Week 1 Term 2 2024
Dear Families,
Welcome back from holidays. We trust you had the opportunity to spend some quality family time together and enjoyed the break. Our school closure day on Monday 29th April has enabled staff to engage in a variety of professional learning sessions to build their skills and knowledge including diabetes training, curriculum mapping and planning, disability standards training.
Student Leadership
Our House leaders are meeting fortnightly with Ms Hancock to build leadership skills and discuss how they can build House community throughout the year. They have identified that having House Meetings twice per term would be a great way to build a strong sense of house pride and engagement. Students will be invited to wear their coloured house top on these days and will participate in a morning meeting to build a house culture and enjoy fun team activities designed by the leaders.
Week 3 - Friday 17th May from 9-9.30am
Week 7 - Friday 14th June from 9-9.30am
Our SRC are meeting fortnightly with Ms Fenu to discuss school directions and initiatives. They will also identify fundraising ideas for a casual clothes day at the end of each term. Our Term 1 successful fundraising event was for Project Compassion and we also had the Easter raffle run by the P & F.
Green Hearts
We are pleased to announce that we have been able to purchase new garden beds for Green Hearts and will be purchasing a storage shed and equipment thanks to grants we have been successful in applying for and/or receiving. We have received a $1000 PIE grant. The PIE grant program is supported by the Office of the Minister for Education, Training and Skills, Government of South Australia. Catholic School Parents South Australia is responsible for administering the grants for Catholic Schools in South Australia.
We also received Wellbeing Boost Funding secured in 2023 as part of the Australian Government's one-off student wellbeing boost funding though the Education Department and Minister for Education which has helped to support this important initiative.
We would like to thank Miriam Davison who liaised with Adelaide Hills Veggie Gardens to arrange the garden beds and Jhovana Fenu who secured the PIE grant. We look forward to replanting in Term 2 and growing produce we can use to cook and eat.
Safe Environments for All
At IHM we recognise that every child has the right to be safe and free from all kinds of abuse, including bullying and harassment, and neglect. Schools are mandated child safe environments with legal, policy and procedural requirements for staff and volunteers.
The South Australian Commission for Catholic Schools (SACCS) requires its schools to implement child safety policies and practices, including child safety education. At IHM we teach the Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum.
In the attached link you will find the Child Protection policies and associated materials our school and system adheres to: https://www.cesa.catholic.edu.au/our-schools/safe-environments-for-all
Playground Rules - Important
A reminder for families that as a matter of safety (due to no staff supervision) NO STUDENTS OR SIBLINGS are permitted to play on the playground before and after school. In the mornings students should proceed directly to their classroom, put bags away and wait for their class teacher, ready to start school promptly at 8:45am.
Kind regards,
Julie Hancock
Recent News
Prayer: The Season of Easter
We are in the Season of Easter as we begin a new Term. Easter begins on Easter Sunday and
lasts for 50 days until Pentecost, which will take place on Sunday 19th May. Pope Francis Easter message to us is “The tomb of Jesus is open and it is empty! From this everything begins anew!” A message of hope, faith and love. Wishing all our families and students a blessed Term 2 as we continue to learn to thrive together.
Project Compassion
We are always amazed how compassionate and giving our school community is. Our collective stewardship towards justice and dignity makes a difference now, and for all future generations. We raised $501.00. Thank you for supporting Project Compassion 2024.
Term 2 Masses
YEAR B - Wednesdays 9am in IHM Hall - Celebrant: Father Santhosh
Week |
Date |
Class Leaders |
2 |
8th May |
2/3 HW |
5 |
29th May |
3/4 P and 4/5 F |
Term 2 Liturgies
Week |
Date |
Class Leaders |
6 |
6th June |
SRC / House Leaders |
8 |
20th June |
R/1T R/1T 1/2K |
Sacred Heart Church Community Mass Invitation
All families are welcome to attend the IHM Family Mass on Sunday 26th May at 9:00am which will be held at the Sacred Heart Church, 252 Port Road, Hindmarsh. Our sacramental students will be presented on this day.
SRC Assembly
IHM Sacramental Program
Our Parish Sacramental Program is family based, facilitated by our Sacred Heart Church and supported by the APRIM’s (Assistant Principal-Religious Identity and Mission) from St Joseph’s School, Hindmarsh, St Michaels Primary Campus and Preca Community.
