Week 1 Term 4 2021
Welcome back to school and Term 4! Spring is in the air and the children and staff have come back to school with positivity and enthusiasm.
I hope you and your children had a wonderful holiday and that you took advantage of the days with glorious blue skies and sunshine.
IHM ‘Little Hearts Program’
We are excited about welcoming our “Little Hearts”, our pre-schoolers who will begin a weekly learning program before they start school more formally next year. Sophie Mihelios will be the teacher taking the program which will help the children to become familiar with IHM and make new friends before starting school next year.
Our ‘Little Hearts’ start on Thursday afternoon. I know you’ll make them welcome in the warm manner that befits our school. It is hard to believe that our very first group of Little Hearts are now in Year 5 soon to be Year 6s next year!
Camps and Excursions
Can you remember way back when you had an excursion or camp? Excursions and camps are a powerful and enjoyable way to learn about ourselves, others and our world. Much excitement and anticipation looms as three camps are coming up soon for our Year 3s and 4s who are having a Zoo Snooze overnight at the Adelaide Zoo, the Year 5/6s are off to Woodhouse Activity Centre and the Year 2s will have a sleepover at school later this term. Of course, all of these depend on the COVID 19 restrictions still allowing camps.
Currently camps and excursions are permitted so fingers crossed that stays and the children get to have these great experiences. We learn through experience and these experiences are often one of the most memorable parts of our school life.
These experiences involve a lot of extra planning, time and resources from our teachers and I appreciate their efforts and commitment. I trust you too will share that appreciation with them too when the time comes.
Reminder – Free Parent Maths Workshop - Wednesday 20th October
This is a great opportunity for you to learn more about how we approach maths teaching nowadays and how you can support your child. Free maths pack for every participant plus we are providing a free creche! Please ensure you RSVP by Thursday 14th October by phoning the office on 8115 7600 or email info@ihm.catholic.edu.au.
I look forward to seeing you soon.
Warm regards,
Pauline Kinsman
Recent News
Welcome to Term 4
Welcome back to everyone as you return for the final exciting term of the year. I hope that the two week break was an opportunity to relax, clear the mind and recapture some positive energy needed to get us through, what is typically, a very busy time of the year.
Term 4 brings with it the start of Advent, a beautiful time as we prepare for the birth of Jesus. Some commercials are starting to advertise Christmas as little as 10 weeks away! The Christmas pageant is in early November and the stores have already started displaying Christmas decorations! How will you prepare for the birth of Jesus in your home and heart?
Stall Day
Last Term our SRCs held a very successful ‘Stall Day’ to raise money for Catholic Charities. Thank you to students and their families for supporting the event to donate items and food that students sold on the day
We raised $491.00 for Catholic Charities which was wonderful and the students had a lot of fun purchasing treats, books, and beautiful items created by the students themselves. Thanks again to our SRCs for the clever idea and for the support they received from their teachers and families in this day being a success.
OLSH 70 Years Celebrations
Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College (OLSH) are celebrating their 70th Year and have invited all our families to attend their 70th Celebrations. The flyer has been provided in the newsletter and more information and bookings can be found using the QR Code below:
Halloween - The Real Meaning Part 1
As many of you might have noticed the shops are starting to fill with displays for Halloween. Halloween is a popular secular holiday today. Countless children, teenagers (and often adults) love dressing up as something on October 31st and going around the neighbourhood from house to house, door to door. The ever familiar “Trick or Treat!” is on everybody’s lips that night. Goblins and ghosts, witches and skeletons, knights and princesses; and many, many other costumes can be seen parading about the dark streets. The decorations of this night seem to reflect the same overall theme of frightening, creepy, scary and, at times, downright demonic.
At the end of this night, everyone goes tramping home with their collections of goodies. And yet, although celebrated by many, few have remembered the origin of this holiday. Just what is Halloween all about? What is it “commemorating”?
Judging by the activities surrounding this holiday, one could easily be shocked to discover that this holiday is entirely Catholic in its origin. It is certainly surprising that a day when people go dressed up as ghosts and witches, serial killers and other immoral human being types should be rooted in a Catholic feast day. But the truth of the matter is that the holiday of Halloween is, in fact, the remains of a great Catholic “holy day”. Just how, then, did this Catholic feast become a secular holiday? And what was the feast of “Halloween”?
Well, the day that we now know as “Halloween” was originally called “All Hallows’ Eve”. This name may sound somewhat strange to you, but it is easily explained. The word hallow, somewhat out of practice in our English language, is still used in at least one place: The Our Father. As one says the prayer we find, “Our Father, Who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy Name …” In this context, we see that the word means basically “holy”, but it also seems to suggest a holiness that is revered and treated with honour, respect, and admiration. But what does “All Hallows’ Eve” mean? An eve is generally the name given to the day before another day that is very important. Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve are in all probability the most well-known and observed.
So we now know that the name “All Hallows’ Eve” must mean that the day following it must be the feast of “All Hallows”. Nowadays, though, we refer to it as “All Saints’ Day”.
In our next Newsletter I will continue on with sharing about Halloween and build on its connection to All Saints Day.
Have a safe and happy fortnight.
Annette Diassinas

Important Dates
Free Parent Maths Workshop 2 at 7pm
Year 5 & 6 Camp (25th - 27th Oct)
Scholastic Book Fair (1st - 5th Nov)
SACPSSA Athletic Carnival
Pupil Free Day
Year 3 Zoo Snooze (16th/17th Nov)
Year 4 Zoo Snooze (17th/18th Nov)
End of Year Concert
Year 2 School Sleepover
End of Year Mass & Graduation
Semester 2 Reports Distributed
Meet the Teacher
End of Term 4 - 3:00pm Finish
OLSH College - 70 Years Celebration Invitation
Child & Adolescent Virtual Urgent Care Service
Did you know the Women's and Children's Hospital now offers a virtual assessment option?
Receive medical care no matter where you are, without having to visit the Emergency Department.
Speak with emergency nurses and doctors over video link for advice, care and, if needed, referral. For more information please click on the link below: