Week 11 Term 1 2021

Dear Families and Friends, Welcome to Week 11!
As the first term reaches its conclusion, I commend all our students for the way they have started the year. This term has been busy and the positive attitude in which the students have worked towards achieving their learning goals, whether in the classroom, in the playground, on the sporting field, or the many other learning opportunities undertaken, have been fabulous to observe.
Thank you so much to our wonderful parent community for your support and involvement throughout the term, especially in attending assemblies, liturgies, Book-a-Chats, Sports Day, and assisting with swimming, class activities, various committees and excursions.
Temporary Learning spaces and Office area next term
Next term please be mindful and patient as we begin our building program. The plans and some visuals are available for your perusal on the community notice board in the foyer around the corner from the office.
A reminder that the main entrance to the school will be through the double gates outside the cottages on East Street. The front office will be in the cottages.
Please Note
There will be more restricted parking around the school, so it’s an opportunity to walk to school, ride or park further away and walk a little more.
Please Note
With the building works beginning next term we will not be able to accommodate students arriving before 8.30am in the office, due to safety requirements.
Camp Australia Before School Care
Commencing in Term 2 we will be offering Before School Care through Camp Australia from 6:30am for those families who need the service. Any students who arrive before 8.30am will be directed to Before School care and a fee will apply.
A reminder for families that bookings for Before School Care can now be made with Camp Australia at http://www.campaustralia.com.au It is very easy to register your child and they have a new Parent Portal App which give youcomplete access to your Camp Australia account. More information visit the OSHC page on our website.
The Year 3-6 children will be in temporary learning spaces in the Chevalier Centre (library), STEM room and upstairs computer classroom. The children have all been well versed in where they should go and to be aware of out of bounds areas. I will let you know more about restricted areas as I negotiate with the builder who will be appointed soon.
Twilight Sports Day
Plenty of fun and excitement was had by all at our Twilight sports evening which began with some awesome chants. During the evening, it was great to see all children ‘giving it a go’, doing their best and encouraging one another. Of course, it was also wonderful to see every reception child participate in their first races ever and be so happy and proud of themselves.
Well done to all children for participating and special congratulations to the trophy and shield winning teams - Beovich won the Team Performance Award and Chevalier won the Spirit of the Heart Award. Congratulations to the captains of all the houses, who led their teams fantastically in the lead up preparation and on the day!
Many thanks to our Parents and Friends, for providing the sausage sizzle, Easter Raffle and to all parents who helped out on the night. Very special thanks to Jane Hidson, our PE teacher and to all staff for ensuring it was such a successful event.
Happy Holidays
It has been a long, full and rewarding term and I would like to wish you all a safe, restful and enjoyable school holidays. I hope that you have the opportunity for some quality family time together. May your family and home be blessed with good health, love and joy during this Easter season.
See you next term!
Warmest wishes
Pauline Kinsman
Recent News
Happy Holidays
A big thank you to all our students, parents and staff for a fantastic (and busy) Term 1. Looking back over the term it has been amazing to see the students grow in so many ways and enjoy all the wonderful events of the term including Sports Day, Harmony Day/National Day Against Bullying and Violence, Holy Week, Assemblies, Excursions and incursions. I think a well-deserved break is needed and I wish everyone a safe and happy school holidays.
Holy Week
The students have been participating in Holy Week activities beginning with the 5/6 play for Palm Sunday. The R-2 community created Palms to wave in front of our school Jesus and said Hosanna as they welcomed him. The 4/5 class continued on from this story presenting the Last Supper. The Year 3 class created beautiful artwork for each of the Stations of the Cross shared with our whole school for class prayer.
Over the weekend we celebrated Easter which is Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. It is celebrated on Sunday, and marks the end of Holy Week, the end of Lent, the last day of the Easter Triduum (Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday), and is the beginning of the Easter season of the liturgical year.
Easter is not just a single day of celebration in the Christian Tradition – it is an entire season where we celebrate new beginnings. Easter is celebrated for 50 days up until Pentecost.
We always see eggs around at Easter time as eggs remind us of new life. In the Northern Hemisphere, Easter occurs during springtime and in the Spring we see bird nests filled with eggs which represents the gift of new life.
Wishing you a happy fortnight.
Annette Diassinas

What a busy first term we have had.
Thank you to all the volunteers that have helped throughout the term and everyone that supported the Sports Day sausage sizzle and Easter Raffle. We raised $822 which will go towards our children's needs at the school.
We would like to thank everyone for their continued support this term and wish you all a safe and happy holiday.
Nadia Rowe & Kate Henderson
Students finish Term 1 this FRIDAY 9th APRIL at 12:30 pm
This Friday students can wear casual clothes with a Gold Coin Donation. All proceeds will go to Project Compassion.
Wishing everyone safe and happy holidays.
Message from our new OSHC Coodinator
Hello my name is Michelle Sims.
I come to your school as the new OSHC Coordinator with years of experience in the child care industry. I hold a Diploma of Children's Services Child Care and have been working for Camp Australia for 7 years. I have 3 adult children and 2 beautiful grandchildren.
In my spare time I enjoy going to the football, puzzle making, arts and craft.
Guiding children to be their best watching them grow and excel is the most rewarding part of my work and I get to play games and have fun.
I am looking forward to working at your service at the start of Term 2 2021 and getting to know you all.
Kind regards,
Michelle Sims
Important Dates
Last Day of Term 1 at 12:30pm
Term 2 Commences
Year 4/5 Assembly Cancelled
Please Note that the 9am assembly scheduled to take place this Friday 9th April has been cancelled.