Week 3 Term 4 2022

Recent News
Dear Parents,
Welcome to Week 3!
Year 5/6 Camp
This week I had the pleasure of attending the Year 5/6 Camp at Woodhouse in the Adelaide Hills. It was wet and rather cool but the weather did not dampen the children’s spirits at all! The children were so happy, fully immersed in fun learning and adventure, experiencing the physical and mental obstacles of Challenge Hill, hiking, laser skirmish and more. All were having a fantastic time and the students were exemplary in their behaviour and conduct. If you haven’t already seen photos, some have been included here or check them out on our Facebook page.
Towards 2027 IHM School Strategic Plan
The Strategic plan is a futures focussed document, outlining our areas of priority and focus. The Strategic Intentions that shape the document are to:
1. Strengthen Heart Spirituality and Catholic Identity
2. Lead High Quality Teaching and Learning
3. Promote Student Agency, Identity and Wellbeing
4. Build and Engaged and connected Community
5. Support a Sustainable Future
The leadership team and staff have worked on this, considering research, data and the best ways we can achieve our vision and be a school which ensures that children flourish in every way, today and in the future. All available data has been considered (including student and parent survey results, student literacy and numeracy data etc). The School Board have also endorsed this draft.
I also invite families to provide any comments or feedback. Should you wish to read the document and provide feedback, please let Julie know and she will forward you an electronic or hard copy.
Sports Day
Our Twilight Sports day was a fabulous child centred event with children, families and staff delighting in every child’s participation and achievement. We were so very fortunate with the lovely weather and it was great to see all children ‘giving it a go’, doing their best and encouraging one another.
Well done to every child for participating and special congratulations to the winning teams – Hartzer (Green) won the Team Performance Trophy and Beovich (Yellow) was awarded the Spirit of the Heart Shield.
Special thanks to Che Murray, our PE teacher and to all staff for ensuring it was such a success.
Volunteers wanted at IHM for 2023
With COVID restrictions now having less of an impact within the school and community, we are looking to build up our volunteers to help in a variety of roles next year. Please consider helping out in any of these areas on a regular or when you can basis:
- Listening to Reading - helping children have someone hear them read each day assists in their reading proficiency
- Gardening - helping with basic planting, tidying and upkeep of garden beds.
- Parents and Friends Group - we are wanting to welcome more new members to this important group. The meetings are just once per term. The Parents and Friends organise social gatherings for parents as well some fundraising and community events.
- LAP - The Learning Assistance Program supports individual children build a positive relationship and confidence. The LAP volunteer meets with the individual child once per week and the activities can range from playing games, helping with schoolwork or projects. This has proven to be a very rewarding experience for both the volunteers and children involved and I thank our current LAP volunteers.
- Sharing your Skills/Talents - If you have a particular interest or talent which you would be happy to share with the children through some sort of project (such as cooking, craft, chess, dance, bird watching, digital tech etc), please let Annette or myself know and we can develop a project or some once off sessions.
Police Clearances
Please note that in order to volunteer at IHM (in any capacity) you will need to have the following:
- Current ‘Working with Children Check’ (WWCC) – this is free for volunteers and can be organised with Julie – 100 point ID check needed. If you already have a WWCC, simply forward the email you would have received from the Department of Human Services (DHS). We can then associate you as a volunteer at IHM.
- Complete the online course ‘Responding to Abuse and Neglect’ for volunteers.
Blessings to all for a happy and healthy week!
Pauline Kinsman
We talk to our students a lot about mindfulness and is a practice we adopt here at IHM across all classes in different ways. Below is some information about mindfulness and how you can Practice Mindfulness.
What is Mindfulness?
Simply put, mindfulness is living in the now, or in the present. When we are mindful, we become aware and conscious of things around us and within us. Mindfulness is the intentional act of paying attention and being completely engaged with whatever is happening around us.
Extensive research on mindfulness has shown that when people are not actively or deliberately paying attention to something, our brains “switch off” or flip into “default mode.” In default mode, our minds are inundated with criticism, self-judgment, negative chatter and worry. In contrast to default mode, when we purposefully pay attention to things, we activate our senses. This helps eliminate elements of worry, judgment and self-criticism. The practice of mindfulness may be challenging in the beginning but over time, it helps us develop curiosity, acceptance and a greater sense of awareness.
There are two main ways of practising mindfulness. The first is ‘formal’ practice, otherwise known as mindfulness meditation. This means sitting in a chair doing nothing other than paying attention in a mindful way, whether that’s for 40 minutes or doing a mini meditation for one minute. The second way to practise mindfulness is ‘informal’ practice. This means being mindful in our day-to-day life while we’re doing things, for example, paying attention when in class, while driving or washing the dishes.
Meditation is a traditional pathway. Mindful meditation can be practised in a variety of ways such as moving attention through various parts of the body (body scan) or concentrating on the breathing. In either case, you’re using the sense of touch while observing (but not reacting to) any thoughts or feelings that come up. Simply practise noticing experiences, thoughts and emotions with a sense of curiosity rather than judgment and, if the attention wanders to the past or the future, keep gently bringing the attention back to the body or breathing.
Here’s how to give breath meditation a try:
- Let yourself be free of any expectations about how the meditation should go
- Adopt a relaxed but upright sitting posture with the eyes closed
- When settled, using the sense of touch, focus the awareness on the breath
- Observe and acknowledge what’s being experienced in that moment, without trying to change thoughts or feelings or to solve any problems that arise
- Focus as you breathe at the point where the air enters and leaves the body
- If strong thoughts or feelings arise, practise making space for them without resisting or fighting them, all the while gently refocusing the attention back on the breath.
After the time you gave to practise, gently open your eyes, reconnect with the environment, and then gently move onto whatever needs your attention. You may want to start with five or 10 minutes of meditation once or twice a day and then build it up as you become more comfortable with the practice.
To learn more about how you can support the Social and Emotional Learning and Wellbeing of your child visit Be You (formerly Beyond Blue) https://beyou.edu.au/fact-sheets
Vinnies Christmas Appeal
Christmas can be a very difficult time for families, particularly those who are experiencing poverty and disadvantage. The support from our IHM families helps assist St Vincent de Paul to support the people who turn to them for help over the festive season. Together as a community we can make a real difference to their lives.
IHM will support the Vinnies Christmas Appeal in 2022 and ask families to help by sending donations to contribute to your child’s class Christmas hamper.
R/1’s - Toys
Puzzles, games, dolls, blocks, science kits, action figures, baby toys, toys for the beach.
Year 2’s - Christmas Theme
Decorations, puddings, cakes, Christmas bon bons, tinned ham
Year 3’s - Food
Pre-packed foods e.g. pasta, rice, noodles, tinned veggies, soups, baked beans
Years 4/5 and 5/6 - Food
Baby food, formula, tea, coffee, milo, jam, juices, honey, long life milk.
A member of the St Vincent de Paul Society will collect donations during the final week of school.
You can also make your own online $ donation: https://donate.vinnies.org.au/christmas-appeal
Our SRC Reps and House Leaders will oversee the Vinnies Christmas Appeal.
Have a happy and safe fortnight.
Annette Diassinas
Important Dates
Year 3 Zoo Snooze (10th/11th Nov)
Assembly at 9am (Led by Reception/Year One Classes)
Children's University Graduation - Bonython Hall
Orientation Morning - New Receptions
Parent Information Session - 'Positive Education at IHM'
Year 4 Monarto Excursion & IHM Sleepover (17th/18th Nov)
Pupil Free Day
Book Fair (21st - 26th Nov)
Transition Visit 1 - New Receptions
Year 6 Reflection Day
Assembly at 9am (Led by 1/2 H Class)
Transition Visit 2 - New Receptions
End of Year Concert
Welcome Liturgy & Morning Tea
Year 2 School Sleepover
Year 6 Aquatics Day
Semester 2 Reports Distributed
Meet the Teacher
End of Year Mass & Graduation - Sacred Heart Church
End of Term 4 - 3:00pm Finish

