator, is read simultaneously in libraries, schools, pre-schools, childcare centres, family homes, bookshops and many other places around the country.
The aim of NSS is to promote the value and joy of reading and literacy whilst also featuring an Australian author and illustrator.
Give me some Space! written and illustrated by Philip Bunting was the 2021 title.
This year the dynamic topic of space was thoroughly engaging. Classes were able to access links to many science based sites and activities, as well as live streams from the International Space station. Guest reader was NASA astronaut Shannon Walker from the International Space Station.
Important Dates
Pupil Free Day
Queen's Birthday Public Holiday
Orientation Morning - New Receptions
Pyjama & Teddy Bear Day
Transition Visit 1 - New Receptions
Whole School Excursion - Wizard of Oz Performance
Transition Visit 2 - New Receptions
Semester 1 Reports Distributed
End of Term 2 - 12:30pm
Pupil Free Day - Friday 11th June
Families are reminded that there is a PUPIL FREE DAY on Friday 11th June and therefore no school for students on this day. Camp Australia OSHC is available if you require care for your children. Bookings can be made at:
Wizard of Oz Performance
On MONDAY 28th JUNE all IHM students will be attending the musical 'Wizard of Oz' which is being presented by Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College (OLSH). More information about this excursion will be sent home soon.
CBC Senior School Tours
