Week 3 Term 1 2023
Dear Families and Friends,
Welcome to Week 3 of our first term!
Thanks for supporting your children’s success by helping them get to school on time and to be well prepared in correct uniform, with their healthy snacks and minimal waste lunches. Thank you also for taking the time to attend ‘book-a-chats’ as they help build the relationship with your child’s teacher for the benefit of your child.
During some of Week 4 and 5 of this term, I will be heading to Anaheim for a Religious Education Congress. I have been wanting to attend this for many years but COVID required some patience from me. I look forward to sharing my experience when I return. We have an amazing staff who will be supporting all students whilst I am away but if there is an urgent matter, please contact Julie in the front office.
Welcome Wine and Cheese Night and Parent Forum
Each year we hold this event which is a great evening of connecting, discussion and information. The lovely nibbles and wine also add to the conviviality, so please consider coming along.
It is coming up on WEDNESDAY 8th MARCH at 6.45pm so please save the date. The purposes of the evening are to:
- Welcome all IHM parents to the New Year in a convivial and salubrious way.
- Provide an opportunity for parents/caregivers to hear about what’s happening this year at IHM as well as to have a say and contribute to strategic directions.
Because we value your attendance we provide a crèche free of charge. Please ensure to return the invitation RSVP being sent home early next week.
Parent Leadership - School Board Members Wanted
We are seeking nominations to the School Board. The School Board meets twice per term, from 7.00-8.30pm. Board members play an important role in representing the parent community by contributing to, and considering matters pertaining to the school on a strategic level.
No experience is required, just a genuine interest in the school, a wish to contribute and an ability to handle confidences. If you are interested in nominating yourself or someone else please email info@ihm.catholic.edu.au or let Julie or myself know.
It has been great to see the children from R-5 really enjoying their swimming lessons and building their water confidence, safety and skills which are so important in Australia. There has been positive feedback from families about the new swimming location, and students have been happy. Many thanks to the parents who have offered their help with supervision this week; we couldn’t do it without your help!
Parents’ enthusiasm, support and involvement are integral to the flourishing of our students as are the great skills, dedication and professionalism of our teachers and staff. With the two combined we are on a certain winning streak together!
Artist in Residence - Drama Beginning Friday Week 4
This year students will be working with Christopher Asimos (also an IHM Parent) who will be a Performing Artist in Residence, completing a 6-week Drama Workshop with students in all classes.
Christopher is a 2008 Honours graduate from Flinders Drama Centre. He has worked extensively on stage, television and film in Australia and overseas. Chris is a resident performer for the NTC (National Theatre for Children) and has toured hundreds of schools across Australia.
Chris currently works as the Acting School-Coordinator and Assistant Agent at Actors Ink agency and a member of the academic staff for the Elder Conservation of Music full-time musical theatre course.
We look forward to providing this opportunity to our students. As Drama will be occurring on a Friday, our assemblies for the remainder of Term 1 will occur on Thursday’s at 2.15pm. Please see the newsletter important dates for upcoming class assemblies.
Beginning of the School Year Missioning Mass and Congratulations House Captains
Thanks to all staff, School Board members and student leaders who attended our special Mass on Sunday, to mark the beginning of the school year and our journey together in to 2023.
House Leaders
Students in Years 5 & 6 are given the opportunity to apply to be a House Leader and share their strengths, abilities, talents and personality with their House Team through a short speech. At the end of 2022, students in Years 2-6 voted for their House Leaders along with teachers and leadership.
Congratulations to the following students. We know you will be fantastic leaders at IHM in 2023 and promote the Pillar of Connectedness in our community.
Kayleigh Arthur, Oliver Mullin and Alexis Piesse
Matthew Bowman, Jett Lovegrove and Rumaya Karacuha
Ekta Raj, Elaine Moorhouse and James Whitehead
Wishing you all a wonderful week!
Warm regards,
Annette Diassinas
Recent News
Missioning Mass
Last Sunday, Staff, Student Leaders, School Board Members and Parents and Friends Representatives from IHM celebrated a Missioning Mass at Sacred Heart Church, Hindmarsh. This Mass was celebrated to commission the work that these representatives will undertake this year on behalf of our IHM School Community. It was also a fantastic opportunity for the strengthening of School and Parish relations.
Thank you to all families who were able to join us at this Mass.
Sacramental Program
A parent information session for the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Confirmation and First Holy Communion was held yesterday at St Michael’s Primary School. If you were unable to make this session and are interested in your child taking part in these Sacraments this year, please contact me via email pclark@ihm.catholic.edu.au or phone the school. The Sacramental
Program begins this term with Reconciliation. Please return enrolment forms by Friday 24th February.
Clean Up Australia
On Friday the 3rd March our school will take part in Clean Up Australia Day. Students will head out into the community to different parks and strive to keep our community clean and stop the spread of waste. Further information will be provided to families in the next week. We will need some adults to support the event. If you are able to assist, please contact your child’s class teacher or the front office. You will need to hold a current Police Clearance (Working with Children Check).
Shrove Tuesday – Pancake Tuesday – 21st February
On Tuesday 21st February we will celebrate Shrove Tuesday.
Our Parents and Friends committee will be providing students with a pancake on this day.
Shrove Tuesday occurs the day before Ash Wednesday.
Shrove Tuesday is a reminder to Christians that they are entering a season of self-reflection. Whilst this day was originally a solemn day, over the centuries, Shrove Tuesday took on a festive nature.