Please keep Paige (3/4P) Zara (4/5F) and Tiana (5/6L) in your prayers as they begin their sacramental preparation for Confirmation and First Holy Communion. The celebration will be on held on Sunday 18th August at the Sacred Heart Church, Hindmarsh.
If you are interested in your child participating in the next cycle of the Sacramental Program or would like further information please email Jhovana: jfenu@ihm.catholic.edu.au
Please note that it is a requirement for children who participate in Sacramental Program to be baptised. If your child is not baptised, we encourage you to contact the Parish office on 8346 3901 or Email: shparish@shphf.com.au
Green Hearts Program: THANK YOU
A heartfelt thank you for your generous donations to fill our kitchen cupboards that will provide our students with cookery experience, using all our garden has to offer. We are still accepting donations. Some of the things we still need are:
- blenders, nutribullet or stickblenders
- chopping boards
- mixing bowls
- strainers
- peelers
- wooden and steel spoons
- ladles
- scales
- large containers for produce
- baskets for collecting produce
- old jars suitable to sanitise
- oven trays
- big pots for making jam
We would also like to take this opportunity to thank the Catholic School Parents South Australia and the Office of the Minister for Education, Training, and Skills, Government of South Australia for approving a grant of $1000 to support our Green Hearts Gardening Project. Our school is truly grateful.
Jhovana Fenu
Assistant Principal-Religious Identity and Mission/Learning Diversity
Ph: (08) 8115 7606
Email: jfenu@ihm.catholic.edu.au
A big welcome back to Term 2 from the Parents and Friends committee. We hope you have all had a wonderful and safe holiday.
A big thank you to all of the families that participated in our Easter basket raffle - we raised $1,192.12. for the school community! What a super effort!!
A few reminders
The P and F meeting will be held on Thursday 9th May at 7pm in the school hall.
New parents are always welcome to join us! Kids are welcome to come along.
We will be planning a fundraising lunch for the students this term and working on other community activities for the school.
For Reception and Year 1 parents - we are arranging a dinner to help you all get to know each other - this will be held at Plant 4 on Friday 17th May.
Please check out the School Stream message in the next few days and let us know if you are able to attend.
Thanks again for your continued support of the school community!
Judith and Erika

Auslan stands for: Australian sign language.
It is the language of the Deaf community. At IHM your children have been learning the Auslan signing alphabet. Fingerspelling is one way of spelling words when there is not a sign. Auslan fingerspelling is also used to spell out names of people and places.
Practice fingerspelling and signing the alphabet with your children. See if they can make words using fingerspelling.
Can they sign their name? A friend's name. Can they fingerspell their sight words?
Happy Signing,
Miss Mary
School Fee statements will be sent home with the eldest child by Week 3 this term. A reminder that families can still apply for School Card. If eligible they can receive a 40% discount on school fees. Applications can be made online or see Julie in the Office for an application form.
Soccer Season 2024
The 2024 NWJSA Soccer Season commences on Saturday 11th May. The soccer registration and top hire fee of $60.00 can now be paid (either via Qkr! under Excursions/Activities or in the Office) and soccer tops can be collected from the Office.
Students wear the hired school soccer top, navy shorts, navy knee high socks and must wear shin guards.
Coaches can collect their soccer kit from the Office from Monday 6th May. Teams will be advised of their training day by their coaches.
Hoping all our students representing IHM this season have fun playing soccer.
Important Dates
Yr 5 & 6 ACHPER Sport Leadership Day
9am Assembly - Led by SRCs
9am Mass - 2/3 HW
9am Assembly - Led by R/1M & R/1T
Mother's Day Breakfast from 8:30am
SAPSASA Cross Country Championships
National Simultaneous Storytime - 10:30am
9am Assembly - Led by 1/2 K & 2/3 HW
Family Mass at Sacred Heart Church - 9am
Scholastic Book Fair - 27th - 31st May
9am Mass - 3/4 P & 4/5 F
Pupil Free Day
King's Birthday Public Holiday
Orientation Morning - 9:00 - 10:30am
9am Assembly - Led by 5/6 L
Receptions Transition Visit - 9:00 - 11:30am
Receptions Transition Visit - 9:00 - 11:30am
End of Term 2 - 3:00pm Finish
9am Assembly - Led by 3/4 P & 4/5 F
Semester 1 Reports emailed to families
St Mary's College - STEM Adventures
