Week 10 Term 2 2024
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
The end of term has approached quickly and there has been lots happening at IHM. The students have been excited to go on excursions, netball carnival, Catholic Schools Music Festival choir training, celebrate our Feast Day, have visitors from St Vincent De Paul and welcome our new Receptions for Term 3.
Our ESO team have completed Tier 2 Playberry Lazer training to enable new small group intervention program to commence next term for students identified from our data as needing additional support, this replaces Mini-lit and will be for students of any age not just Year 1.
Our teachers have been busy coordinating opportunities for students, teaching and assessing a quality curriculum and writing reports, we thank them for their work this term and throughout Semester 1.
To celebrate the end of term please join us for our 9:00am assembly on Friday 5th July.
From 8:00am we will have a Coffee Van outside the Hall and you are invited to join us for a coffee catch-up before assembly.
School Reports
As we appraoch the end of a fruitful Semester 1 at Immaculate Heart of Mary, we would like to inform you that school reports will be emailed to families on Friday 5th July.
100 Days of School
Our Receptions will be celebrating their first 100 days of school this Thursday. What a momentous occasion! We congratulate them and Ms Mihelios and Ms Thompson for their effort and dedication to learning.
Casual Clothes Day Friday
Students are invited to wear a sports top/guernsey of their favourite team (no sport equipment). To be involved students are asked to please bring a Gold Coin Donation which will raise money for the St Vincent De Paul Winter Appeal.
Lost Property
We have many unlabelled containers and items of uniform unclaimed during the term. Please collect from the table under the breezeway during Week 10.
Succulent Sale - Wednesday after school
Due to the need to clear an area for a walkway next term with our building project taking place, we will be selling our succulent plants and putting money towards funding Green Hearts. Please come along on Wednesday 3rd July after school and choose a plant from the garden sale which will be located outside the hall. Nothing over $10.00.
Building Project Plan
During the holidays our building project will commence. We are thankful for the opportunity to refurbish our 4 downstairs Early Years classrooms, specialist spaces and new toilet block at the end of the hall, over the next 9 months. This will have an impact on our available space and access through the school grounds, with builder’s huts, fences etc. required to keep everyone safe and provide adequate access.
Please note the following important changes:
- Entrance to the school grounds will be through the cottage gate on East Street rather than the gate next to the hall and Admin entrance. The back gate on Drayton Street will also be open as normal.
- Pick Up Zone will operate as per normal but with 2 staff on duty to supervise students moving along the footpath between the gate and pick up zone in the morning and end of day. The staff carpark will be blocked off between 8.20 - 9.00am and 3.00 - 3.15pm to ensure traffic does not access the driveway at times when students are moving. The front Admin entrance will still be accessible for families during school hours.
- Access to the hall and court is limited to the front of school only and so we will be rescheduling assemblies to only 3 per term in Semester 2. OSHC students will come through the Admin building to access OSHC. OSHC staff will supervise this.
- Classes will be moving to the following spaces:
- R/1 T moving to the Auslan room
- R/1 M moving to the Library
- 1/2 K moving to the upstairs room
- 2/3 H/W moving to the breakout space upstairs (between 4/5 F and 3/4 P)
- Auslan will be taught in classrooms
- Art and Music will be taught from the Art room
We appreciate that these next 6 months will be challenging, so please be patient with the limitations needed to achieve our refurbished spaces and have them available for the start of the 2025 school year. (Specialist spaces by end of Term 1 2025).
Recent News
NAIDOC Week (National Aboriginal and Islander Day Observance Committee) is held across Australia every year from 7-14 July. It is a time we recognise the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
This year’s theme is ‘Keep the Fire Burning! Blak, Loud & Proud’.
The theme honours the enduring strength of First Nations culture. The fire symbolises connection to Country, to each other, and to the rich tapestry of traditions that define Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Naidoc Week Prayer
God of all Creation,
As we journey together in this Great Southern Land, We pray for healing, forgiveness, and unity, Creating a path of good will, with justice and compassion.
