Week 3 Term 4 2023
New Leadership at IHM in 2024!
It is a week of announcements with IHM’s New Principal for 2024 Julie Hancock being announced in our school community on Monday. Julie has been the Head of Junior School at St Columba College, Andrews Farm since 2016 and also worked as a Numeracy Consultant at the Catholic Education Office. Julie is going to be such a wonderful leader at IHM and she is very much looking forward to working with the staff, students, parents and parish community.
I am also able to announce our new Assistant Principal Religious Identity and Mission (APRIM) and Inclusive Education Coordinator for 2024. This will be Jhovana Fenu. Jhovana is an experienced APRIM having worked at Our Lady of Visitation Taperoo, Star of the Sea and St Margaret Mary's over the last few years. She has also worked as a Learning Diversity and Inclusion Consultant at the Catholic Education Office and has excellent experience working with students and families to ensure the best learning and wellbeing outcomes for our students. She will be a wonderful, caring, and experienced leader at IHM and I know she will develop strong and positive relationships in our community.
Pauline’s Farewell
Whilst it is exciting times at IHM to welcome a new Leadership Team in 2024, it also means we are needing to say farewell to outgoing Principal Ms Pauline Kinsman. This Friday 3rd November at 9.00am we will be having a special assembly run by 4/5F to farewell Ms Kinsman. All families are welcome to attend.
Ms Kinsman has contributed in so many ways over the past 8 years to the IHM community and will be missed by staff, students and their families. I thank Pauline for her passion for high quality education and her dedication to the school. She has been instrumental in supporting our students and teachers to continuously strive for excellence and implementing high quality Literacy and Numeracy practices that ensured every child had the opportunity to flourish. She has made countless positive changes during her time as Principal including her organisation and management of our 2021 building project which saw the refurbishment of the Administration Building, Hall and 3-6 Classrooms. We wish Pauline all the best in her substantive Role at the Catholic Education Office as Manager of Leadership and Workforce Development.
Year 5/6 Camp
This week I had the pleasure of attending the Year 5/6 Camp at Woodhouse in the Adelaide Hills. This camp saw the children fully immersed in fun learning and adventure, experiencing the physical and mental obstacles of Challenge Hill, Hiking, Zip Lining, Laser Skirmish and more. All were having a fantastic time, and the students were exemplary in their behaviour and conduct.
Once again this year the cook and activity leaders, who see children from lots of school, praised our students for their politeness, respect and cooperation, a great example of the strong values we instil together with our families at IHM. If you haven’t already seen photos, check them out on our Facebook page.
Sports Day
Our Twilight Sports day was a fabulous child centred event with children, families and staff delighting in every child’s participation and achievement. We were so very fortunate with the lovely weather, and it was great to see all children ‘giving it a go’, doing their best and encouraging one another.
Well done to every child for participating and special congratulations to the winning teams, Beovich (Yellow) won the Team Performance Trophy and Hartzer (Green) was awarded the Spirit of the Heart Shield. Special thanks to Astrid-Marie Powell, our PE teacher and to all staff for ensuring it was such a success.
Week 5 Newsletter
As there is a lot of information to be shared with families over this term, we will have an extra newsletter published in Week 5 so please keep an eye out for more information about Term 4 important events/information.
World Teachers Day
Last Thursday, at IHM we celebrate World Teachers Day which is a day for us all to be proud of the amazing teachers in our school.
On behalf of our school community, Paula and I would like to thank every teacher for their hard work and dedication. Our teachers come to school every day with a commitment to uphold the dignity of each and every child coupled with an enthusiasm and dedication to help students learn, grow and flourish - supporting them to be striving leaders in our world.
In our school community we are blessed with such a brilliant group of teachers who absolutely love what they do. Our teachers will continue to open new avenues, encourage your children to explore different things in life and to achieve their full potential. Thank you to all our teachers who have and continue to educate and shape our children’s future. Please take the time to thank your child’s teacher if you get the chance, I know they’d appreciate it greatly!
Annette Diassinas
Recent News
Everyone had a fantastic time participating in lots of fun games and activities during our annual school sports day. Well done to all our students.

