Week 10 Term 3 2024
Building Project Update
Work is moving fast and our builders Partek will be handing over the two R/1 classrooms during these holidays. Ms Mihelios and Ms Thompsons classes will return to these rooms for Term 4, with access from the library breezeway side.
Access to the school will remain through the cottage gates until end of November when we have access through the front of school again. Gates will be closed at 8.50am to ensure the safety of our R/1 students located in the breezeway. The front office is always accessible to enter and exit at any time.
Food Provider - Lunches
We are excited to announce IGA at Plant 4, Bowden will be supplying our school lunches daily next term. With a new menu and fresh hot and cold food made daily, we are excited to partner with them. Our P & F and staff have provided feedback to create the menu. School lunches can still be ordered on the QKR app by 8.30pm the evening before, to enable the fresh food to be prepared in time. Please find here a link to the new menu (PLEASE NOTE: this a sample menu and there may be a few minor changes).
Calendar Events for Term 4
We have an action-packed Term 4 ahead with many opportunities and celebrations for students and families. The term 4 community calendar is attached for your information. Some important dates and highlights include:
Friday 25th October |
Twilight Sports Day 3.30pm-6.30pm Fitzroy Oval. |
Monday 28th October |
Year 3, Year 4, House Leaders, Sports Leaders, AFL Max Overnight Camp It was decided last year by leadership and teaching staff that Year 2s would participate in excursion/incursions rather than a sleep over, as they are not developmentally ready for nights away from home and parents. |
Thursday 7th November |
Year 6 Reflection Day - Central Markets |
Tuesday 12th November |
Children’s University Graduation 9.45am-12pm |
Wed 13th Nov, 20th Nov, 27th Nov |
New Receptions transition visits, 9.00am |
Mon 18th Nov – Wed 20th Nov |
5/6 Camp Woodhouse – Woodhouse Activity Centre |
Friday 29th November |
End of Year Concert (evening at IHM) |
Friday 6th December |
End of Year Graduation Mass, 6:30pm Sacred Heart Church |
Some new events include:
Thursday 14th November - Blue Day for National Diabetes Day - This year we have had 3 students in our school diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. We are choosing to fundraise and GO BLUE, in an effort to help raise awareness of T1D within the community and fund breakthrough research https://bluearmy.jdrf.org.au/goblue
To support this great cause we will be inviting children and families to donate and wear blue to school on the day. There will also be some special treat fundraising during recess.
Wed 11th December - Final Assembly and Volunteers Morning Tea
Final assembly, student and staff farewells at 9am and followed by a morning tea of gratitude to recognise the important work our volunteers do in the life of our school.
We look forward to celebrating community events together in a safe and child centred way that reflects responsible and safe practices for schools. In consultation with our School Board our events will follow current Education Department and Catholic Education SA protocols and recommendations around alcohol consumption; and be alcohol, drug and smoke free when children are present and the event is child focussed.
Schools may have occasions where alcoholic beverages are made available at a school function where children are not the focus. Such as a quiz night fundraising activity, Parent Forums etc., in consultation with the School Board.
IHM’s Got Talent Friday
Our House Leaders have organised a talent quest for students this Friday. With 50 auditions and 20 places they have selected some amazing and emerging acts who will perform in the outdoor event for the student community after recess. Popcorn will be available to purchase for 50c.
P & F Sausage Sizzle Lunch Friday
We thank our P & F for organising a sausage sizzle to conclude our term on Friday. Sausages and fruit boxes can be ordered through the QKR app until 3pm this Wednesday 25th September.
Casual Clothes Friday Fundraiser
Students are invited to wear casual clothes for a gold coin donation to raise money for Catholic charities.
End of Term Assembly Friday
You are warmly invited to join us this Friday 9.00am for the final assembly of the term in the Hall.
Camp Australia Vacation Care
If you require care for your children in the upcoming holidays with Camp Australia here at IHM, a reminder that bookings are essential and can be made at:
The staff at IHM thank-you for partnering together for your child’s learning and wellbeing this term, and we wish you a safe and happy school holiday break.
Julie Hancock
