Week 11 Term 1 2022
Dear Parents,
Welcome to Week 11! Holy Week
As the first term reaches its conclusion, I would like to commend all students for the way they have worked this term and their positive attitude, despite interruptions and challenges of Covid. I also extend big THANKS to our staff who have been amazing this term. Please take the time to thank them as it means so much to be appreciated.
Holy Week and Easter
This week is Holy Week. This time of the year is most important for Christians as we remember Jesus’ death and resurrection, the unconditional love of God and the promise of eternal life.
Whatever your beliefs, the concept of resurrection holds deep metaphorical meaning. Essentially it is about transformation. It is about dying and letting go, so as to receive new life and new spirit. This cycle is not something that we undergo just once. Rather, it is something we can undergo daily, in every aspect of our lives - for example, letting go of the old and making way for the new, letting go of what is not helpful to us and embracing that which is, or changing our view of a situation from a negative one to a positive one.
Our IHM community is one where we are loved and accepted for who we are and each day is a new rising, as we work together with hope and love for our beautiful children and the renewal of our world.
May the promise of hope, love and connectedness be with you and your families this Easter!
Ukrainian Easter Eggs - Pysanky
These beautiful painted Easter eggs are to bless every part of life as talismans of prosperity, fertility, healing and protection, long life and bounty. I have fond memories of spending hours decorating our pysanky each Easter.
These then placed them in a special basket with Easter bread (paska), greenery and covered with special embroidered cloth, to be blessed at church on Easter Saturday and then shared for Easter Sunday breakfast.
This year the eggs and their symbolism hold very special meaning and wishes. Let us especially pray for peace in Ukraine and the world.
IHM will be an Election Polling Centre - May 21st 8am - 6pm
We have a great opportunity to raise some funds for the school as our beautifully renovated hall is being used as a Polling Booth. Please consider donating goods or helping with the democracy sausage sizzle for an hour or so on the day. Many hands make light work! More information in the P & F section.
Happy Holidays
It has been a long and rewarding term and I would like to wish you all a safe, restful and enjoyable school holiday. I hope that you have the opportunity for some quality family time together. May your family and home be blessed with good health, love and joy during this Easter season.
See you next term!
Warmest wishes,
Pauline Kinsman
Recent News
Happy Holidays
I would like to begin by saying how exceptionally proud Pauline and I are of our teachers and staff during these extraordinary times. We are also very grateful for the IHM community support as we deal with this complex and ever changing situation. As a school, we are navigating these changes as best we can and with as little disruption to teaching and learning as possible.
Despite the different start and COVID restrictions, there has been much to look forward to in our IHM community and are proud of the events we have been able to have in Term 1.
Some of the highlights were:
- Our Harmony Day - Wall of Hope flowers
- 1/2 H Class Mass
- Whole School Excursion working with Aboriginal Artist Tjimari the Kumarninthi director and his sister Iteka to create Painted Poles for the Ovingham overpass
- SACPSSA Swimming Carnival
- House Leader Broadcast
- Clean Up Australia
- RAA Street Smart Program
- Crazy Hat Day
- R/1 Excursion Tea Tree Gully Heritage Museum
- Shrove Tuesday
- IHM Coin Challenge
IHM Coin Challenge - Project Compassion
What a sensational job our House Leaders did in organizing, coordinating, and supporting students in our IHM Coin Challenge. We were very impressed with the number of coins brought in. The total length of the coin line was a massive 107.21m. We raised in total $865.00 for Project Compassion.
Well done to 1/2 H for their 28 metre line of coins and to 2/3 PB who raised $270.30. Impressive!!!
Below are the total amounts raised for each class.
R/1 T - $138.35
R/1 M - $54.20
1/2 H - $143.25
2/3 PB - $270.30
4/5 FW - $185.60
5/6 C - $73.95
Holy Week
In the school holidays we will celebrate Easter which is Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. It will be celebrated this Sunday, and marks the end of Holy Week, the end of Lent, the last day of the Easter Triduum (Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday), and is the beginning of the Easter season of the liturgical year. Easter is not just a single day of celebration in the Christian Tradition – it’s an entire season where we celebrate new beginnings. Easter is celebrated for 50 days up until Pentecost.
We always see eggs around at Easter time as eggs remind us of new life. In the Northern Hemisphere, Easter occurs during spring time and in the spring we see bird nests filled with eggs which represents the gift of new life.
I think a well-deserved break is needed and I wish everyone a safe and happy school holidays.
ANZAC Day April 25th
107 years have passed since Australia’s involvement in the First World War. ANZAC commemorates Australia’s involvement in World War I and remembers anyone who has served in a war or conflict as well as those men and women still serving in the Defence Forces today. ANZAC Day is when we remember the anniversary of the landing on Gallipoli in 1915. It is also the day we remember all Australians who served and died in all wars, conflicts, and peacekeeping operations. The spirit of ANZAC, with its human qualities of courage, “mateship”, and sacrifice, continues to have meaning and relevance for our sense of national identity.
“They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old.”
Yet in our growing we allow them to flourish.
In our days and years, their memory finds an ample place
“At the going down of the sun, and in the morning, we will remember them.”
Wishing you safe and happy holidays.
Annette Diassinas
Each class participated in designing some of the Stations of the Cross. These have been put on display in the hall for classes to go through and reflect on what Holy Week means for us even in these modern times.

Friday 20th May, 6.30 – 11:00 pm
Tables of 10 are $250.00
Brush up on your trivia and don your BEST rock n' roll outfit. This is going to be FUN (and possibly a bit competitive)!! All proceeds will go towards helping Jack and his family pay for Jack's surgery in the USA in September and all pre and post-surgery costs.
Please book your table and find more details about the evening, here: https://chuffed.org/project/jackos-journey-quiz-night-fitzroy-footy-club
If you would like to book tickets but do not have a table to join, please email Skye at skyekennett@gmail.com and she can arrange a table for you to sit at.
If your child or anyone you know has a child that turns 5 before 31st October they are eligible to commence school in Term 3 on 26th July 2022. If so, great news - fees for Terms 3 and 4 will be waived. For an Enrolment Form or more information please contact Julie.
Easter Raffle Winners
We would like to thank everybody for joining in on the Easter Raffle. We were able to raise the amazing amount of $1258.00 for our school.
Congratulations to our winners: Dalamagas Family, Davison Family and McInerney Family.
Polling Booth
IHM are proud to be hosting a Polling Booth in our beautiful new hall for the upcoming Election being held on Saturday 21st May. This is a wonderful opportunity to welcome our wider community into the school and host a Sausage Sizzle and Cake Stall. If you could help out in some way on the day or donate some homemade baked items it would be greatly appreciated. Please keep an eye out in upcoming Newsletters and via School Stream for ways to get involved.
We wish everyone a safe and Happy Easter
Nadia, Kate & the P & F Committee
Important Dates
Pupil Free Day
Pupil Free Day
Pupil Free Day
Students Commence Term 2
Swimming Lessons - R to 5 (16th-20th May)
Polling Booth at IHM
Happy Easter & Holidays
Wishing all our families a very Happy Easter and enjoyable Term 1 holidays.
Keep safe and see you all in Term 2.