Here are a few photos of our Year 5 and 6 students enjoying their time at Woodhouse Activity Centre.

Vinnies Christmas Appeal
Christmas can be a very difficult time for families, particularly those who are experiencing poverty and disadvantage. The support from our IHM families helps assist St Vincent de Paul to support the people who turn to them for help over the festive season. Together as a community we can make a real difference to their lives.
IHM will again be supporting the Vinnies Christmas Appeal in 2023 and we ask families to help by sending donations to contribute to your child’s class Christmas hamper. Our SRC Reps and House Leaders will oversee the organisation of the Vinnies Christmas Appeal this year.
Families are invited to donate the following items:
R/1 M, R/1 T & R/1 D Classes - Toys
Puzzles, games, dolls, blocks, science kits, action figures, baby toys, toys for the beach.
Year 1/2 HW Class - Christmas Theme
Decorations, puddings, cakes, Christmas bon bons, tinned ham.
Year 3/4 P Class - Food
Pre-packed foods e.g. pasta, rice, noodles, tinned veggies, soups, baked beans.
Years 4/5 F and 5/6 L - Food
Baby food, formula, tea, coffee, milo, jam, juices, honey and long life milk.
There will be a basket in each class for families to place their donations.
A member of the St Vincent de Paul Society will collect items during the final week of school, so we ask that all donations are in by Monday 11th December. If you would like you can make your own online monetary donation: https://donate.vinnies.org.au/christmas-appeal
Southern Cross:
The current edition of the Catholic newspaper put out by the Archdiocese called, ‘The Southern Cross,’ is available at; www.thesoutherncross.org.au
Thought for the Week:
“Our children are like mirrors – they reflect our attitudes in life”.
Paula Clark
In our 4/5 community this term, we have been learning about procedure writing with a strong focus on being specific and precise in our method.
We have spent the last two weeks creating a class cookbook full of different sweet and savoury foods and drinks. We researched, planned, and created our own recipes and loved doing it. Here are some finished recipes.
The final date to submit a School Card application for 2023 is Thursday 16th November. Applications cannot be acccepted after this date. Application forms are available from the Office or online at:
Important Dates
Ms Kinsman's Farewell Assembly 9am - Led by 4/5F
Year 3 & 4 Camp - AFL Max (8th - 9th Nov)
SACPSSA Athletic Carnival
Pupil Free Day
Children's University Graduation - Bonython Hall
Whole School Liturgy 9am - Led by 5/6L
9am Assembly - Led by 3/4 P
Scholastic Book Fair (20th - 24th Nov)
Yr 3/4 & 4/5F Excursion to Adelaide Oval
Year 6 Reflection Day
9am Assembly - Led by 1/2 HW
End of Year Concert
Year 6 Aquatics Day
Year 2 School Sleepover
Year 1/2 HW Excursion - AFL Max
Semester 2 Reports Emailed
R/1s Teddy Bear Picnic
End of Year Mass & Graduation - Sacred Heart Church
Meet the Teacher - 11:30am - 1:00pm
End of Term 4 - 3:00pm Finish
Year 6 Farewell Celebration - Zone Bowling
Farewell Assembly 9am - Led by 5/6L
St Aloysius College - Pageant Day

Sacred Heart Parish

Community for Creatures

Communities love Australian creatures and we want strong action to save them from extinction. Join our local event and let's make the message to politians loud and clear:
STOP nature destruction and protect the forests, wetlands, reef, mammals, birds and insects we still have.
- Sunday 5th November - 11am - 12:30pm
- Mary Lee Park (near North Adelaide Railway Station)
- Make your own clay animal to include in our 'Biodiverse-City'
- We will also be producing a large banner to be coloured in and signed to present to our local Federal politician.
- https://www.acf.org.au/community-for-creatures-adelaide-parklands
Australian Girls Choir

Congratulations to girls who recently took part in the AGC assessment workshop at school. Everyone is welcome to come along to Open Day on Sunday November 12, which will give girls the opportunity to try a free class and attend an information session.
For more information phone 1800 338 142 or visit ausgirlschoir.com.au/joinagc/