Week 10 Term 1 2024
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
The end of Term 1 is approaching quickly and I wish to thank you for your connection to our school and for the commitment and hard work you show every day in supporting your children to be ready for learning. It has been such a positive experience joining the IHM community as Principal and I have appreciated the warm welcome, growth mindset and community mindedness of this amazing school.
We end a fantastic term with some significant accomplishments including our Reception students beginning their schooling and settling into their learning spaces with their peers and new teachers, and all student groups beginning their learning with rigour and intent. NAPLAN completed, Playberry Lazer off to a strong and positive start. Excursions, cricket clinics, specialist drama lessons, swimming week, AGM, parent information sessions, Green Hearts, Auslan Ambassadors and Lunch club. Wednesday Breakfast Club, P & F support with Easter raffle and Shrove Tuesday. Thank you to all those who have planned and made these opportunities complete.
Well done to classes on the beautiful liturgical services prepared and celebrated throughout the term and during Holy Week. They were child centred, reflective and celebrated our Catholic identity. Thank you to the teachers for the way they have supported students to enter, engage in the liturgy and exit respectfully with reverence and calm, understanding the significance of these prayerful moments. We have been blessed with strong community attendance at these events and thank you for participating and being amazing role models for your children.
As the term comes to an end we wish to farewell and thank Tom Pearce (Educational Support Officer) who has been at the school for just over a year. He is completing his teaching degree next term and will be a qualified teacher at the conclusion of placement. We have appreciated his expertise, strong, positive relationships with students and being a part of our staff team. We wish Tom well with the completion of his degree. This week we welcome back Doris Patini from Long Service leave.
Fortnightly Focus:
Each fortnight at school we have a specific behaviour focus to teach and reinforce our school expectations. Throughout the fortnight we teach this in class, practise the skills through scenarios and role plays and staff recognise students they see demonstrating the focus behaviour across all environments. Some students receive an award at assembly to celebrate this. This week’s fortnightly focus is respectful language.
Our focus is on the use of respectful words and phrases, like “Yes, Miss/Mrs. Smith,” and to say please and thank you. Respect is shown not only in verbal language but body language also, in their attitude toward others.
Some teaching examples we use:
- You are in the classroom, working on a task at your desk. The person next to you is bothering you. You are frustrated by their behaviour and want to call them a name, but you remember that we don't call people names at school. You remember to use your school words, and ask the person nicely to stop bothering you.
- A teacher sees a boy shove another boy during the soccer game at lunch. She calls the boys over to talk to them about their behaviour. At home a child might loudly say to their mother “I didn’t do anything!” or “He pushed me first!” However, you remember when an adult at school calls you over you must be calm, use kind words and a respectful tone of voice as they are trying to help sort it out.
- You are working quietly at your desk. You make a mistake on your assignment and will need to erase. You feel frustrated and start to say something under your breath, but you remember that we only use respectful words at school. You take a deep breath and erase your mistake.
- You are walking into school with your brother and you’ve had a disagreement in the car. You start to call him a name (like you sometimes do at home), but then you remember that at school we only use kind words when talking to others. You use his real name to get his attention instead.
Some ideas to support at home:
End of Term 1
Please note that the last day of Term 1 is next Friday 12th April at 3.00pm.
Term 2 will begin on Tuesday 30th April. (School Closure day Monday 29th April)
Vacation Care at IHM
A reminder for families that Vacation Care will be held here at IHM commencing in the upcoming April school holidays from Monday 15th April. Bookings are now open and are essential.
Julie Hancock
Recent News
Catholic Identity
During the liturgical season of Lent, which begun on Ash Wednesday we prepared ourselves to reflect and remember Jesus’ death and Resurrection. We did this through Lenten sacrifices of almsgiving (giving and donating to the need) - we generously donated to Project Compassion, prayer (we reflected on the Gospel messages) and fasting (we made Lenten promises on how to better people).
We now are in the liturgical season of Easter, a time when we reflect on Jesus’ Resurrection. A time of joy, hope and reflection.
An Easter Message from Archbishop Patrick O’Regan (March 2024)
Easter Message for Archbishop Patrick O'Regan 2024
Harmony Week
Harmony Week is an annual celebration of Australia’s cultural diversity. We thank 2/3HW for leading our Harmony Day assembly where we gave thanks and celebrated our beautiful school community.
2/3HW Liturgy - We Belong to an Inclusive Community - Season of Lent
On Wednesday 15th March 2/3HW led a liturgy on inclusivity - our focus pillar this year. They invited us to reflect on our scripture: ‘Be kind and compassionate to one another’ Ephesians 4:32
Holy Week
Holy Week in the most solemn week in the Catholic Liturgical calendar. Our Holy Week liturgies were led by our students, who invited us to reflect on each sacred event, Jesus triumphal entry into Jerusalem, the washing of the feet and His crucifixion.
During the Easter Season at IHM we will follow Archbishop Patrick O’Regan message of using our head, heart and hands to build connections and raise hope.
Today the Year 3/4P class led our Easter Mass to celebrate Jesus’s Resurrection. Father Santhosh was our celebrant.
IHM Sacramental Program
Our Parish Sacramental Program is family based, facilitated by our Sacred Heart Church and supported by the APRIM’s (Assistant Principal-Religious Identity and Mission) from St Joseph’s School, Hindmarsh, St Michael’s Primary Campus and Preca Community.
We have two students, Paige and Zara who will be celebrating the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Holy Communion on Sunday 18th August at the Sacred Heart Church.
If you are interested in your child participating in the next cycle of the Sacramental Program or would like further information please email Jhovana: jfenu@ihm.catholic.edu.au
Please note that it is a requirement for children who participate in Sacramental Program to be baptised. If your child is not baptised, we encourage you to contact the Parish office Phone: 08 8346 3901 or Email: shparish@shphf.com.au
Project Compassion Boxes
Thank you for your generosity. Please return all Project Compassion Boxes by this Friday 5th April.
Green Hearts Program
In Term 2 we are beginning to offer some food education along with the Green Hearts Program that is held at lunch time.
We will be focusing on using all our garden has to offer, as well as some basic cookery skills. Unfortunately, our kitchen cupboards are a little bare of gadgets and utensils. So we are asking families if they have anything they would like to donate to the program.
Some of the things we need are:
- blenders, Nutribullet or stickblenders
- chopping boards
- mixing bowls
- strainers
- peelers
- wooden and steel spoons
- ladles
- scales
- large containers for produce
- baskets for collecting produce
- old jars suitable to sanitise
- oven trays
- big pots for making jams
We sincerely thank you for your kind donations.
Save the Date:
Sunday 26th May: IHM Parish Mass at Sacred Heart Church: 252 Port Rd, Hindmarsh at 9am. All our families are invited to attend. The sacramental students will be presented at this Mass.
Family Information
The Australian Parenting Website Raising Children Australia
Raising Children is a family resource website funded by the Australian Government. It is a trusted site with expert advice on parenting questions. There are articles, videos and interactive resources that are tailored to different ages and stages. Below are a few topics of interest:
- Learning difficulties and specific learning disorders
- Homework and learning tips
- School refusal
- Sleep
South Australia and National HELPLINES
Parent Helpline SA: 1300 364 100
Kids Helpline: 1800 551 800
Health Direct: 1800 022 222
Jhovana Fenu
Assistant Principal-Religious Identity and Mission/Learning Diversity
Ph: (08) 8115 7606
Email: jfenu@ihm.catholic.edu.au
We have had a busy start to the school year, settling into new routines and classrooms. We have been enjoying learning phonics a different way – using Heggerty and Playberry.
This week our classes have been focusing on Holy Week and the story of Jesus. Today we led a whole school liturgy about Holy Thursday.
We created artworks about the Gospel Reading from John, “Jesus washes his Follower’s feet”. We also performed an echo mime of the reading at the liturgy.
Here is a selection of artwork displayed during our Liturgy:
In Weeks 5-9, students from Reception to Year 6 took part in Cricket Australia's Sporting Schools Cricket clinics. Two coaches worked through a series of small games and skill activities to help expose students to the game of cricket in a fun, supportive and high skill environment. The main focus saw students performing correct throwing and catching techniques, bowling/ fielding and batting. All year levels were actively involved and engaged throughout each session and much improvement occurred over the 4 week program.
We would like to thank Ben and Corey who coached the students alongside Miss Powell in PE for a fun and engaging cricket program.

