Week 1 Term 4 Newsletter
Welcome back to Term 4. We hope you had an enjoyable holiday break and the students are feeling well rested and ready for their new term of learning and community fun. We have much in store for Term 4 and look forward to the many opportunities for our children and our community. As we commence a new term we begin with settling back into school routines, rhythms and expectations. This takes time, practice, support and positive encouragement from educators and parents working together.
Lunch Provider
Commencing this term IGA at Bowden will be suppling our school lunches daily. Orders will still be made through the QKR app and need to be completed by 8.30pm the night before to ensure the fresh produce can be prepared daily. We would look forward to your feedback around this change.
PBIS - IHM’s Key Focus in 2024
Positive Behaviour Intervention & Support is a framework used world-wide in schools, using best practices to build safe, positive schools with happy students and teachers. This year IHM is implementing PBIS along with many Catholic Education SA schools.
The framework has the aims of:
- reducing problem behaviour
- increasing student and teacher wellbeing
- developing students personal and social capabilities
- improving teacher/student relationships and increasing learning
The 4 key components are:
- Establish school wide expectations
- Teach expectations
- Positive reinforcement
- Restorative consequences
Our focus expectation for Week 1 – ‘We are Responsible for our Belongings’ is being revisited to commence the term.
Check out this fantastic video which explains PBIS in 5 minutes- https://youtu.be/x_KDFb_SSc0
Class Placements for 2025
This term we begin the process of organising class placements for 2025. A lot of time and consideration goes into forming classes and staff meet as a whole staff to discuss every potential class, so we can enable every child’s needs to be best met. Being a small school is our strength, it can also limit the class structures based on the number of enrolments in each year level. Our school has composite classes and all children’s learning needs are met at their individual level irrespective of class composition. This can be demonstrated by our schools outstanding academic results.
Many considerations go into decision making for classes including:
- The number of students in each year level cohort
- Balance of gender
- Balance of academic and social/emotional development
- Friendships
The process we will be using this year is:
- Students will list friends they would like to be with (they will be placed with at least 1)
- Parent feedback will be considered (there is no guarantee all parent requests can be met)
- Teachers and Leaders will create classes based on all the information gathered.
- Students will be informed of classes in Week 9 and have a transition visit.
- Class placements will be final.
As part of our partnership in learning we invite parents/caregivers to provide any significant information relating to their child’s academic, social or emotional learning, or family considerations e.g. sibling/cousin placement to be considered for the class placement process.
Requests regarding teachers, friendships or separations will not be considered. Please make a time to discuss this with me or email me jhancock@ihm.catholic.edu.au by Friday 25th October.
Future Planning Form
We also ask every family to complete the Future Planning Information Form by Friday 25th October so we can plan for 2025. The form can be located on School Stream in Forms. There are some year levels for which will have a waiting list for enrolment and so this information is vital for staffing, class placements and strategic school planning.
Please Note: Previous parent information is not kept on record. Information from parents is required to be submitted annually and in writing.
We thank parents and caregivers for their support and understanding of this class placement process. Our aim is to ensure your child continues to learn and thrive.
Sports Day - Friday 25th October
Please click omn the link below for the Sports Day Program and information about our upcoming Sports Day which is being held on Friday October 25th from 3.30 - 6.30pm at the Fitzroy Community Club. As a school event for students it will be alcohol and smoke free.
Julie Hancock
Recent News
Prayer for the Beginning of a New Term
Loving God
We give you thanks each day for Your presence in our school.
As we prepare for our last Term of 2024 with excitement and anticipation, we are assured You are with us.
We give You thanks for our unique gifts of uniqueness, patience and adaptability.
2024-2025 Sacred Heart Parish Sacramental Program
(Together with Immaculate Heart of Mary School and St Joseph’s School, Hindmarsh)
Family Centred, Parish Based and School Supported are the fundamental principles of our sacramental program. The sacrament of Reconciliation will begin this term and sacrament of Confirmation and Eucharist in 2025. Students in Year 3 to Year 6 will be taking an invitation from Father Santhosh home today. Registration forms are due back on Friday 18th October.
Sacred Heart Parish
Please find attached the latest Parish Bulletin.
Reconciliation Dates
Sunday 10th November: Sacred Heart Parish 9am Mass
All new candidates will be presented at this Mass.
Wednesday 27th November: Reconciliation Liturgy with new candidates and their families.
This liturgy will be celebrated at St Joseph’s School, Hindmarsh at 9am.
Masses and Liturgies
Wednesday 23 October at 9am: All Saints Mass led by 4/5F
Monday 11 November at 11:30am: Remembrance Day Liturgy led by 3/4P
St Vinnies Christmas Appeal
As part of our Catholic Social Teachings our mission is to reach out and serve the most vulnerable. This year we will be supporting the St Vinnies Christmas Appeal. We will be asking for generous donations of children’s toys (keeping in mind children from 12-16 years of age) and Christmas puddings. Please remember not to wrap any items.
We will begin collecting your generous donations from Monday 11th November - Friday 6th December. Donations to be given to your child’s teacher. We thank you sincerely for your support and generosity.
Wellbeing News
Brain Break BOPS - Student Wellbeing Hub: Australian Government Department for Education
These short and fun short videos help students to become more bodily aware.
Click HERE to view the videos.
Jhovana Fenu
Assistant Principal-Religious Identity and Mission/Learning Diversity
Ph: (08) 8115 7600
Email: jfenu@ihm.catholic.edu.au
On Wednesday 25th September, the IHM Festival Choir, along with 19 other Catholic Primary school choirs performed at the Catholic Schools Music Festival ‘Where Dreams Begin’ at the Adelaide Festival Theatre. The Festival Choir have been rehearsing together each week polishing and perfecting the songs and choreography and delivered a spectacular performance on the night.
The combined choirs showcased their talents with a variety of songs including favourites such as John Denver’s ‘Take Me Home, Country Roads’, ‘Touch the Sky’ from Disney’s ‘Brave’ and ‘We’re Off To See the Wizard Tribute Medley’. The choir were joined on stage by support acts from Cabra Dominican College, Kildare College, Loreto College, Rostrevor College, St Aloysius College, St Joseph's School Payneham, St Mary's College and St Patrick's Special School.
Congratulations to Tiana, Clare, Amelia, Natalie, Deborah, Isabelle, Iris, Karein, Hannah, Ryleigh, Jake, Maria, Julia, Clara, Layla and Veronica on an outstanding performance!
Kristine Rebeiro
