Week 3 Term 3 2021
Dear Parents and Families,
Welcome to Week 3 of Term 3!
I trust this finds you and your families well and happy, enjoying the Olympics, the Festival of Light and the resumption of activities around Adelaide. I am pleased that COVID restrictions have been lifted somewhat, however, we still need to be vigilant in our school and wider community.
Therefore I ask that you:
- Check in upon entering the school grounds
- Wear a mask
- Only come into the school yard if you need to
- Do not enter classrooms and make a time with the teacher if you need to see them before or after school
- Maintain social distance and hygiene practices.
It is pleasing to see that from Thursday 5th August, the following activities can resume:
- Playgroup (parents should wear masks where possible)
- Choir and dance rehearsals within the school
- All extracurricular activities within the school
- Incursions and excursions, (ensuring that the venue supplies a copy of their COVID safe or COVID Management plan and we comply)
- Whole school assemblies
- School sports including interschool sport training, trials and competitions.
Thank you for your cooperation and support in adhering to these practices so that everyone can keep safe and healthy. We are all in this together and our IHM community will continue to support each other through these challenging times. As always, I will notify you immediately should anything change.
The children have coped well with the changes and are calm and happy as they come into school in the mornings and throughout the day. We’ve been impressed with their independence in coming into school (even our very youngest!) and settling in readily to begin their learning. It is great to see that many parents are continuing to encourage this sense of independence and responsibility in their children.
Parent Survey
All families received a letter yesterday (via School Stream) introducing you to a survey we are currently conducting about the school climate and the Catholic Education Living Learning Leading Framework, in conjunction with Curtin University.
We value your feedback greatly, and so all parents are invited to participate in the survey as an important opportunity for you to let us know how things are going for you and your child/ren. CESA and school staff will use the data to identify strengths and areas to work and build upon as part of our Continuous improvement.
Please be assured that your feedback will be anonymous and confidential.
We would appreciate you taking the time to complete the survey, either on-line at www.NSIPartnerships.com.au and enter the code IHMLLLP in the start questionnaire field or ask for a hard copy, available from the office. The closing date for the survey is Thursday 19th August. Thank you in anticipation.
Building Update
I have regular site meetings with the Architect, the builders and site manager to discuss progress and issues related to our building project. Unfortunately, the COVID situation has negatively impacted on our building project, as it has with so many other things. We have had delays with the delivery of materials, the wet weather and the lock down. We are hoping there won’t be any more significant delays but will practice our patience. All the children and teachers have been patient and resilient with the mess, noise and change a building project brings and I’m very grateful to them all.
On the positive side, there has been good progress with the upstairs learning areas, which are looking light and bright. There has also been quite a bit of preparation work happening for the new school front and entrance this week. As this work impacts on the footpath and traffic, I thank you for your patience and safety awareness as the works continue.
Warmest wishes,
Pauline Kinsman
Recent News
It was so nice to see all of our IHM children and families returning last Wednesday. The restrictions bring different emotions. It can be a stressful time or one where we are able to slow down for a bit. However it was for you, we are happy our children are back and our community can start gathering…at a distance…with masks…not on school grounds..again.
Maths Workshop
Later this term we will be hosting another Maths Parent Workshop (if restrictions ease) on the topic:
“How to help your child become fluent with their facts.”
Information will be released shortly about this and free care for children will be offered for the workshop.
How Does Exercise Affect Mental Health and Wellbeing?
Physical activity promotes many aspects of child and adolescent development, including social and emotional skills, as well as physical development of motor skills. It also supports mental wellbeing. We know that high levels of inactivity can lead to a greater risk of both physical and mental health problems. Some children and young people dislike competitive sport and anxiety about competition may worsen existing mental health issues.
You could consider involving your child in non-competitive physical activities such as Yoga and Pilates as an alternative. Or explore activities where the focus is on participation, not competition. It is more important for children and young people to learn that being active is fun rather than focusing on winning.
