Week 1 Term 3 2022
Dear Families and Friends,
Welcome to Term 3! I hope you have had a wonderful holiday time with opportunities to reconnect and reenergize with your children, family and friends. After two very quiet weeks of work and relaxation for me, it’s great to be back, especially to be greeted Tuesday morning by so many smiling, happy children, especially our new Receptions.
Welcome New Students
This term we are delighted to welcome 13 new Reception students and their families to our IHM family:
Adriana L, Sarah T, Elrond T, Maya S, Shaheera H, Brooklyn G, James T, Flinders S, Ava B, Lam N, Daniel F, Hunter C and BM.
We are all looking forward to getting to know you and watching you grow, learn and flourish at IHM!
Parent Survey
All families received a letter (via School Stream) yesterday introducing you to a survey we are currently conducting. The survey is about the school climate in relation to the Catholic Education Living Learning Leading Framework, and is conducted through Curtin University. Last year was the first year of the survey which will be conducted each year.
We value your feedback greatly, and so all parents are invited to participate in the survey as an important opportunity for you to let us know how things are going for you and your child/ren. All staff and the students in Years 2 - 6 complete a similar survey.
CESA and school staff will use the data to identify strengths and areas to work and build upon as part of our continuous improvement process.
Please be assured that your feedback will be anonymous and confidential.
We would appreciate you taking the time to complete the survey on-line at www.NSIPartnerships.com.au and enter the code IHMLLLP in the start questionnaire field or use the QR code at the top of the information page sent yesterday.
The closing date for the survey is Friday 12th August. If you require more information or have any feedback, please contact me or the office. Thank you very much, in anticipation.
COVID-19 Restrictions - Please Wear a Mask
This term we welcome our parents and volunteers back into the school grounds and with careful consideration more activities are continuing. Please note, that we are strongly encouraging the wearing of masks and at this stage we ask parents to refrain from entering the classrooms unless an appointment has been made with the teacher.
With constantly shifting circumstances, this may change at any time. Should a change occur, you will be notified immediately through the School Stream app. Please read the School Stream notification in relation to the current restrictions.
We are so happy to welcome parents to assemblies again, as long as masks are worn and social distancing is practised.
This Friday 29th July our House Leaders will lead the 9:00am assembly and we will welcome our new families and Reception students. Please note that numbers will be limited to ensure sufficient spacing and we ask that you RSVP to the office. Assemblies are held fortnightly on a Friday morning and led by each class community in turn. The schedule for these are listed in our calendar.
Staff Professional Learning - Pupil Free Day
On the recent pupil free day the teachers and staff had a very productive day engaging with the new CESA Wellbeing Framework - Learn Well - Foundations for Learning Through Wellbeing, our IHM specific wellbeing data as well as ways we can further enhance student agency at IHM.
As a staff we are constantly updated so that we use contemporary, inclusive approaches to all curriculum areas. The work from Monday will support our teachers to effectively engage and nurture our students in their learning and understandings of the world and most importantly become empowered young people who make a difference in their world.
Calendar and Term Overviews
There is never a dull moment in IHM school life and we have many things happening this term, including dance on Mondays, Aboriginal cultural education days, carnivals and excursions. All parents will receive a Term 3 Learning Overview and newsletter from your child’s teacher by the end of the week. I encourage you to read through your classes Term Overview/Newsletter and to check our Website Calendar, the School Stream App and our Facebook page for regular updates.
We can all look forward to a fabulous term, full of the quality learning, fun and love, which make our community so great.
Warmest blessings to you all!
Pauline Kinsman
Recent News
Welcome Back
Welcome back to Term 3. I hope you all had a restful and happy break. This term will be wonderful! We have so much to look forward too with Book Week, Dances Lessons, National Science Week, Sacraments of Confirmation and First Communion and Student Centered Conferences and Catholic Schools Music Festival. It is definitely a busy term but one we are excited about.
Redcycle at IHM
This term at IHM we are continuing to work with our students on reducing their rubbish footprint and caring for our planet by recycling. Along with our current blue, yellow and green bin system we will be introducing a RED BIN in our yard.
We will be educating students on what they can place in this bin and we will be taking the contents of the red bin for recycling.
What children can place in this bin is:
- Biscuit packets (outer wrapper only)
- Chip and cracker packets (silver lined)
- Chocolate and snack bar wrappers
- Cling film - GLAD, COLES HOME brand and WOOLWORTHS Essentials Home brand
- Confectionery bags
- Ice cream wrappers
- Plastic sachets
- Snap lock bags / zip lock bags
- Squeeze pouches with lid on (e.g. yogurt/baby food)
We still encourage all families to continue packing Nude Food (no wrappers) as best possible
A reminder also to families to keep bringing in their Bread Tags and Bottle Tops. Students can take these items to their classroom or drop them off in the labelled boxes in the front office.
Winter Warmers Appeal
Well done to our House Leaders for organising the Winter Warmers Appeal.