Recent News
Prayer: Season of Creation
Triune God,
Creator of all, We praise you for your goodness, visible in all the diversity that you have created, making us a cosmic family living in a common home. Through the Earth you created, we experience love and nourishment, home and protection. We confess that we do not relate to the Earth as a Mothering gift from you, our Creator. Our selfishness, greed, neglect, and abuse have caused the climate crisis, loss of biodiversity, human suffering as well as the suffering of all our fellow creatures. We confess that we have failed to listen to the groans of the Earth, the groans of all creatures, and the groans of the Spirit of hope and justice that lives within us. May your Creator Spirit help us in our weakness, so that we may know the redeeming power of Christ and the hope found in him. May the groans of the Spirit birth in us a willingness to serve you faithfully, so that we may hear and heal Creation, to hope and act together with her, so that the first fruits of hope may blossom. Loving and Creator God, we pray that you will make us sensitive to these groans and enable us to have the same compassion as that of Jesus, the redeeming Lord. Grant us a fresh vision of our relationship with Earth, and with one another, as creatures that are made in your image. In the name of the one who came to proclaim the good news to all Creation, Jesus Christ.
Masses and Liturgies - THANK YOU
We thank all students who led their Liturgies and Masses this Term - You are all leaders for the world God desires.
- R/1 Community - 4th World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly
- 1/2K - The Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- 5/6L - Season of Creation
We also thank Father Santhosh for being our celebrant.
Sacramental Program - 2025 Reconciliation Confirmation and First Holy Communion
Please email jfenu@ihm.catholic.edu.au if you wish your child/ren to take part in the next Sacramental Program. The Sacramental Program if Parish led and supported by the school.
Student Leadership (SRC - Student Representative Council)
Congratulations to our Semester 2 SRCs:
R/1 M | Sidney,Harriet and Adriana |
R/1 T | Olive, Jeremy and Audrey |
1/2 K | Amelia, Jarrod and Jasper |
2/3 HW | Oliver, Beatriz and Isabella |
3/4 P | Harrison and Karahan |
4/5 F | Harley, Layla and Nathaniel |
5/6 L | Teddy, Karein and Clare |
Catholic Mission Day - Friday 27th September
The month of September is Catholic Charities Month. Our SRC’s are inviting our school community to wear casual clothes and bring along a gold coin donation on the last day of Term 3.
Catholic Charities Appeal supports the following agencies in South Australia
- Hutt Street Centre
- Aboriginal Catholic Ministry
- Centacare Catholic Family Services
- Our Lady of La Vang School
- St Patrick’s Special School
We thank you for your generosity.
Parish News
Our Sacred Heart Parish is seeking donations of packets of Vegetable Seeds. Donations can be given to Jhovana Fenu and she can pass them onto the Parish. The packets will be sent to Cambodia.
Sacred Heart Parish (Hindmarsh) Garage Sale: Sunday 10 November at 10:30am - A great opportunity to pick up a little bargain.
Wellbeing News
Western Wellbeing Hub - The Western Wellbeing Hub provides a range of FREE mental health services for adults, children and their families living in Western Adelaide.
For further information click HERE
Jhovana Fenu
Assistant Principal-Religious Identity and Mission/Learning Diversity
Ph: (08) 8115 7600
Email: jfenu@ihm.catholic.edu.au

The IHM Choir will be performing at the Festival Theatre this Wednesday evening along with many other schools in the Catholic School Music Festival. Our music teacher Kristine Rebeiro and the choir have been working hard all year to prepare for this very special evening which will be a great experience for them all. We wish them all the very best.
Sausage Sizzle Lunch
This Friday 27th September the P & F will be having a Sausage Sizzle for lunch and orders must be placed via the Qkr! app by 3pm this Wednesday 25th September.
1 Sausage in Bread - $2.50
2 Sausages in Bread - $5.00
Fruit Box - $1.50
All money raised will go towards P & F school projects.
Important Dates
Catholic Schools Music Festival
End of Term 3 - 3:00pm
P & F Sausage Sizzle Lunch
Start of Term 4
P & F Meeting at IHM - 7:00pm
Sports Day - Term 4 Week 2 - 3:30-6:30pm
End of Term 3

Families are reminded that students finish Term 3 this FRIDAY 27th SEPTEMBER at 3:00pm.
Students can wear casual clothes with a Gold Coin donation for Catholic Charities.
Start of Term 4

Students commence Term 4 on MONDAY 14th OCTOBER (no Pupil Free day).
For your information please see the Term 4 calendar below: