Week 5 Term 1 2023
Dear Parents and Friends,
Welcome to Week 5! I have been receiving positive daily updates with how things are going at IHM whilst I am away. The Anaheim RE Congress has been wonderful and I am looking forward to returning back to school later this week.
I will share more about my Anaheim Congress when I return but one key focus of the Congress has been on the Synod which is occurring in 2024. The Synod is a 3 year process (which began in 2021) of listening to all Catholic Churches and dioceses around the world. The information is collated regarding what people feel is important in the future of the Catholic Church and is to be discussed with Pope Francis, bishops and other key figures in the Catholic Church at the Synod gathering. It is a lengthy process as you can imagine to collate all the information and an interim report has already been written which highlights key themes such as the role of women in the church and how to support the changing needs of our society.
As the saying goes, time flies when you’re having fun and this term certainly is flying, with so much happening beyond the ‘normal’ curriculum every week. Just in the last two weeks we’ve had swimming, book-a-chats, missioning mass, Shrove Tuesday, Ash Wednesday and more.
On Monday next week, every family will be sent an electronic copy of the 2022 Annual Report. This report synthesizes the school’s growth and achievements for the year. I am very proud of what has been achieved, and to have been part of the journey as the school has changed and grown in the past few years.
IHM’s strengths in ensuring excellent academic and social outcomes can be attributed to the combined contribution of every staff member in partnership with parents and the community. We all work together for the good of every child.
I most sincerely thank everyone for their contribution no matter how big or small. Collaboration, commitment and inspiration are clear features of our work as a flourishing community.
Please let me know if you have any questions or comments in relation to the report. The report
will be tabled and briefly outlined at our AGM on Wednesday the 8th March at 6.45pm.
School Board Membership Nominations
The School Board are significant partners in the strategic decision making and direction setting of our school, a voice that represents all parents in the interest of all children at IHM. If you are interested please contact Julie in the front office or email info@ihm.catholic.edu.au.
Important Notice - School Stream Changes
Due to new privacy standards and to assist the school in accurately communicating with individuals and groups, School Stream will soon require all app users to create an account. The process is simple and only requires a mobile number or email address.
Some parents have already created an account, you can check this by opening the Account menu item in the top left menu of School Stream. Our school will be requiring all users to have an account by the beginning of Term 2 Tuesday 2nd May 2023.
After this date, if you have not created an account, you will no longer receive notifications from the school. Please see details below in this newsletter about how to create a School Stream Account.
School Stream Account Set Up
Please see the instructions below to create an account:
- Open School Stream on your mobile device
- Tap the menu (top left)
- Tap Account in the menu
- Follow the prompts to create an account using your mobile or email
- Once you enter your details School Stream will either email or SMS you a 5-digit code
- Enter the code into School Stream once it is received and add your First and Last Name to the fields.
Creating an account will assist our school to efficiently communicate with you directly and as part of a group within School Stream.
The SRCs have been voted in by classes for Semester One. We are looking forward to the positive impact they will have on our school community through working with our school’s leadership team, classes and teachers to continue to bring student voice and agency into all aspects of IHM. We will have an SRC Induction Ceremony at an assembly in Week 7, Thursday 16th March at 2.15pm when they will be presented with their SRC name badges.
Congratulations to our Semester One SRCs:
R/1 D | Adriana, Wyatt and Hendrix |
R/1 M | Ian, Sapphire and Theo |
R/1 T | Matilda, Beau and Chrystian |
1/2 HW | Ewan, Billie P and Clara C |
3/4 P | Julieta, Jacob and Nathaniel |
4/5 F | Huy, Ioulia and Alice |
5/6 L | Sebastian, Eva and Alexandra |
Warm regards,
Annette Diassinas
Recent News
Clean Up Australia Day Friday 3rd March
A reminder that this Friday 3rd March, is ‘Clean up Australia Day for Schools’.
- The R/1 community will be heading to Parfitt Square – Corner of Drayton Street and Fourteenth Street between 9-10am.
- Yrs 1/2 & Yr 3/4 will be heading out to Emu Park – Corner of Gibson and Eight Street between 10-11am.
- Yrs 4/5 & 5/6 will be heading to Stormrage Reserve (also known as Josiah Mitton Reserve) Corner Hawker Street & Wood Ave. between 11.30am - 1pm.
Safety is always at the forefront of what we do and before the clean-up day, teachers will instruct students on what is ‘safe’ litter and what they need to do if in the unlikely event they find dangerous litter. Each class will have Clean up Australia Day bags to fill. Students will be supplied gloves but are also welcome to bring a pair of tongs to collet any rubbish.
- Please ensure your child has applied sunscreen at home in the morning, that they have their school hat and a water bottle.
- Please remember to return your child’s consent form for this event.
We would still love some more helpers to assist with supervision, a current Working with Children Check is required.
The Liturgical Season of Lent in the Catholic Church
Lent is a forty day period in preparation for Easter. It reminds us of the forty days that Jesus spent in the wilderness before he took up his ministry. During this time, he fasted and prayed. Many people (over the age of 16) during Lent choose to not eat meat on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday but in previous centuries the fast was quite severe and was for the entire 40 days. People abstained from all meat and items that came from animals, including butter, eggs, cheese, and fat.
From the earliest days of Christianity, the Season of Lent (the time of preparing before Easter), has always been a time of fasting, prayer and reflection. During this period, people are called to focus on becoming closer to Jesus by praying a little more, doing good deeds for others and going without something they like in order to give generously to others in need. Lent is a good time for us to think about what we can do to grow closer to Jesus and to build connectedness with one another.
Project Compassion
Thank you to our Parents and Friends who gave up their time and funds to support our Shrove Tuesday celebrations. The children all certainly enjoyed the yummy pancakes provided. Shrove Tuesday also provided a great opportunity for families to start their support of Caritas Australia with each student being invited to bring a gold coin donation that will go to Caritas Australia.
As mentioned in our last newsletter the theme of Project Compassion for this year is ‘For All Future Generations’. This phrase is a powerful affirmation that the good we do today will extend and impact the lives of generations to come. It is also a call for us to play our part in making the world a better place by working together in finding long-term solutions to global issues.
A different story is featured each week during Lent to highlight the plight of those in need. This week I include the story for the second week of Lent.
Second Sunday Of Lent (Week beginning Sunday 5 March)
This week through Project Compassion we learn about Tereesa, a Gamilaroi woman from Western Sydney who struggled with homelessness while raising her four children. At just 16 years old, she had to leave school after falling pregnant with her first child. A single mother struggling with homelessness, Tereesa’s only concern was finding stability for her children.
Seeking a better future for her family, Tereesa joined Baabayn Aboriginal Corporation’s Young Mums and Bubs Group, supported by Caritas Australia. Baabayn helped Tereesa access housing and psychological support. Through Baabayn, Tereesa was also able to hear stories from Indigenous Elders and reconnect with her culture.
Today, Tereesa is studying a certificate in Community Services so that she can strengthen her skills and give back to her community. Tereesa now works at Baabayn, providing support to young mothers and mentoring the next generation of young people.
Watch a short film about Tereesa’s and please support Project Compassion: www.caritas.org.au/project-compassion
Southern Cross
The current edition of the Catholic newspaper put out by the Archdiocese called,’ The Southern Cross,’ is available at www.thesoutherncross.org.au
Thought for the Week:
"Kindness is the oil that takes the friction out of life"
Paula Clark