Thank you to all our amazing families who contributed towards the Adelaide Day Centre for Homeless Person’s Winter Appeal. I was able to drop off so many items donated and the staff at the centre were blown away with the generosity of our small but beautiful school. Your kindness and compassion for those less fortunate is what makes our IHM community so special. Thank you!
Annette Diasinas
Families are reminded about the rules in relation to the Kiss and Drop zone in front of the school. This zone is only for dropping off and picking up children and parents MUST NOT park and leave their vehicle. Our Kiss and Drop zone was recently extended to accomodate more cars and therefore improve the flow of cars.
Please observe the parking sign which indicates the following:
NO PARKING ON SCHOOL DAYS BETWEEN 8:00 - 9:00am and 2:30 - 3:30pm
For more information about driving and parking safety around schools please see the attached flyer from the City of Charles Sturt Council. Please note that council inspectors will issue fines for non-compliance.
Thank you for your cooperation.
School Fees for 2023
We are pleased to inform our school families that there will be no increase in school fees for the 2023 school year.
As South Australians continue to feel the impact of COVID-19, Catholic Education SA has announced it will freeze fees at its 86 Diocesan schools for the 2023 school year.
“These decisions are part of our continued COVID 19 response as we seek to support families at a time when they are being impacted by rising costs and inflation,” says Dr Neil McGoran, Director, Catholic Education SA.
Since 2019, Catholic Education SA has been implementing the Making Catholic Education More Affordable Initiative to ensure our schools are accessible to any family who wants their child to have a Catholic education.
Dr Neil McGoran said the fee-freeze would not impact the quality of education.
“We’re committed to keeping school fees as low as possible and ensuring a Catholic education is affordable and accessible to all.”
In addition to the fee-freeze, further fee remissions are available to any family who is struggling to pay school fees due to financial pressures. Families should contact Kristina Neumann or Pauline Kinsman for more information.
As part of our learning in the area of Social Justice and Catholic Social Teaching this year, 1/2H has been focusing on the Dignity of the Human Person. “Every human being is created in the image and likeness of God and therefore has inherent dignity. No human being should have their dignity or freedom compromised.”
Throughout Semester One 1/2H organised two fundraising events, Crazy Hat Day and the 5 cent Fundraiser, to raise money for Hutt Street Centre. “Hutt Street Centre is a place of hope and opportunity, helping people facing homelessness to rebuild their lives without judgement.”
So far we have raised $247.25 towards our goal of $350. The goal of $350 will provide breakfast and lunch for one day for 200 people experiencing homelessness.
To continue working towards our goal, this term we will be organising a ‘Walk a Mile in My Boots’ fundraiser.
More information will be provided soon about this term’s fundraiser. Keep an eye out in the newsletter.
Thank you,
Miss Hulley and 1/2H
Commencing this term, Chess Mates will holding weekly chess lessons every Tuesday afternoon after school from 3:10 - 4:00pm. The lessons will be held in the Library and the cost is $12.00 per lesson.
Designed especially for children in Reception and above, classes are fun and interactive. While your child will still learn that winning can be fun, they will also learn a whole lot more!. In fact, chess can help your child develop socially, academically and emotionally.
For more information email: info@chessmates.com.au
To book online go to: http://www.chessmates.com.au/schools
Important Dates
Assembly at 9am (Run by House Leaders)
Dance Lessons Every Monday in Term 3 (Rec-Yr 6)
Cross Country Championships
Assembly at 9am (Run by 1/2 H)
National Science Week (13/8/22 - 21/8/22)
Science Week Excursion (2/3, 4/5, 5/6)
Book Week Commences (20/8/22 - 26/8/22)
P & F Meeting at 7:00pm
Assembly at 9am (Run by 2/3 PB)
Assembly at 9am (Run by 4/5 FW)
Student Centred Conferences (12th - 23rd Sept)
School Photo Day
Assembly at 9am (Run by 5/6 C)
Choir Performs - Adelaide Festival Theatre 6 - 9pm
End of Term 3 - 12:30pm
Jack Peel's Raffle
At our whole school assembly on the last day of Term 2, Jack Peel and his mum Skye drew the raffle fundraising for Jack’s surgery. Thank you to everyone who purchased tickets and supported Jack.
The Winners:
1st Prize - Oliver (R/1 M)
Charlesworth Nuts, grazing board, 2 x nut bowls and a bottle of Lambrook Spark valued at $130
2nd Prize - Luca (2/3 PB)
Tupperware Microsteamer and recipe book valued at $150
3rd Prize - Theo (R/1 M)
Olaplex Hair Rescue Kit valued at $95
4th Prize - Avie (R/1 T)
2 x Adult movie passes, 2 x children's semi-precious stone bracelets, bottle of doTERRA Wild Orange essential oil & lava stone keyring, coloured-glass angel ornament valued at $85
Messages of Hope