Ash Wednesday Liturgy 9.00am Wednesday 22nd February
On Wednesday 22nd February we will hold a Whole School Liturgy for Ash Wednesday. This service will be held at 9.00am in the hall and be led by the 5/6 Class. All families are warmly invited to attend.
Ash Wednesday Begins the Lenten Season of the Catholic Church
Lent will begin on Wednesday 22nd February, with an Ash Wednesday service.
Ash Wednesday is a day on which Catholics traditionally resist eating between meals (fasting) and avoid eating meat (abstaining). Many Catholics also attend Mass or have special prayer liturgies. As a school community we will come together to hold a whole school liturgy. At this liturgy we will all be marked with the sign of the cross on our foreheads, reminding us that we are all welcome children of God.
Project Compassion
Next week, each child will receive a Project Compassion box to use during the Catholic Liturgical season of Lent.
Caritas Australia’s annual Lenten fundraising and awareness-raising appeal brings thousands of Australians together in solidarity with the world’s poor to help end poverty, promote justice and uphold dignity. The theme of Project Compassion for this year is ‘For All Future Generations’. This phrase is a powerful affirmation that the good that we do today will extend and impact the lives of generations to come. It is also a call for all of us to play our part in making the world a better place by working together in finding long-term solutions to global issues.
A different story is featured each week during Lent to highlight the plight of those in need. This week I include the first week’s story.
First Sunday of Lent (Week beginning Monday 27th February)
We begin our annual Lenten Project Compassion journey by learning about Laxmi, a 16-year-old girl living in Jajarkot, a remote district in Nepal where almost half of the population live below the poverty line. Tragedy struck when Laxmi was 10 years old and her father passed away. Her father worked hard to pay for his children's education and, after losing him, Laxmi was at risk of falling further into extreme poverty.
With the support of our partner Caritas Nepal, Laxmi joined a child's club at her school where she was encouraged to resume her education. Through the child’s club, Laxmi developed the skills and confidence to become a leader, advocating for clean water taps at her school.
Laxmi is now excelling in her studies and working towards her dream of becoming a civil engineer. She continues to be involved in the child's club, serving as an advisor and mentoring the next generation of young leaders at her old school. Watch a short film about Laxmi’s story and please support Project Compassion: www.caritas.org.au/project-compassion.
Thought For The Week:
It’s not a single, great, heroic deed that defines who you really are. It’s the little things you do day by day that count.
God Bless,
Paula Clark
R/1s Welcome Dinner - Date Change
The P & F Committee invites students and parents in Reception and/or Year 1 to a meet and greet evening over dinner.
- DATE: PLEASE NOTE date has been changed to FRIDAY 3rd MARCH
- WHERE: Plant 4 Bowden - 5 Third Street, Bowden
- TIME: 6:00pm onwards
- FOOD: There are a variety of food and drink stalls at Plant 4.
This dinner is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the beginning of the school year, and to welcome new families to our community.
If you are planning to attend, please email Julie at info@ihm.catholic.edu.au including the number of people attending by WEDNESDAY 1st MARCH.
We hope you can join us.
Cindy and Belinda

It has been a magnificent start to the new school year in 3/4P, spent meeting new people, making new connections and exploring the upstairs learning space.
Students have enjoyed creating their own artwork by using oil pastels and different shapes to represent our school pillar, connectedness. It really brightens up our classroom!
A key feature of our classroom this year is our Affirmation Station. An Affirmation Station is an intentional space where students can go to affirm themselves, get support and encouragement and use empowering phrases to develop their self-confidence and self-worth. Students are encouraged to visit the Affirmation Station as part of their morning routine or throughout their day as required. They can do this privately or share this experience with a classmate.
Some of our affirmations include:
“I am kind”
“I am creative”
“I am brave”
“I am honest”
“I am strong”
We are looking forward to a beautiful, bright and busy school year!
Miss Papazaharoudakis
We are looking forward to a beautiful, bright and busy school year!
Miss Papazaharoudakis
The 2023 School Fee Statements for most families will be distributed this week (envelopes will go home with eldest child).
- An early payment discount of 5% applies to all tuition fees paid in full by FRIDAY 17th MARCH 2023.
- Payments can be made via BPay or EFT, Direct Debit, Credit Card, Qkr!, cash or cheque.
- SCHOOL CARD - Families who are in receipt of a pension, unemployment benefits, low income or hold a Centrelink Concession Card are encouraged to apply for School Card - a 40% discount on tuition fees applies to all eligible School Card holders.
- Applications must be made annually and forms are available from the Office or can be done online. For further information, income thresholds and to apply online please visit:http://www.sa.gov.au/topics/education-skills-and-learning/financial-help-scholarships-and-grants/school-card-scheme
If you need assistance meeting payments or have any questions, please contact our Finance Manager, Kristina Neumann at kneumann@ihm.catholic.edu.au.
Families are advised that there have been a few reported cases of head lice within the school. Head lice are passed from person to person by direct contact or on shared objects such as hats, combs, towels etc.
For information on the prevention and treatment of head lice please visit the SA Health website below. We remind families of the absolute importance of completing all steps of the treatment to minimise the possiblity of a reoccurence. Thank you for your co-operation.
Students from Reception to Year 5 are enjoying learning to swim and about water safety at the Parks Recreation and Sports Centre this week. They look like they are all having such a great time.