To learn more about how you can support the Wellbeing of your child visit Be You (formerly Beyond Blue https://beyou.edu.au/fact-sheets/development/brain-development
Sacramental Program
Over the coming weeks some students from IHM will be participating in the Sacraments of Confirmation and Holy Communion. The Sacrament of Confirmation is the completion of the grace received at Baptism. It is the Sacrament in which we receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit, which strengthens us to take up the mission which Christ gives us.
Sharing in the Sacrament of the Eucharist through Holy Communion is the high point of Christian life and worship. Receiving Holy Communion we are united to Jesus by receiving his Body and Blood and we are united to one another in Him. This is a Sacrament that we receive not only once, but every Sunday.
Stay warm and take care of each other.
God Bless,
Annette Diassinas
Dear Families,
Students at IHM have been participating in the 2021 Premier's Reading Challenge (PRC). This Challenge commenced in February with your child's class teacher managing their involvement.
We are now nearing the end with the closure being Friday 3rd September. Please be assured our teachers are working with each student to ensure they are all successful and can receive their accolade next term in the form of a Certificate (for first time participants) or a Medal (according to the number of years of participation). The students keenly look forward to this day award day in November!
The Challenge aims to promote reading for pleasure. At IHM we have integrated the Challenge reading into our class literature and literacy focus.
Additional information can be accessed through your child's class teacher and PRC website: www.premiersreadingchallenge.sa.edu.au/PRC/ .
Mary Sapio
Literacy Support
Data Coordinator
On Friday 6th August IHM was a sea of Green and Gold when our staff and students came to school wearing Green and Gold to show their support of the Australian athletes competing in the Tokyo Olympic Games. Aussie, Aussie, Aussie!

Ovingham Project Community App
We have been asked to share the following about a new app that provides easy access to project information and allows notification alerts to be sent when there will be a disruption to traffic and other important impacts to the community:
The Ovingham Level Crossing Removal Project is making the most of technology by using a new app that presents information in a social media style feed, allowing photos and information to be shared quickly and easily.
The app also has an option for you to provide feedback about current project works and design, as well as a message option for you to contact the PTP Alliance.
Watch this video or visit the PTP Alliance website for more information including how to set up the app.
Iceblocks on Fridays
Every Friday at recess time students can buy an iceblock for $1.20 from the Canteen.
Dance Lessons
A letter notifiying parents about our Dance Program (including timetable) has been distributed via School Stream. Lessons commence next Monday and will take place every Monday during Term 3 and part of Term 4, and forms an important part of our curriculum.
School Photos - Advance Notice
Tuesday 31st August is school photo day and all students will have their school photo taken by MSP Photography.
Pre-paid envelopes printed with your child’s name will be distributed to the students next week.
If you wish to order photographs please return envelopes with payment to the Office before photo day or pay online.
Please take time to read the relevant information on the envelopes and remember these points:
- On photo day could families please ensure that children are wearing their CORRECT SCHOOL UNIFORM - they will be photographed wearing their short sleeve school polo top. Our Year 6 students should wear their senior tops.
- Family envelopes (for sibling photos) are available from the school office upon request – Please Note that Online Ordering for family photos is not available.
- Online Orders - You can also order photos online (details are on the Photo envelope) – Please Note that Online Orders close at midnight on Photo Day.
- Please ensure that correct money is enclosed in envelopes – no change can be given at school. You can pay by cash, cheque or money order.
This term, our wonderful Year 4/5 class is reading the novel Wonder. This relates strongly to our Term 3 theme ‘we choose kind’.
We spent time in class discussing what choosing kind means and we came up with some awesome quotes.
Choosing Kindness means….
Treating everyone equally (Caleb)
Helping people when nobody is watching (Alexandra)
Giving someone something they need (Orlando)
Don’t judge a boy by his face (Austin)
Using kind words (Harper)
Including others (Ekta)
Treat others like you want to be treated (Tom)
Don’t choose mean, choose kind! (Eva)
Do nice things for others without expecting anything in return (Anita)
Be humble (Daniella)
Don’t judge a book by its cover – give people a chance (Lexi)