Important Dates
SACPSSA Swimming Carnival
R/1s Excursion - Tea Tree Gully Heritage Museum
Return Project Compassion Boxes
2:20pm Assembly - run by 3/4 P
Year 3/4P Excursion - Recycling Plant - 10:30am - 12:30pm
End of Term 1 - normal finish 3:00pm
Students Commence Term 2
P & F Easter Raffle

Congratulations to our P & F Easter Raffle winners.
Sebastian, Tiana, Saskia, Florence and Michaela were the lucky students who won beautiful Easter Baskets to enjoy over Easter.
Thank you to everyone in our community who supported the raffle.
North Adelaide Football Club Holiday Clinic

With school holidays quickly approaching, North Adelaide FC are again running 2 school holiday programs in the Term 1 School Holidays.
North Adelaide Senior men and women’s players will be running the clinic and the kids will get to learn and develop their footy skills! All ages and abilities are welcome. All kids will receive a football and a hat + a sausage sizzle after the clinic!
Link to register - https://premier.sportsubs.com.au/sanfl/nafc/products/event/football-clinics-774
Footy School
Date: Monday 15th April
Age Group: 5 – 12 year olds
Time: 1am – 12:30pm
Price: $60 Non Members | $30 members
Master Class
Date: Tuesday 16th April
Age Group: 10 – 16 years olds
Time: 10am – 12:30pm
Price: $60 Non Members | $30 members
School Holiday Cricket Program
