Week 3 Term 3 2022
Dear Parents and Families,
Welcome to Week 3 of Term 3!
I trust this finds you and your families well and happy, enjoying the Commonwealth Games, the Illuminate Festival and winter sports. Our children have already enjoyed a variety of activities including girl’s basketball, dance and a music concert by St Mary’s students. We have a brave group of students competing in the SA Catholic Schools Cross Country competition tomorrow, so good luck to them!
I am pleased that COVID restrictions have been lifted somewhat, however with the advancement of the new strain, we still need to be vigilant in our school and wider community. We have had a few students and parents with COVID in the past two weeks.
Therefore I ask that you:
- Wear a mask
- Do not enter classrooms (New Receptions excluded) and make a time with the teacher if you need to see them before or after school
- maintain social distance and hygiene practices
- Keep your child/ren home if they are unwell.
Thank you for your cooperation and support in adhering to these practices so that everyone can keep safe and healthy. As always, I will notify you immediately should anything change.
Parent and Caregiver Survey - Complete for your chance to win a $50.00 gift voucher!
All families have received invitations to complete a survey we are currently conducting school climate and the Catholic Education Living Learning Leading Framework.
This is an important opportunity for you to let us know how things are going for you and your child/ren. Please be assured that your feedback will be anonymous and confidential. CESA and school staff will use the data to identify strengths and areas to work and build upon as part of our continuous improvement.
You can easily complete the online survey at www.NSIPartnerships.com.au and enter the code IHMLLLP in the start questionnaire field. It only takes 3 - 5 minutes. The closing date for the survey has now been extended to FRIDAY 26th AUGUST. Send a screen shot of the completed page to the office and you’ll go into a draw to win one of 3 gift vouchers.
Parking Safety around the School
Please do not park in the drop off zone in the mornings or afternoons. The area is well sign posted and clearly indicates a 2 Minutes Maximum waiting time between 8 – 9am and 2:30 – 3:30pm.
If your child is not at the pick-up point you need to drive around the block until they are there.
This allows for a smooth flow through of traffic and enhances safety for drivers and children. Also note the no parking areas in the surrounding streets and do not park across driveways.
Please respect the regulations and keep everyone safe. Thank you.
Have a great fortnight!
Pauline Kinsman
Recent News
1/2 H Mass
Last week our 1/2 class hosted a beautiful mass with the theme 'Everyone is Welcome'. Their 5/6 buddy class also attended and it was lovely to see students participating in the mass with such beautiful participation, singing and reading. Parents were also welcome to attend and it was a great opportunity for families to take part in this Catholic celebration.
Saint Mary of the Cross MacKillop Feast Day – 8th August

“Never see a need without doing something about it.” Mary MacKillop
This week we celebrated Australia’s only saint, Saint Mary of the Cross MacKillop. She was instrumental in bringing Catholic Education to poor children across Australia.
The World Bank estimated that in 2016, 61 million primary aged children could not access any schooling. I couldn’t have imagined my life without school, could you? Here I am, still going to school, surrounded by young, eager minds and teachers who have a love of life-long learning.
We should remember that for many countries the challenge of education will be exacerbated by the challenging times we find ourselves in. Our prayers go to all those who are in war torn countries where their daily life is far from what they ever envisaged.
Hector Chundaloo's painting of Mary MacKillop hangs in the National Museum of Australia. The bush tucker minyjiwarra (bush plum tree) on either side of Mary is a sign of how her spirit nourishes the Australian people, of how she follows the Ngapuny way (God's way). The hill country represents her different camping places here on earth.
Mary MacKillop, pray for us.
SRCS Semester 2
The SRC’s have been voted in by classes for Semester 2. We are looking forward to the positive impact they will have on our school community through working with our school’s leadership team, classes and teachers to continue to bring student voice and agency into all aspects of IHM. We will have an SRC Induction Ceremony at an assembly later this term and will let families know when this will occur.
Congratulations to:
BM, Sarah T and Maya S
R/1 M
Yusuf M, Asha F and Maria Isabella
R/1 T
Evelyn P, Edward S and Augusta T
1/2 H
Camden S, Paige A and Artie M
2/3 PB
Willow W, Luca T and Jessica H
4/5 FW
Harry Mc, Hannah Mc and Natalie B
5/6 C
Elaine M, Oliver M and Samuel G
Sacramental Program
Over the coming weeks some students from IHM will be participating in the Sacraments of Confirmation and Holy Communion. These students are Alia H, Matthew B, Jake B, Kayleigh A, Jacob G. The Sacrament of Confirmation is the completion of the grace received at Baptism. It is the Sacrament in which we receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit, which strengthens us to be the best we can be and is an invitation to keep developing as individuals on our faith journey. Sharing in the Sacrament of the Eucharist through Holy Communion helps us to know that Jesus is at the heart of the Catholic community and remind us that we are linked to all people, in community with one another no matter where we are.