A big congratulations and well done to our Year 6 student ISABELLA PIESSE who has been selected to represent South Australia (and IHM) at the forthcoming School Sport Australia 12 years and under track and field championships. These will be held in Brisbane from Thursday 17th to Monday 21st November 2022. Good luck Isabella and enjoy the experience.
Lost Property
There are currently numerous items of school uniform (labelled and unlabelled) as well as non-uniform items in the lost property boxes. Parents are welcome to help their children check the lost property boxes in the Office at anytime. Please remember to label all school uniform, especially hats, jackets, beanies, windcheaters. Thank you.
P & F News

We have a few upcoming fundraisers and activities planned for this busy term, so keep an eye on the newsletter for further details.
We are always happy to welcome new parents and caregivers to be involved with the P & F and we meet once a term to catch up and plan ahead. If you would like to be involved please reach out to us or contact the Office for more details.
Nadia & Kate
Positive Education at IHM

Parent Information Session
You are invited to attend this FREE session being held here at IHM on WEDNESDAY 16th NOVEMBER from 6:30 - 7:30pm.
This session will explain:
- What the Positive Education Model is (PERMA+)
- Background into how and why it was developed
- A look at how we are embedding the PERMA+ model into classrooms at IHM.
Please RSVP your attendance by emailing the Office: info@ihm.catholic.edu.au by Monday 14th November.
Pupil Free Day - Friday 18th November

OSHC Bookings
Families are reminded that there is a Pupil Free day on Friday 18th November. If you require care for your child/ren on this day please ensure you make a booking as soon as possible. Camp Australia need to know how many will be in attendance so the correct number of staff can be rostered on. To date they have only received one booking.