Week 1 Term 4 2022
Welcome back to school and Term 4! I hope you and your children had a wonderful holiday and that you took advantage of some down time and the few days with pleasant weather. Spring is in the air and the children and staff have come back to school with enthusiasm and looking forward to Sports Day on Friday this week. Please refer to the reminders further in this newsletter and published on our school stream app.
Twilight Sports Evening - Friday 21st October
IHM students are encouraged to have a healthy lifestyle and attitude towards participation and competition.
Our Twilight Sports evening coming up this Friday, is an opportunity for the children to participate in a variety of physical and athletic events. It’s also a great chance for families to gather as community, to watch their children participate and cheer on their favourite team! We have three teams - Hartzer, Chevalier and Beovich - named after three significant Missionaries of the Sacred Heart leaders.
A reminder that, the twilight Sports Day is an important whole school event, which is an integral part of the curriculum and students are expected to attend. Let’s hope the weather is kind to us!
IHM ‘Little Hearts Program’
We are excited about welcoming our 4 and 5 year old pre-schoolers to “Little Hearts”, who will begin a weekly learning program before they start school here next year. Our R/1 Community teachers will be taking the program which will help the children learn, become familiar with IHM and make new friends before starting school next year. Our ‘Little Hearts’ start on Thursday and I know you’ll make them welcome.
Class Placements for 2023
Class placements will be organised in the coming weeks. A lot of time and consideration goes into forming these classes, and we meet and discuss as a whole staff every potential class, so that we can enable every child’s needs to be best met. We consider the learning and social/emotional needs of the child as well any specific requests or needs.
At this time every year, I give parents an opportunity for input regarding the placement of their children for the following year. So, if you think there is some aspect of your child’s learning (social, emotional or academic needs) that requires further consideration, or you have a concern, please make a time to discuss these with me or email me so that your thoughts or concerns can be considered. Please ensure you do this by Friday 28th October.
Term 4 Calendar Events
There is a fabulous term full of exciting learning and celebratory events ahead. Enclosed in this newsletter is the term outline for your fridges or pin boards. At times, dates may need to be changed, so please also keep an eye on the web calendar and school stream for updates, as we have many events coming up this term.
Living Learning Leading Survey
Thank you to the 41 families who completed our recent Leading, Learning , Living Survey. We value your feedback greatly. The results were very positive overall, with our strengths being in Learning and Wellbeing and Community. The specific data will be used by CESA and school staff to identify strengths and areas to work and build upon as part of our continuous improvement.
Congratulations to the three winners of the draw who will each receive a $50.00 voucher for completing the survey - congratulations to the Lowe, Gesuato and March families.
Best wishes and blessings for a healthy, happy final term to you and your children!
Pauline Kinsman
Recent News
Welcome to Term 4
Welcome back to everyone as you return for the final exciting term of the year. I hope that the two week break was an opportunity to relax, clear the mind and recapture some positive energy needed to get us through, what is typically, a very busy time of the year.
Term 4 brings with it the start of Advent, a beautiful time as we prepare for the birth of Jesus. Some commercials are starting to advertise Christmas which is less than 10 weeks away! The Christmas pageant is in early November and the stores have already started displaying Christmas decorations! How will you prepare for the birth of Jesus in your home and heart?
World Teachers’ Day
Friday 28th of October is World Teachers’ Day Australia. It is a day where we acknowledge the dedication of all teachers and the difference they make to the many students they work with. Below is a beautiful prayer for our teachers, author is unknown.
Prayer for World Teacher's Day
Giver of all wisdom and greatest of all teachers,
Look upon our teachers with love
Grant them the resolve to nurture our eager minds
and to never give up on us who fall behind.
Bless their hearts for they rejoice
when we succeed and encourage us when we fail
And bless them with gentle patience
for the path of learning is never easy
Kindle a spirit and passion in them
it is the flame that ignites the love of learning in us
Help them see the potential in each student
Their belief in us means much more than the grade we make
Instil in them a commitment to keep on learning
It shows us to not fear new knowledge and experiences
Inspire them to touch the future
They influence how big a dream we dream for ourselves
Bless our teachers who have come before
For their work endures to this day
Let the light of your example shine upon all teachers
To build up with their words
To love with their mind
To share with their heart.
Annette Diassinas
What a success our co-run P & F and House Leaders Disco was - the children had a wonderful night, dancing the time away and enjoying some wonderful company. on behalf of the IHM Community I want to say thank you so much to all our volunteers on the night. It was so lovely to see so much fun, laughter and some great dancing.
The success of a disco also doesn't happen without planning behind the scenes. Thank you to Kate and Nadia for organizing all the food/drinks and prizes and for serving on the night along with Cindy and Tim. The disco would not have been the same without our resident DJ E (Elisha). Thank you for the music. The children (and adults) loved the playlist. We can’t wait for our next disco.