Sacrament of Reconciliation - Congratulations to Matthew who participated in the Sacrament of Reconciliation recently.
Have a safe and happy fortnight.
Annette Diassinas
Book Week is fast approaching.
This event is celebrated nationally in all schools. It serves to inspire and motivate our school community of the pleasure of reading.
Our school library will display the shortlisted titles from a variety of categories. Teachers will ensure that students have access and opportunity to read all these nationally recognised books. Students will also be celebrating Book Week through their involvement in the following whole school activities.
Invitation to Parents and Grandparents: Reading to Children during Book Week
Each year we have parents, grandparents and family members reading to children from Reception to Year 6. It is always a great success for both the students and their loved family members. As a result, we would like to extend an invitation to parents, grandparents and other family members to participate in the week’s celebrations by reading stories to children at IHM. We kindly ask those who attend to please wear masks when visiting.
You may bring along a favourite title from home or read from an assortment of books that will be available in classrooms. Please speak with the relevant class teacher regarding your availability and choice of book. Readers are welcome from Monday 22nd to Thursday 25th August from 8:45 to 9:15am.
Favourite Books and Buddy Reading Experience
Students are invited to bring their favourite book to school. It can be a picture, fiction, or nonfiction title, new or a long-time favourite. Over the week, these books will be shared, read, and viewed with their own class and their ‘buddy’ class. These established buddy partnerships are ideal for relaxed reading experiences.
IHM School Vote for Early Childhood Book
Every year the Year 5/6 class conducts the school Reception to Year 6 vote for IHM’s Best Early Childhood Book title. The school does not always agree with the CBCA! Once again, we will need to wait until the Year 5/6 leaders announce IHM’s most popular title for 2022.
Zoom Events: City of Charles Sturt Library
Adding further to the celebrations this year is the City of Charles Sturt Library with its free online sessions with special guests Queenie Chan and Mandy Foot. R-3 children will join Mandy Foot as she shares her experiences and wonderful collaboration with Indigenous artist, author and fellow illustrator, Susan Betts, in the creation of their inspiring picture book Warna-Manda Baby.
Children in Years 4-6 will have an opportunity to take part in a special online workshop where they will be able to create their own manga stories, or design their own character for their favourite anime/manga story? This online session will focus on how to draw a manga face, help children to think about how they might design their character's clothing, and how to pair that up with a short backstory.
Book Week Dress up Parade – Friday 26th August 2022 - 9am
It’s that time of year again…time to get creative and think of some fantastic dress up ideas for our Book Week Dress Up Parade. The theme this year is ‘Dreaming with eyes open’ - we encourage the students to come dressed as a favourite book character or within the scope of the theme.
Our Dress Up Parade will immediately follow the announcement of our IHM school vote results. Our school leaders will facilitate these proceedings alongside Ms Kinsman. The house leaders will choose the best dressed in each class, and these students will be awarded a small prize.
Students will parade around the school block beginning on Drayton Street. It will certainly be a fantastic opportunity for the students to showcase their costumes!
Information Link - For further information go to the CBCA website: https://cbca.org.au/cbca-book-week
Our wonderful 4/5 class spent some time exploring the amazing Catholic Charities that we could raise money for. After great debate and research, the charity we chose to raise money for is the ‘SA Deaf Association’. We have spent the last few weeks busily creating ‘Be Brave’ bands using patterned coloured wool and beads.
Each band is different and is a reminder to BE BRAVE! Bands will be sold in Week 6 for $2.00 each and all money raised will go towards the SA Deaf Association.
Important Dates
Cross Country Championships
National Science Week (13/8/22 - 21/8/22)
Science Week Excursion (2/3, 4/5, 5/6)
Book Week Commences (20/8/22 - 26/8/22)
P & F Meeting at 7:00pm
Book Week Dress Up Parade
Assembly at 9am (Run by 2/3 PB Class)
Assembly at 9am (Run by 4/5 FW)
Student Centred Conferences (12th - 23rd Sept)
School Photo Day
Assembly at 9am (Run by 5/6 C)
Choir Performs - Adelaide Festival Theatre 6 - 9pm
End of Term 3 - 12:30pm
No Assembly Friday 13th August
This Friday 13th August there will be no Assembly as previously advised. This is due to an Aboriginal Cultural Dance workshop being held for students from Reception to Year 6.
Exploring NDIS Options & Post School Pathways Expo
