Week 3 Term 2 2022
Dear Parents and Friends,
The week has literally started with a splash with our R-5 classes having swimming lessons at the Thebarton Aquatic Centre this week. Thanks to the parents who are volunteering to help and coming out to watch. The children are loving it, despite the inclement weather, and it is such an important survival skill to be confident in the water and to be able to swim.
Federal Election
Federal Election 2022 Education is an important topic at every election. As we head towards the Federal Election on May 21, those in Catholic Schools are being asked to consider how their vote will benefit the whole community. It is essential that everybody who cares about Catholic schools understands the key issues.
A number of resources are available at: http://www.cesa.catholic.edu.au/federal-election
IHM Election Polling Centre Fundraising - Saturday May 21st 8am - 6pm
We will have coffee, cakes and sweets, bacon and egg sandwiches and sausages available
for sale. If you haven’t already, it is not too late to donate goods or sign up to help with the stalls for an hour or so on the day.
Please come along on the day and support us by buying a coffee, democracy sausage or treat - hope to see you on Saturday!
COVID Settings Reminder
We are happy that this term parents, grandparents and visitors are permitted to come into the school grounds. At this stage, parents are not to enter the classrooms unless you have previously arranged to do so with the class teacher.
If you come into the office please remember to wear a mask.
We have had an increase of cases these last two weeks, so please keep your child at home if unwell and get tested if symptoms are apparent. Thank you for your cooperation.
Keep safe and see you at the IHM election day stalls on Saturday!
Warmest wishes
Pauline Kinsman
Recent News
Recycling Bread Tags and Bottle Tops
A reminder to families to keep bringing in their Bread Tags and Bottle Tops. Students can take these items to their classroom or drop them off in the labelled boxes in the front office.
Wonder Bread has created a recycling rewards program that our school is participating in. For every 5kg of Bread Tags we collect, we receive points which allow us to obtain free sports equipment. There is some great equipment we can get for our school. The best part about recycling the bread tags is that we are able to reduce the rubbish that goes to landfill.
Nude Food at IHM
At IHM we encourage children to pack a lunch box that contains nude food.
But, what is Nude Food? Simply put, it's food without excess packaging. Usually, this means food that is not processed, often making it a healthier and more environmentally friendly option. Nude Food reduces the amount of 'stuff' that needs to go in bins to be sent to landfill. Durable, reusable containers are a great way to bring food providing long term cost savings and environmental benefits.
Please send your child/children to school with Nude food and ensure all containers are labelled. We have noticed an increase in rubbish in our school over the last 18 months and we are working with our students to help reduce the rubbish. Your support with Nude Food would help immensely.
Laudato Si Week
Laudato Si’ Week (16-24 May) is a celebration of Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’ and a call to action for people around the world to care for our common home. We can all do our part for our world, by starting small and making small changes at home or school. We encourage you to think of simple and easy ways you can look after our world with your families. It could be as easy as taking shorter showers, turning off those lights we don’t really need on, or buying items and produce that are sustainably sourced.
Green Hearts
Our Green Hearts Lunch time club is going great. Each week we have a core group of students attend along with new students who want to join in planting new seeds, finding snails, weeding and collecting harvested produce. You can never miss our Green Hearts Group with their bright green vests they wear and their fantastic attitude in wanting to look after our environment. Last week we planted some new seeds for winter broccoli, rocket, lettuce and peppermint. We are looking forward to watching them grow.
National Walk Safely to School Day
This Friday 20th May we encourage students to take part in Walk Safely to School Day and to walk either part or all the way with the family to help promote regular exercise. It is also a great opportunity to teach children safe ways to behave around roads and traffic. Remember to keep safe at all times.
Have a safe and happy fortnight.
Annette Diassinas
Wednesday 25th May 2022 10:30am
The Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) hold National Simultaneous Storytime (NSS) annually. This event is now in its 22nd year with over 1.9 million participants at over 33 000 locations. Last year the locations included New Zealand, Thailand, UK, Canada, Singapore, Vietnam and Hong Kong.
Every year a picture book, written and illustrated by an Australian author and illustrator, is read simultaneously in libraries, schools, pre-schools, childcare centres, family homes, bookshops and many other places around the country and world.
The aim of NSS is to promote the value and joy of reading and literacy whilst also featuring an Australian author and illustrator.
Family Tree is the feature book for 2022. It is written by Australian singer and song writer Josh Pyke. The illustrations were completed by Ronojoy Ghosh.
This event is only accessed online. It is a dynamic and lively feature of our literature immersion program.
Mary Sapio
Baby News
Congratulations and best wishes to Rachel and Ben Kuchel and big brother Samuel on the recent safe arrival of baby Clara.
Congratulations must go to the following Year 5/6 students who recently represented IHM in SAPSASA events.
- Isabella Piesse competed in the SAPSASA Western and Airport Districts Cross Country competition in the Division 1 Combined race for 12-Year-old Girls. Isabella won her race and in doing so has qualified to compete in the State Cross Country meet in Oakbank on the 9th June when the top 6 runners in each region will attend. Well done Isabella and all the best in your coming races.
- Oliver Mullin recently competed in the SAPSASA Western Districts Football trials and was selected for the State Football Team. Congratulations Oliver!
- Harper Stanley also took part in the SAPSASA Western Districts Football trails and was selected as a reserve. Well done Harper.
'Feeling gratitude and not expressing it, is like wrapping a present and not giving it.'
At IHM, we have been exploring the positive emotion of ‘Gratitude’. Research shows that practicing gratitude can measurably improve our overall well-being and boost our relationships with others.
The wonderful thing about gratitude is that it can be nurtured and developed into a habit.
In class, teachers have been developing gratitude with their students by encouraging them to notice at least 3 good things that happen during the day.
This concept of noticing the good things that happen during our day has been introduced as ‘Specks of Gold’. That is, reflecting on the 3 things that went well for students at the end of each day.
To help support your child develop their skills of showing gratitude, we encourage parents to use the language of:
‘What Specks of Gold did you discover today?’ Posing this question at the end of the day will encourage your child to reflect on their day with a positive mindset.
Below are some examples of how the different classes have been representing their ‘Specks of Gold’
When: Monday 23rd to Friday 27th May
Where: IHM Library
Times: Before School: 8:30–9:00 am
After School: 3:00–3:30 pm
Theme: ‘Dive into Reading’
Our first Book Fair for the year starts next Monday in the Library and families are invited to come along and see the great selection of books that can be purchased. Books always make great gifts.
Come and support our Book Fair next week; the more books we sell, the more books we can buy for our library.
Carmel Johnston
Election Day Stalls
All the excitement of our Democracy Sausage sizzle is growing and we are very grateful for all the volunteers that have offered their help this Saturday.
Just a reminder that it's not too late to help out or encourage family and friends to come along on the day and enjoy a sausage sizzle, bacon & egg sandwich, coffee and a bumper cake stall. Oh, and don't forget to Vote too, hahaha.
Can we also remind people to label any baked goods with the ingredients and have them packaged or provide a list of ingredients if items are for individual sale. Items can be delivered to school Friday morning so that we can have items priced ahead of time.
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you all Saturday.
Nadia & Kate
Important Dates
Walk Safely to School Day
Polling Booth at IHM
Book Fair - School Library - 23rd-27th May
Pupil Free Day
Queen's Birthday Public Holiday
Orientation Morning - Term 3 Receptions
Transition Visit 1
Reading Information Session for Parents - 9-10am
Transition Visit 2
End of Term 2 @ 12:30pm
OLSH College Tours