This year has certainly flown by quickly and we have achieved some great things with the school community this year.
Our last meeting for the year is next Monday 24th October @ 7pm in the hall.
After much consideration Kate & I would like to stand down as Co-Chairs from the P & F in 2023. We would still like to be actively involved in the P & F but feel that next year might be time for some other parents to step forward to Chair/Co-chair the committee and continue to build on the great community. We believe this is the right time to pass the baton and will always be available to assist in the transition to new leadership with fresh ideas.
Many wonderful friendships and lasting connections have been made and we look forward to many more.
If you would like to take on these positions or know of anyone in our school community that would like to be involved then please ask them to come along on Monday or reach out to us or Pauline.
Nadia Rowe & Kate Henderson
Sports Day is being held this Friday 21st October.
- Where - Fitzroy Community Club, Swan Court, Renown Park.
- Time - 3:45 - 6:30pm.
- Early Dismissal - Students finish school at 1:00pm on Friday.
- Uniform - Students wear a top in their house colour, school shorts & hat. If you are unsure what house your child is in, please check with the Office.
- Food & Drinks - The Fitzroy Community Club will be having a Sausage Sizzle and their canteen will also be open for families to purchase drinks, coffee, hot chips, icecream etc.
- OSHC - Camp Australia will be available from 1:00pm until Sports Day commences. Bookings can be made at http://www.campaustralia.com.au
The children have all been busy practising in readiness for Sports Day and we would love to see as many families as possible come along to see the children taking part in their events and having fun.
Important Reminders for Sports Day
Upon arrival at the Sports Day venue, we ask that the following procedures be followed to keep ALL children safe:
- All parents are asked to drop off their child to their class teacher so that they can be checked in as present.
- All parents are asked to collect their child from their class teacher when we break for tea.
- We ask that all children stay with their class and teacher during activity times; this includes the time after they have finished their sprints and during the closing ceremony.
- If you collect your child before the end of formalities, you will be asked by the class teacher to sign them out.
- At the end of Sports Day the children will be asked to regroup in their classes. Parents are then asked to collect their child from their teacher so that they can be checked out.
The staff thanks you for your support in meeting these requests and look forward to sharing this special event with you and your children.
Important Dates
Sports Day - 3:45pm - 6:30pm (School early finish at 1pm)
Dance Lessons Re-commence - Rec to Year 6
Year 5 & 6 Camp (31st Oct - 2nd Nov)
Year 3 Zoo Snooze (10th/11th Nov)
Children's University Graduation - Bonython Hall
Orientation Morning - New Receptions
Parent Information Session - 'Positive Education at IHM'
Year 4 Monarto Excursion & IHM Sleepover (17th/18th Nov)
Pupil Free Day
Book Fair (21st - 26th Nov)
Transition Visit 1 - New Receptions
Year 6 Reflection Day
Transition Visit 2 - New Receptions
End of Year Concert
Welcome Liturgy & Morning Tea
Year 2 School Sleepover
Year 6 Aquatics Day
Semester 2 Reports Distributed
Meet the Teacher
End of Year Mass & Graduation - Sacred Heart Church
End of Term 4 - 3:00pm Finish
Parent Information Session

Families are invited to attend this free session which is being held here at IHM.
Topic: 'Positive Education at IHM'
When: 16th November, 6:30 - 7:30pm
Where: School Library
This session will explain:
- What the Positive Education Model is (PERMA+)
- Background into how and why it was developed
- A look at how we are embedding the PERMA+ model into classrooms at IHM.
Please RSVP your attendance by emailing info@ihm.catholic.edu.au by Monday 14th November.
Healthy Habits at IHM

A reminder that we are trying a new lunch order menu this term, in line with encouraging Healthy Habits at IHM. Please note that all hot food is only available on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
When ordering lunches for your child on Qkr! please remember to select their correct class so that lunches are placed into the appropriate class lunch bags. Thank you.