Jesus, through the power of your love, you have given us the courage, wisdom, and strength
to share our gifts and talents in humility.
In peace and understanding we reconcile with each other.
Creator Spirit, we come together in prayer and thanksgiving for the many blessings we have received. Allow your Spirit to wash over us and give us strength to walk together as one.
Aboriginal Elders and Reconciliation Church staff members (2014)
Friday 5th July - 2024 St Vinnies Winter Appeal
We had the privilege of having Sandra Bahlij from St Vincent de Paul visit our SRCs and tell us all about the wonderful outreach programs that support the most vulnerable members of our community.
The SRCs kindly ask that on Friday 5th July we wear our favourite Sport Guernsey/Top and bring along a Gold Coin Donation. All proceeds will be going to the St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal. No sports equipment is allowed to be brought to school on Friday.
Term 3 Liturgical and Mass Celebrations
Week 2: R/1M and R/1T: LITURGY (Wednesday 31 July)
Week 5: 1/2K: MASS (Wednesday 21 August)
Week 8: 5/6L: MASS (Wednesday 11 September)
IHM Sacramental Program
We have continued to work in partnership with our Sacred Heart Parish, St Joseph’s Hindmarsh and St Michael’s Primary to deliver a child centered Sacramental Program.
Paige (3/4P) Zara (4/5F) and Tiana (5/6L) will be celebrating their Confirmation and First Holy Communion on Sunday 18th August at the Sacred Heart Church, Hindmarsh. We keep them in our prayers.
If you are interested in your child participating in the next sacramental cycle, which begins with the Sacrament of RECONCILIATION, please email Jhovana: jfenu@ihm.catholic.edu.au
Please note that it is a requirement for children who participate in Sacramental Program to be baptised. If your child is not baptised, we encourage you to contact the Parish office on 08 8346 3901 or Email: shparish@shphf.com.au
Catholic School Parents: South Australia - CSPSA
CSPSA will be hosting a Positive Parenting Conference: Stronger Families, featuring Maggie Dent, Paul Dillon and Madhavi Nawana Parker.
Date: 31st August 2024
Time: 9:30am - 3:00pm
Venue: Adelaide Zoo, The Sanctuary, 1 Plane Tree Drive, Adelaide, South Australia.
Cost: $25 + booking fee (Light lunch provided)
For more information click HERE
Vinnies - Free NBN
Would your family be eligible for free NBN service until 2025? For more information please click on the link below:
Jhovana Fenu
Assistant Principal-Religious Identity and Mission/Learning Diversity
Ph: (08) 8115 7606
Email: jfenu@ihm.catholic.edu.au
Netball Carnival
On Friday 28th June, 9 Year 5/6 students competed at the SACSPSA Netball Carnival at the Netball SA Stadium.
The day is designed to help students continue to learn and grow in netball across the day in a round robin style tournament. The students enjoyed the day and managed to get a few wins on the board.
Thank you to Miss M who trained and coached the team in the lead up to and on the day.
SACPSSA Cross Country Trials
This Wednesday we will be holding trials for the upcoming Catholic Schools Cross Country Championships which take place in Week 3, Term 3. If your child is in Years 3 - 6 and interested in taking part, encourage them to nominate for the trial this Wednesday 3rd July. Students need to be able to run a 2km track at the championships.
Miss Astrid-Marie Powell
Important Dates
Succulent Plant Sale - After School
9am Assembly - Led by 3/4 P & 4/5 F
End of Term 2 - 3:00pm Finish
Coffee Catch Up - from 8am outside Hall
Semester 1 Reports emailed to families
Pupil Free Day
Start of Term 3
School Holidays Footy Clinics

If your child is interested in playing football, the North Adelaide Football Club is holding various clinics during the July School Holidays.
For more information please click on the links below:
Christian Brothers College