Easter Raffle
Easter is fast approaching and the P & F have been busy putting together some amazing gift baskets for our Easter Raffle. Later this week each family will receive a book with 10 raffle tickets to sell to family and friends and raise funds for the children. More tickets will be available from the office if needed. Good luck everyone and thank you for your support.
Important Dates
R/1 Community Welcome Dinner
Schools Clean Up Australia Day
Reading in the Early Years - Parent Info Session
Welcome Wine & Cheese Evening / Parent Forum
Assembly at 2:15pm (Led by 1/2 H Class)
Adelaide Cup Public Holiday
NAPLAN Starts (Years 3 & 5)
Harmony Day Assembly (including SRC Induction Ceremony) at 2:15pm (Led by 4/5F Class)
Early Payment Discount Final Day
Assembly at 2:15pm (Led by 3/4P Class)
SACPSSA Swimming Carnival
Pupil Free Day
Good Friday Public Holiday
Easter Monday Public Holiday
Assembly at 2:15pm (Led by 5/6L Class)
End of Term 1 - 12:30pm
Upcoming Events
Welcome Wine & Cheese Evening - Parent Forum/AGM

Parents are invited to our Parent Forum for an evening of connecting with the community, discussion and information whilst enjoying some lovely nibbles and wine. It will be held in our hall from 6:45 - 8:30pm. A free creche is being provided. Please RSVP your attendance and if you require the creche for your children on our School Stream app under 'Events'.
Reading in the Early Years

Parent Information Session
Parents of children in Reception and Year One are invited to our parent information session to learn all about Reading in the Early Years.
The session will be held in the Chevalier Centre (Library) from 9-10am on Tuesday 7th March and the session will cover:
- IHM home reading guidelines
- Factors that influence learning
- specific strategies for parents to use at home (tool kit)
Please email the office if you are able to attend: info@ihm.catholic.edu.au
School Finance
Early Payment Discount
A reminder that a 5% discount can be applied to school fees that are paid in full by FRIDAY 17th MARCH 2023. If you have any queries please contact the Office.
School Card Applications
If you think you may be eligible for School Card in 2023 please see Julie for an Application Form or visit the website to apply online at: http:///www.sa.gov.au/topics/education-and-learning/financial-help-scholarships-and-grants/school-card-scheme
Ice Blocks

Families are reminded that students can buy an ice block every Friday at recess time. They are sold from the Canteen for $1.20 each.